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relationship problems

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

hi, i have some relationship problems, me and my finacee, have been together now a year and five months, this is the longest relationship i have been in, and now things between us are getting bad, i cant handle her arguments anymore, we used to get along, all before she was diagnosed with a mental health disorder, and to make matters worse she was told not only did she have one disorder she has 2, one of wich makes her paranoid and all clingy and the other makes her afraid to go out, the other night we drove from aberdeen to glasgow, and we stayed with my family for the night before driving back with my cousin, because she wants to start a life in aberdeen, my dad hates me driving so he took my car and got a train ticket for the next day, so i couldnt sit in the front becasue my fiancee, doenst know my cousing and her disorder would make her highly anxious and she wouldnt be comfortable, so i decided to sit in the back, and the entire way there i caught up with my cousin, but when we got home my fiancee accused me of ignoring her and really kicked off, she phoned me at two in the moring shouting the odds down the phone, i tried to talk to her to calm her down but she kept comming, then i decided i had to go because my father was up at 7 the next day to leave for glasgow again, and my cousin needs her sleep because she has insomnia ad doesnt know when the next time she will sleep. so today i open my emails and low and behold, a virtual suicide note, saying how i ignored her and she cant handle anything and how much pain she is in, and how she is going to end it all. this has happened before but now its like every week and i feel like i have to constantly ask her if she is ok incase shes about to kill herself, this has only come about in the past 7 months, the arguing has always been her, and i am happy with her when we are together becasue we never argue, but when we are apart she cant handle it i have told her she needs help and i have told her she will lose me if she doesnt learn to handle things, i know that sounds harsh because of her conditions but at the same time, theres nothing more i can do, i have tried it all. and am at a loss, can someone help?
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