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Peircing problem

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Basicly my eyebrow is not badly infected but is a little gunky and infected,

nothing serious and i cant go back to were i had it done as its up by my ex's

Anyway whats the best way to draw the infection out and how long could i leave my peircing out

i had it done december 17th, and i am not that fast a healer..

any help would be appriciated


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hellfire wrote:
    Basicly my eyebrow is not badly infected but is a little gunky and infected,

    nothing serious and i cant go back to were i had it done as its up by my ex's

    Anyway whats the best way to draw the infection out and how long could i leave my peircing out

    i had it done december 17th, and i am not that fast a healer..

    any help would be appriciated

    Have you tried (or been recommended) diluted tea-tree oil? Worked a treat on my piercing years ago.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i havent tried ot been recommended it, i've neem using surgical spirit or salt water
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hellfire wrote:
    i havent tried ot been recommended it, i've neem using surgical spirit or salt water

    ... both of which are good but tea-tree oil might work slightly better (stronger and more specific antiseptic effect).

    If it's badly infected and nothing else works, there's no harm in popping down to your GP and asking for some antibiotics. Those should shift it as a last resort...

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Stop using Surgical Spirit for a start. Surgical spirit is far too harsh to use on any piercing - particularly eyebrows, because they're notorious for growing out, so any strong solutions on them can cause irritation.

    The only thing I can recommend is salt water; half a teaspoon to one mug of boiled water.

    Ilora x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    whatever you do, NEVER use surgical spirit, never use tea tree oil, only use salt water.

    also dont take it out while its infected, your asking for trouble

    just leave it alone when your not cleaning i, which should be done twice a day.

    just dont keep touching it!! never twist it or anything unless you are cleaning it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    you want to clean it with a benzalkonium chloride solution (Claire's Accessories sell a 280ml bottle of a 5% solution for £4)

    It's clean, painless and a very good antiseptic and will encourage healing much more effectively than saline solution alone, or alcohol based products.

    good luck! :)
    What a load of Bull. You do NOT need to pay £4 for that pile of shite Claire's call 'cleaning solution'. It's nothing more than salt water! And it's no more effective than salt water.

    Claires Accessories should burn in hell. They know NOTHING about body piercing and should not be recommended.

    Ilora x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What a load of Bull. You do NOT need to pay £4 for that pile of shite Claire's call 'cleaning solution'. It's nothing more than salt water! And it's no more effective than salt water.

    Claires Accessories should burn in hell. They know NOTHING about body piercing and should not be recommended.

    Ilora x

    Your talking out your arse you fucking moron! Claires is just one place you can get that stuff and it is good stuff too! Just cos Claires stock it doesn't mean it is less good than anything else! :banghead: You stupid retards thinking you are rebelling by not shopping at anywhere that more than 20 poeple know the name of! Your the one that should burn in hell asshole!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    This is not a playground...
    If you are going to act like children...
    Blah blah blah

    If you are going to use these boards please respect the other users and don't start slanging matches or I will have to take away your toys.

    That is all.

    Susie :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What a load of Bull. You do NOT need to pay £4 for that pile of shite Claire's call 'cleaning solution'. It's nothing more than salt water! And it's no more effective than salt water.

    Claires Accessories should burn in hell. They know NOTHING about body piercing and should not be recommended.

    Ilora x

    That is crap, Ilora. Have you ever used the stuff? I personally do not have the time to continually make up saline solutions and so buying a pre-mixed bottle is super handy. I also use contact lens solution...do you want Boots to burn in hell too? No one said Claires is a great place to get pierced, it was just pointed out that one can purchase a bottle of cleaning fluid there. No one recommended them and no one said they knew loads about body piercing. If the "Claires" label was removed and replaced with a "BME" one I bet you would buy it!

    I would like to add that i do think self-mixed solution is better (at least for the first while or if its gone a bit infected) because it will be warm, which helps to remove all the yucky stuff. However there is nothing wrong with buying a premixed bottle of saline. I have ONLY used the contact lens solution on my daith and it is healing up just nicely.

    Anyways...i would recommend using warm saline to remove the hard crusy stuff (if any) and then soaking a cotton wool ball in the solution and holding it on your piercing for a couple of minutes. Do this twice a day for a couple of days and it should draw out the infection. Dont touch it except when you are cleaning it, like Blahx2 said, and do not remove the jewellery...you dont want the hole to close and the infection get trapped inside! :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Why do people keep making statements about "my type" that are completely false? I'm not the sort of person to only buy something from a certain type of shop because it fits my 'stereotype'. I shop all over the place, from New Look to Black Rose, from Superdrug to Savers!!! So stop making assumptions about me.

    I couldn't care less what label is on a bottle. I've bought pre-bottled saline from Boots myself on occasions!!

