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Ex-partner problems

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Ok, I got a bit of a problem.

I broke up with my ex partner of a year over 2 months ago. When we started going out it was great - it had been the first time he fell in love and the first time he let someone get to know him fully. He told me he loved me a few months into the relationship and I felt the same. Shortly after that, I had an argument with my parents, and, in my crazy state, rang him and told him that I didn't love him anymore. He was obviously gutted and torn inside.

He became violent and mentally abusive to me, didn't pay me attention, didn't care. I knew it wasn't going to work out, and I tried to leave the relationship lots of times, in which he would pull me back in, saying he couldn't do without me, loved me, etc. He minipulated things and made them out to be my fault most of the time, which, in turn made me stay. This dragged on for a number of months. Then enough was enough and I finally left him feeling used and like shit.

He then told me recently that he had cheated three times with three different women. I was gutted. He said the reason for this was because I told him I didn't love him that time. I understand how I made him feel by making the mistake of telling him I didn't love him even tho I did, but he could have broken up with me before seeing other people. I even asked him if he was cheating - as I suspected but he said no, ill never do it, etc. I have been honest and totally faithful in the relationship, although I was very very unhappy, I stuck with him until I couldn't take anymore.

I haven't spoken to him since, but he has been bombarding me with e-mails, messgaes and stuff. Luckily he hasn't been phoning me as I blocked and changed my number.

I was angry and very bitter, but im not anymore. He sent me an e-mail saying that he is sorry, he know he has done wrong, and that he wants forgiveness. He also says that he can change, and that he wants to get my trust again. I would never go back out with him, but in terms of friendship, I don't know what to do. I have not spoken to him for about 2 months - I have ignored his e-mails and messages, and he says he can't take it anymore.

Thing is, I don't trust him enough to build up a friendship with him. Under no circumstances will I give him my mobile number or tell him where I live (I have recently moved), so I don't see it happening!! But in some other way, I still want to just make sure he is ok. I dont know if this makes sense, and I don't know what to do.

Any suggestions/comments will be good. Thanks.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It makes sense how you're feeling.
    If i was you, i'd try and keep him out of my life as obviously he has hurt you in so many ways whether he had reason or not.
    Its always hard to forget someone like that though.
    Maybe you should just have some time away, and then when things have calmed down you could think about being friends just so you know that things are ok with him.
    Problem is with friendship is it could lead to finding feelings for him again...
    But i guess its a risk you have to take.
    Life is too short to hold grudges so just wait a bit and then see how you feel. Hes either part of your life or not.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lexijb wrote:
    It makes sense how you're feeling.
    If i was you, i'd try and keep him out of my life as obviously he has hurt you in so many ways whether he had reason or not.
    Its always hard to forget someone like that though.
    Maybe you should just have some time away, and then when things have calmed down you could think about being friends just so you know that things are ok with him.
    Problem is with friendship is it could lead to finding feelings for him again...
    But i guess its a risk you have to take.
    Life is too short to hold grudges so just wait a bit and then see how you feel. Hes either part of your life or not.
    Thanks for your comment, it is so hard because I do want to give him the chance to show better of himself, but at the same time I don't want to be hurt again, even in a friendship kinda basis. I have left it quite a long time, tho, over 2 months, which may seem like a short amount of time, but considering we used to speak everyday, it's been a long time. Im going away for a week at the end of this month...maybe i'd wait till I get back and see how I feel.

    thanks again!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    you wil never trust him again he has hurt you a lot but if you want to build some bridges and ask him questions with out been near him or talk to him you can do it by e-mail you then dont have to give no numbers or address but if you havent talk to him in 2 months may be you are best with out him and just send him 1 e-mail tellin him how he made you feel and that you are best off on your own men like him ont change they back to the old ways after a few weeks
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Despite you telling him you didn't love him at a time when you had a lot of other concerns on your mind - it doesn't justify the mental and physical abuse you were then forced to endure.

    He had also admitted cheating on 3 accounts with 3 different women. As you said, he could of easily split with you as appose to go out and cheat. It almost seems like he was trying to belittle you, make you feel unwanted and worthless, treat you badly, cheat on you and run you down into the ground to get revenge. Yes he was hurting...but still, there are otherways forward as appose to all the options he decided to take.

    I can understand you still wanting to check up and see if he's ok. Your situation is reminiscent to one I had a few years back which turned abusive and violent when I decided to call off our relationship, which a month later began again. And I was fool for taking him back, but it didn't stop me thinking of him, wanting to know what was happening in his life. I think you should send a final email. Saying that you hope he's ok, but you can never trust him again. That you didn't deserve to be demoralised and treated with so little respect and care, and that it's time you finally called it a day and both moved on, as nothing will come of it. You can't trust him, and you shouldn't. Having a final farewell, in a distanced form i.e. email, will help you to move on from that episode of your life.

    Malt x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I haven't read the other replies, so sorry if I say something someone has already said.

    It seems to me that you know in you heart that you don't want to be his friend. I think you just need to let him go. Perhaps you could email him back and tell him how you feel... that you can't be friends, but that you forgive him and wish him the best of luck in the future.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    JUST realised the date of this thread. This was made nearly 2 months ago. Sorry for replying, and as a bit of advice Ellie2Paige, check out the dates of threads and reply to very recent ones as this is mostly likely all irrelevant to chan-chan's situation now.

    And also remember to use full stops and capital letters at beginnings of sentances as it makes what you're saying a lot clearer to read.

    Welcome :)
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