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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
As you may know my cousin and i are days away from doing our first heavy shroom journey.

Anyone do their best to describe the times they have been flying?
What you felt, seen, heard?
good or bad


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You write like you are preparing for the end of the world, 30 grms of phillipian/hawian is a light weight experience,gave me loads of confidence and made me go hectically wild,rushing around getting things done, also ended up talking like an American after watching the "burbs", if its a heavy one what grames of mushrooms are you taking.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    When i do them with my friends we find the outside is a lot more fun, especially once its dark. A lot of people feel like ther guna throw up at first, but then it gets better, sometimes u dont have a great time and sometimes its fucking amazing. I'd recommend taking a good walk around at nite while on them, u'll enjoy it.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Most surreal experience of my life. Totally removed from reality.

    I was with my mates in my flat. They went off to the bedroom but I stayed in the living room at the start just to listen to music. It started off with just random laughing, felt so happy and giddy and just laughed lots. Then vision went a bit but I only noticed it properly when my mate walked in, and his face was total fuzzy at the edges and the reds in his cheeks became very vivid. Things went a bit mad, started feeling sick, so went to toilets to be sick, I didn't worry though, because I heard it's normal when you're coming up, so I let it happen and it felt good.

    That's where things started to get really mad. Felt totally fine after being sick but the tripping was just beginning. Greens and Reds become especially pronounced. I went to lie on my bed and colours were swirling round the air even though it was quite dark. I looked at my Fear and Loathing poster (which is quite trippy anyway) and everything was just swirling and moving on it. Like a 3D effect with those silly glasses. Very enjoyable.

    Was with my mates in the living room after all that madness. TV was on, which was interesting. You know on ITV news, in the studio, they have moving images of the story in the background? Well that totally tripped me out and I had to change the channel. Conversations are a bit mad. Some strange stuff, and even if it isn't strange, it may as well be. Your brain struggles to make sense of simple things and your head can become fried. Speaking can become disjointed and requires alot of thought. Don't even attempt to text, the letters just move around and it will fry you even more.

    It's a great experience but I took too much and it lasted far too long. By the end I just lay in bed, eyes closed, and tried to sleep. I'll not even get started on the dreams I was having.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i once stood gazing at the railway station which had turned from red brick to crystal ...i could see the people coming up the stairs and into the main groundfloor level and then leaving the building into the street.
    there was no break whatsoever in the illusion/hallucination ...
    if i saw through the bricks which were now crystal ...a man carrying a brolly then he would imerge into the street ...then a couple holding hands ...then a guy with a parcel etc ...don't ask me to explain but i was that dumbstruck and determined to figure it out i must of stood watching this scene for about twenty minutes before i had to move oin as it got to much for my head to handle.
    i went back a little while later whilst still tripping ...npo matter how hard i tried it wouldn't do it again.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    sounds like a good batch of shrooms rolly, i've never had strong visuals like that but then i've never really pushed the limits........i can confirm outside is definitely better, living in the sticks is cool cos we do the whole camping thing and it's like a mini adventure, only ever done shrooms indoors once and it was good but sometimes you just want to go for a wander.......
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    People used to explore the dimensions of reality by taking LSD to make the world look weird. Now the world is weird and they take Prozac to make it look normal.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    As you may know my cousin and i are days away from doing our first heavy shroom journey.

    Anyone do their best to describe the times they have been flying?
    What you felt, seen, heard?
    good or bad
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