    What I am objecting to though, is the recommendation of claires own cleaning fluid, because there's no point paying £4 for something you can make yourself for free and because they're only making the stuff to make money, not because they care about people's piercings.

    When I try to give advice about piercings, I do so because it's something I'm passionate about and something I know a lot about. I take it seriously and would condemn places like Claire's accessories to the deepest hell if I could, because I know what they do with a 'piercing gun' to newborn babies. So please excuse my passion when I talk about Claire's, it's just something I'm dead set against.

    I'm done :)

    Ilora x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    draven wrote:
    That is crap, Ilora. Have you ever used the stuff?
    Haha, yes I have used the stuff before when I was young and gullible :lol:

    Ilora x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Blah_x2 wrote:
    whatever you do, NEVER use surgical spirit, never use tea tree oil, ...

    Totally disagree... tea-tree oil appears to be an accepted and widely-used cleanser in the piercing community and it worked a treat for me many years ago. Note my original post said "diluted tea-tree oil" ... wouldn't ever recommend using it neat for internal stuff.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    droid42 wrote:
    Totally disagree... tea-tree oil appears to be an accepted and widely-used cleanser in the piercing community and it worked a treat for me many years ago. Note my original post said "diluted tea-tree oil" ... wouldn't ever recommend using it neat for internal stuff.


    im sure different things work for different people

    but i have known people to use tea tree oil and end up with a seriously crapped up piercing

    and its not a good idea to recomment tea tree oil to someone when they have an infection. Its best to try a warm saline solution first.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Blah_x2 wrote:
    but i have known people to use tea tree oil and end up with a seriously crapped up piercing

    Yes, because a lot of people use it neat (ouch!). 3 drops in a cup of distilled water is all that's needed and it won't be any more harmful than salty water (if anything, it'll be more dilute and less likely to irritate).

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    droid42 wrote:
    Yes, because a lot of people use it neat (ouch!). 3 drops in a cup of distilled water is all that's needed and it won't be any more harmful than salty water (if anything, it'll be more dilute and less likely to irritate).


    they had problems from using it diluted

    im just going from experience. different people react differently, and tea tree oil may be effective for some people ie you but nobody can have a bad reaction from the right composition of saline solution so surely its the best thing to recommend for an infected piercing, especially the eyebrow.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Blah_x2 wrote:
    they had problems from using it diluted

    im just going from experience. different people react differently, and tea tree oil may be effective for some people ie you but nobody can have a bad reaction from the right composition of saline solution so surely its the best thing to recommend for an infected piercing, especially the eyebrow.

    Yes, ok, you're right. I'm sure that bad reactions to TTO are the extreme minority and in general it's "magic" and effective but saline will be less likely to cause a bad reaction (even if it's not as effective on "some" people).

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I couldn't care less what label is on a bottle. I've bought pre-bottled saline from Boots myself on occasions!!

    What I am objecting to though, is the recommendation of claires own cleaning fluid, because there's no point paying £4 for something you can make yourself for free and because they're only making the stuff to make money, not because they care about people's piercings.

    Bit of a contradiction there...you could and do care because you are objecting to the Claires own kind. Also, you are bitching about buying saline yet you just said you have bought it in the past. Claires are not bottling acid that will melt your ears, they are bottling the same stuff as every other manufacturer. You even said that yourself: You do NOT need to pay £4 for that pile of shite Claire's call 'cleaning solution'. It's nothing more than salt water

    Oh, and word on the street is that ALL shops are out to make money. We live in a convenience culture. Hmmm...i could make a sandwich myself today, but i cant be bothered so Ill buy one from M+S. I could slave over a hot stove for an hour or two, but i cant be bothered so Ill throw in a microwave meal. I could make my own saline solution, but i cant be bothered so Ill buy a premixed bottle.

    What you are saying is entirely irrelevant and is just a rant. This person has his eyebrow pierced. It was not done at Claires and it was (hopefully) not done with a gun. The person was also not a newborn baby when it was done, although i did like that little emotive sentence you threw in ;) There is nothing wrong with Claires solution and the solution, piercing guns and staff training are totally separate issues.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    First of all, are you sure it's infected? Because new piercings do weep a bit, and create a hard yellowy crust on the jewellry, and are obviously going to be sore.

    You could buy a bottle of saline solution, contact lens solution and/or Claire's own cleaning product. Having said that, it's worth bearing in mind that once opened, bottles of cleaning stuff would lose their sterility.

    Most chemists sell sachets of sterile saline solution, for about 50p each. Also, if you're going to use a salt solution (which i would recommend) make sure you boil the water then let it cool, as this sterilises it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i'm not 100% sure whether it'd irritate ur eyebrow piercing, but whenever iv infected myself on a cut or somehting, or when my ear wa sinfected froma piercing, i used TCP... stung a little but it worked in the end
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