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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru

The new bill thats going through talks about the banning of Shrooms, but it also contains other retrograde features;

Possession with intent to supply. People with 'more'drugs than is reasonable for "personal use" are guilty of possession with intent.

Drug searches, dibble will have to obtain written consent for intimate searches but if the person refuses to consent and is later charged with a drug offence then, that "unreasonable refusal to consent" will go against them in court.

Extended detention of drug suspects. Dibble have 96hrs but the new law doubles to 192hrs to allow the passing through their system of anything that may have been swallowed.

Forced drug abuse assessment and treatment will make non-attendance a crime.

Some of these clauses may never come into law, some will have consultations on how they will function in practice, and some may be modified or repealed.

Has anyone else heard/read/seen anything? as i've looked on a few sites but didn't have much luck.

Have a nice relaxing week-end all, john


  • JadedJaded Posts: 2,682 Boards Guru
    The E-Politix site has a breakdown of the Drugs Bill 2005 here and there is an outline here .
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thanx you, Madam Moderatrix LadyJade ;)

    >>>The Home Office has stressed that the changes to legislation will be backed by "massive investment in drug treatment and rehabilitation," which appears to suggest that the legislative changes will mean large increases in the number of people forced to undergo treatment and rehab<

    WOW! What treatments and what Rehab's?????????????????

    Hmmmmmmmmnnnn, must be the reason for the rise of Christian Houses (Narconon)

    Are they now prescribing Ritlain for crack misuse??? What about Alcohol detoxification centres?

    It doesn't elaborate much on the Possession of drugs, maybe they'll be lenient and class - 5 E's, 1 Gm Coke, 28gms Cannabis as personal use :yippe:

    anyway, have a nice week-end, john
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Narconon are not Christian. They are run by the Scientologists.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hello Blag'

    What is their philosophy? Please dont tell me that they're humanist

    www.factnet.org/Scientology/medfraud.htm?FACTNet - 23k -

    There is indeed worry about Narconon. They're setting up detox/rehabs with vitamins only used. B12.

    Thou is good for Alcohol recovery (helps stop the cravings), and for 'middle class social user's' it wont work for everyone, the same as in which 'Detox 5' mentality.

    I cant find a link/source or clarification, but, in my own estimation, twleve steps has the highest fallout rate from therapy in substance misuse.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru

    That made very little sense. :confused:
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Interesting they say 'massive increase in funding for treatment' other government sources would say otherwise.

    The recent report leaked suggested that in real terms the increase in funding from 2001 to 2005 is only 12%.

    I havent heard of Ritalin being prescribed for cocaine abusers, but Dex has and is used with some success.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Guten morgen Bong,

    i was being sarcastic in my reply. The GMC did produce guidlines to prescribeing GP's last year, which neigh on included everything but.

    my own take is, why prescribe Ritalin to under 16's, which in my book 'could' lead to an unwanted addicition, as, as you may allready know that it is an ampthetamine like drug. I could expand further, and tell you what i read in a report last year eg, leakage onto black market, crushing them up, but without a 'link'to clarify this, this would be taken out of context and only taken as 'speculation' so i'll let you learnt knowledge surmise the rest.

    ps, not sure if you know, but last year the Swiss started prescribeing it to cocaine addicits in specialist precribeing clinics. I'm not sure of any collated data, but i did read that things were going well. I may have a flick through the web, so if your interested, i'll let you know of any relevent interesting findings.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I know about ritalin, and yes of course some does leak to the black market, it is however seen to be very effective with some children who have serious ADD or ADHD.

    It isnt, or at least the precribing guidelines say, the first line of action for a GP, but rather something to use as a last resort.
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