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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
Anyone had any 1st hand experience with these recreationally? I've read up on them from various sources, but was interested in people's experiences.

I'm thinking of getting hold of some, you see, to help with the day-after-the-night-before.


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Take a look around bluelight.nu, they have alot of people on those boards that use them drugs.

    Where are you from? Valium would be around here but Xanax, i don't think it's sold on the European market.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I have my sources.... :D
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    For the day-after-the-night-before it might be ok. They're addictive things. I got hooked on them after leaving school and was taking about 10 a day before I stopped, didn't know where I was most of the time.

    Just dont start trying 3 - 4 because they might feel a bit too good and then you're in trouble :crazyeyes
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Using sedatives to ease the comedown is potentially rather dangerous and of course adds to the strain on your heart and other organs.

    Never ever mix either of them with alcohol, ketamine, GHB or any other sedative.

    I've had valium in the past, it numbs your mind and puts you to sleep, theres not much more to it than that. It also has a hangover where you feel groggy.

    If you are buying black market pills, be very careful, there are many fakes and suspect pills around.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru

    valium was a bit of fad in these parts about 8 years ago. people used to take them simply to get out of their heads. not much fun reacreationally really - just an out of your head buzz if you take a few. people were taking 2 - 3 10mg pills in a night and not remembering much. took it a few times myself - but i'm not really into that type of buzz.

    ahhh - xanax. took it once. never again. i bought it in Bangkok - in an attempt to knock myself out for the long depressing flight home to ireland. in case you didn't know, you can buy all of these things in chemists all over Bangkok - for very little money, and no questions asked. i took what the "pharmacist" said was a 5mg pill - but I never saw the box close enough to verify this. I took it as we got onto the plane. about 30 mins later i felt sleepy - but never fell asleep. i was insome sort of horrible limbo - doped up but awake. :nervous: it was a nightmare flight and i wish i hadn't taken it. i couldn't sleep but at the same time i couldnt stay fully awake and have a beer or watch a film - i was in no mans land. i have no idea if they were 5mg tabs but whatever it was it was strong - but not strong enough to knock me out. not very enjoyable and i wouldnt take them again. the others took two 10mg's of valium and were out like lights for most of the flight.

    i learned when i got back that xanax is used as pre op drug to calm surgery patients down before they go under the knife. stops anxiety etc. blocks some higher brain functions or something. it didnt really relax me, as i wasn't anxious anyway, it just doped me up. a nurse friend of mine said that the most she would give to a patient is 2.5mg and said that if i did take 5mg, i must have been out of my mind - and that it was a silly drug to be messing around with.

    BTW the "5mg" pill cost 50p!!!!
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I wouldnt trust a back street chemist in that part of the world to give me the proper drug.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i wouldnt trust them either. but then again most people have, at some stage, taken drugs bought from dealers they do not know - and will probably never see again. my friends had been to bangkok twice before and had bought their valium, for flying, from the same chemist lady both years - so when i went over with them, they could recommend the place as they had good experience with that particular chemist, and it was the same woman. i wouldn't have called this place a back street chemist - it was reasonably reputable, in a good area of the city and had a fixed address, which is always good! "that part of the world" is mad - yes, but the people are generally very nice and trustworthy.

    otherwise i wouldn't have have taken it - you would be mad to do so especially with a long flight ahead of you.

    on a side note....

    in Cambodia, you can buy viagra, indian viagra (such as penegra and kamagra), ketamine and ether in the chemists. crazy that they can sell this shit legally and over the counter. the locals seemed to stay away, but tourists loved it. i suppose the gov over there can't begrudge the locals the business by banning the stuff - although i did hear from a friend over there recently that ketamine is not as commonly available as before. probably for the best, that stuff is usually too strong to be readily available.

    on another side note......

    indian viagra mixed with real viagra produced some very, very big results. there is nothing more surprising than going for a wee at a urinal and looking down to see this levaithan fall out of you pants. hilarious! not for the faint hearted, because with this mix, there is so much blood in your willy, there is a good chance of fainting. of course - we knew about the mix - you'd be mad to just lob two drugs together like that without prior experience.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ive recently had a short course of diazepam (valium) for a week. made me feel less anxious but now ive stopped, i feel like shit!

    they make you feel tired, dizzy (not nice dizzy like being drunk) and made my nightmares worse!

    Diazepam was the one I got hooked on. I actually started using it as a replacement for getting drunk. During that time kids were just walking around the streets out of their heads here, so it was easily done.

    It just turned me into a zombie, and the last time I took any it was about 18 pills at college and did nothing to me. Took that to make me realize it was getting out of hand and I never took them again. Cant really say what made me take so many, I think you just start to feel more normal on them than when you're not, when actually your brain has just switched off.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Taken Diazepam. Was drinking as well which I know wasn't wise before anyone shoots me down. Wasn't impressed at all really. Mildly spaced out but nothing to write home about. Downers don't tend to do it for me, but each to their own. Haven't tried them on a comedown but don't think I'd like to get into that game.
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