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How come smart & guy don't mix?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Really I mean, I am a separated female age 39 who still loves her stupid husband, even though he has slept with every girl in our town in the last year, while living through his 7 yr itch - which unfortunately for him - GAVE HIM A LIFETIME OF ITCHES - HERPES... How can some men who are so smart and intelligent about some things, be so stupid.

I am not a hot mama, I am 5'5, 240 lbs, with blond/white hair, blue eyes, no job, no car, no money and I am gonna be 39 in 3 days, but one right after the other the phone rings in an urgency I have never seen before... and they all (the brother, the boss, and the best-friend of my husband), all say he was stupid for leaving me... cause now on top of herpes, he no longer has the love of his beautiful caring wife - but I say for the boss, the brother and the best-friend - it's better for them i suppose. :rolleyes: :

So this leaves me with a misunderstanding I can't even seem to fathom, so I thought I would run it past you all, and see what you can come up with, to help me decide what exactly is happening to me.

Here's the deal... I am recently sober from drugs, after a short stint in jail for possession... but now I have 8 months clean, I was only in jail for 4 months. When I came home, even though my husband hasn't lived with me for over a year, I thought he would want to see me, to see I wasn't using drugs, but he is hiding out... and so I played the "I'M GONNA MAKE YOU AND YOUR GF'S MISERABLE FOR ABOUT MONTH"... but then I kinda lost interest. :confused:

I mean that they all call everyday, and try to get me to fit them in to my sexual calender... some bringing gifts, some money... this is a hoot! :crazyeyes

So first we have the BOSS (this is my husbands old boss, and was one of his best-friends for over 10 years), now they barely speak at all... and this is because of me. When my husband found out I was sleeping with David, he got jealous - why I don't know... He wasn't living with me at the time... What he expected me to just sit back and watch him with every girl in town - psss... that will be the day.

Anyhow, his boss, David the 1st time I made love/69/kissing with him - he was in shock and told me he thought that Michael (my husband) was fool, that if he were available and he had married me - he would never ever have let me go! I see him at least once or twice a month... He has his own business, his own house! But unlucky for me a live-in gf - who for some reason doesn't like to sex.... duh, drop her! Now David is being stupid if you ask me, but nobody listens to my advice!

Then we have Ivan, I met him online in Connecticut chat room... he took me out on a date. We went to dinner, then to the mall to see a movie... well just trying to get through dinner without molesting one another was hard, walking in the mall without tearing each others clothing off - was harder... we got a room, and had POWER SEX... He is just 25, he has a gf (she is just 17), never had NOOKIE. He says he loves the way I make love, and he loves my femimine mound - but I am toooo oooollllddd for him to date... and he went home to mommy after our allnight date, and told her he had sex with a married women who was separated from her husband because she used to do drugs... STUPID! Why would you have wonderful great awesome sex, and then go home and tell MOMMY! I don't get it.

Next we have the bestfriend... he thinks Michael (my husband) is an asshole... and laughs when he's with me, because Michael doesn't get any anymore... since he caught HERPES... That's new sex partner, HERPES is that a he or a she? :chin:

Are any guys out there, smart enough to realize when you got a girl who loves you, and who wants to make you happy sexually, and is able to make you happy sexually, who is not a dog, and who is willing to work with you to make a relationship work... how come you can't committ? how cum you can cum all day and all night, but not in a relationship or a marriage? :banghead:

I can't be the only one with this problem, there must be thousands upon thousands of people who can find sex, but can't get get a love worth fighting for... I love hard, play hard...

Treat my bf/spouse with care, and determination and I devoted to making them happy...


Beats me... lynn


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If it's any consolation, there are some smart guys..you just haven't found them yet?
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    Dr PirateDr Pirate Posts: 8,303 Legendary Poster
    Probably not wise to have your e-mail addy in there, people like to spam =\.

    I know sort of what you mean, for a while I couldn't find a girl that wasn't emotionally unstable ;( but then I found someone... we were together quite a while and for a time, it was good.

    I don't think I'm gonna be able to move on, and I'm sure she isn't either. Maybe you and your husband need to work things out? =\
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I had no idea your 39.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I reckon not using sweeping sexist statements such as "How come smart & guy don't mix?" might help your cause - I'd immediately be put off you with an attitude like yours.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I feel for you, i really do. But to tell you the truth, i would probably tell you to drop all the other guys. While you are with them in that way they dont feel the need to respect you. You need to learn how to love yourself for who you are, dont point out bad points like you have in your post, remember who you are and make men respect you before they sleep with you. Personally i think that would make love easier to find. Im not going into a massive feminist rant, promise! :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    :confused: why do u keep refering to yourself as a slut?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i was trying to make a strange situation funny?

    Not that what I said wasn't true, but I didn't need to describe it like I did... I have been down that road of love, and look what it got me a husband who is afraid to show his face to me, because he got HERPES when cheating on me.

    I find sarcacism and dry humor appealing, apparently I thought I could charm my way into your hearts with dark humor... I am sorry and will change my post to a more fitting description of what is really going on...

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I found the post very entertaining.
    Smart guys do exist you just have to find the right one for you, your husband (if he didn't have herpes) may find another woman and be able to fall totally in love with her and never cheat on her even if she doesn't give him great sex or love him back as mush as you did. I've being in situations where I haven't being loved or sexed very well but was so much in love it didn't matter to me, then I've also being in the situation where I've being totally and utterly adored and loved by a girl who would do absolutely anything for me who also gives me great sex and trys anything and everything in the bedroom but I'm always tempted to cheat. Hope that makes sense but basically he's obviously not the right guy for you and it doesn't matter what you do or how much you love him or how great the sex is he will never love you back.

    hope that makes a little bit of sense
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Why do you keep shouting the word herpes at me? It's early, and it's putting me off my coffee.

    So your husband cheated on you? Terrible tragedy, awful, I feel sorry for you, &c. But if all you're going to do is moan about it then, well, sympathy has a short half-life.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Men and women often express emotional intelligence in different ways.
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