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Feeling like im being taken fo granted

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
...........so for the past 5/6 months I just feel that im being taken for granted. Running here and there for eveyone, its like ive forgotten how to actually live and have a life. Someone is always wanting me to do this or that, never having any me time and its wearing me down. I cant just be spontaneous anymore cos I have to be somewhere doing something for someone (family).

Because of situations out of my control im feeling like I am 'having' to cope. Everyone sees me and they 'think' im dealing with my own problems, but im not im just hiding my feelings. I have not had time to grieve after losing a close family member cos im too busy looking after everyone else and making sure they are ok.

I lack energy, I have no get up and go and half the time just cant be arsed. I just really need to get out of this rut........but how ?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You have to explain to them that you are not coping like they are assuming and that you can't keep supporting them like you have been.
    :yes: agreed.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I wish it was that simple for me to go away and yeah that would be the ideal solution but that cant come into the equasion, ive got to be here for dad cos nobody else is.
    Its now ive really seen the other side to certain family members, they dont give any support blah blah. You know pretty much the story (ellie that is and i dont wanna go into the nitty gritty here), but basically in a nutshell theres only me left here in the picture so I couldnt do what the rest have and just turn their backs on Dad.
    As your aware my life has been on hold since December time and I thought things would get easier but thats not the case. Becasue of lack of family help im still here left alone to cope and deal with things ie dad.
    Then to top it all ive got the other half off work and thats probs gonna be a long haul, I think its gonna be a couple of months thing cos he cant work as he is, so not only am I running about after Dad, running Becks everywhere im also running around like a headless chicken after my hubby........so hmmmm.
    Suppose i'll just plod on like I always do, thats all I can do.
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