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Benzo's & Heroin..........

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
Benzo alert!!!

Now, i dont suggest that anyone on this board takes street smack, but a new survey conducted by the Scottish drug forum, does say that (Benzo's) they have become the third most popular drug of abuse up in wee bony Scotland. (Ache aye!) If think everyone knows the dangers of mixing Benzo's with Alcohol and/or opiates.

There has indeed been an increase in Benzo use here in England too enanating from a varity of manufacturers, in which some create a 'hangover' effect from their use, which was perhaps less common when everyone was using Roche's Vallium, who's patent (or monopoly?) ran out a couple of years ago, anyway nuff of the banal chit-chat -


Some shysters are selling ' Warfarin' (3mg, blue in colour like 10mg diaz, scored on back with WBP/ W printed on the score side). It's crucial to check Benzo's carefully should you be scoreing on street, and not to really buy off people that ypou dont know or trust. If your not sure, never take more than one till that you are sure, as just a hanfull of Warfarin can lead to bleeding.

Help needed with study of occasional and controlled heroin use

Many people believe that dependency will ultimately cause the Heroin user a number serious problems - particularly invlovment in crime and personal degeneration. Contrary to popular beleif, some people have lenghty histories of occasional heroin use, others may use heroin more regularly, even dependently, but in a controlled way that generates few of the problems associated with the drug. The majority wont be in touch with treatment agencies.

The Institute for Criminal Policy Research at Kings College London is currently conducting a Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) study examining this phenomenom.

The institute is collecting info via an online survey and through in-depth interviews. The survey is open tp anyone who has used in the last six months.

If you, or anyone you may know, would be interested in taking part, please visit the website and complete the survey ~


Institute for Criminal Policy Research: www.kcl.ac.uk/icpr

Joseph Rowntree Foundation: www.jrf.org.uk

Heroin Warning ~

Agencies and organisations around the UK has recieved warnings that there is some brown going around that contains Lithium and Ketamine. The batch is very dark brown in appearence and a number of users have already OD'd following it's use. The revival is difficult if heroin contains Ketamine becouse of the effects with Naltrexone (the opiate antagonistic used when treating heroin OD's) this will reuslt in a delay becouse the ambulance crew wont be able to revive the patent, thus they are then taken to hospital for resuscitation. The long delay in reviving the patient means there is a higher risk of permanent brain damage and death.

It seems to be occuring in the North West of England at the moment. Signs to watch out for could be: tremors, having strange visualisations not usual for opiates, blurred vision, diarroea, lack of coordination.

If you have any information or concerns on this issue, then call Release, ask for Colin or Sue.


  • JadedJaded Posts: 2,682 Boards Guru
    Can I ask again that you source the above information john the hippy? A link to where you cut and pasted it from would be fine. Thanks.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    yes post links ya fucking weirdo :P
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    There's mis-spellings throughout, so i doubt it's from a proper source...

    Very strange poster you are, Mister John the Hippy :confused: .
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    excuse my ignorance but wtf are benzo,s?? never heard that one before.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    benzos - benzodiazepines. Things like valium, temazepam etc.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Heeeeeeeeeeey, dudes :eek2:

    i didn't cut and paste, and the answer is in the original post.

    *****LadyJade, if you re-read the post, it does say for further information contact.....

    The point of the post was to highlight the influx in imported jack'n' jills from India via the internet. Benzo's are taken by many drug user's, including clubbers to help with sleeping and the comedown. I'm not a biochemist so i cant elaborate on the internal bleeding etc etc.
  • JadedJaded Posts: 2,682 Boards Guru
    I'm afraid that if you can't supply the source I have no choice but to close the thread. You have been warned about posting unsubstantiated information before John the Hippy. I trust you won't do it again.
This discussion has been closed.