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wot to do?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
i split with my b/f 3 weeks ago and recently ive been chatting to one of his closest mates and hes been here for me alot since my ex split wiv me, thing is ilike him more now and im starting to have feelings towards him. Me and my ex r starting to become mates again thing is i dont want to hurt him by getting with his mate!! i dont no what to do cuz his mate is the only one whos been here for me and been able to cheer me up the past few weeks!! do u think i should get with him or just forget about these feelings??? :banghead:


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    That is what happened to me......... if u know there is goin to be no feelings between you and your ex again then go for it, i made the mistake of going with the friend n then goin back with my ex. caused all sorts of argumeants, i would say that could be the only real reason for not! after all its not your fault its his mate!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ouch id get out this situation and fast!
    After i broke up with an ex i started sleeping with his best mate cos "he was such a good support after the break up".It ended terribly messy.And my ex was so devastated when he found out..
    Your probably feeling pretty vunerable at the moment since your break up and your looking for some kind of support.Its great you have someone to talk to,but really it would be soooo dangerous to let this lead anywhere so soon after.Wait a while for things to cool off a bit then see if you still have these feelings.
    Also would you really want to become your ex and his mate if your ex still had feelings?
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