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Animal Rights Terrorists



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Rich Kid wrote:
    I'm not writing essays here my friend but let me state one bald fact that you seem to glaringly overlook - the activities of the animal rights terrorists are illegal, they are breaking the law, they're violent criminals.
    I notice you haven't refuted the suggestion that you are an apolgist for this criminal element.

    I'm totally happy with animals being used for medical research. End of story. It benefits Mankind both here and in the Third World, so stop bleating on about the poor suffering little bunnies, they do a grand job for all of us, so don't be such a hypocrite.

    So, no debate there - just glaring tabloid style rhetoric.

    And then you wonder why people give up trying to talk, and decide to take action instead?

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    And then you wonder why people give up trying to talk, and decide to take action instead?
    (the bold lettering in quote has been made by me)

    Lets be precise here with the language my friend.
    We are talking about breaking the law, committing violent acts of criminal damage, making threats to peoples lives and property.
    Things you condone?

    If it was the BNP doing the same to ethnic minorities how would you feel?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    breaking the law

    Like the "government" do?
    committing violent acts of criminal damage,

    Like the "government" do?
    making threats to peoples lives and property.

    Like the "government" do?
    Lets be precise here with the language my friend.

    Theres no difference between a policeman using force to get his own way and anybody else doing it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'd welcome a comment from ftp on the last sentence in my last post. After all as he often points out the need to be "consistent"
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Rich Kid wrote:
    I'd welcome a comment from ftp on the last sentence in my last post. After all as he often points out the need to be "consistent"

    My, my.

    Firstly, don't send me PMs. I don't want them from you.

    Secondly, are you pretending that the BNP don't use violence and threats against ethnic minorities?

    Thirdly, what exactly is a "violent act of criminal damage"?
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    Thirdly, what exactly is a "violent act of criminal damage"?

    Smashing scientists car that works at a research facility, probably, or attacking his home. Which many activists do.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Teh_Gerbil wrote:
    Smashing scientists car that works at a research facility, probably, or attacking his home. Which many activists do.

    You never did explain why your rds-online contains "FACTS" and mine doesn't. Did you forget?

    I'm perfectly aware of what criminal damage is, I'm not clear what "violent criminal damage" is, other than an emotive term.......

    And what exactly does ATTACKING A HOME mean?

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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    Attacking his home would be bricks through the windows, spray pain, smashing it with large objects, etc.

    Its contains facts as explained by another member I beleive as it isn't run by an activist group who's sole aim is to end the very subject matter.

    And you can easily find out that those are facts by doing even the lightest of research and finding out, that, unsuprisingly, YES, those treatmens WERE developed with animal research. It isn't hard.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Please, if you are making a point and the research is so easy, then do it and post a link.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Teh_Gerbil wrote:
    Attacking his home would be bricks through the windows, spray pain, smashing it with large objects, etc.

    Its contains facts as explained by another member I beleive as it isn't run by an activist group who's sole aim is to end the very subject matter.

    And you can easily find out that those are facts by doing even the lightest of research and finding out, that, unsuprisingly, YES, those treatmens WERE developed with animal research. It isn't hard.

    rds.online.org.uk exists to defend animal torture - it pays staff to write documents that support animal torture, and you'd have to be a fool to believe that they would include evidence that disputes the efficacy of animal testing in said documents.

    Are you absolutely sure that your source is superior to mine?

    Yes, I'm sure treatments were developed through the use of animal torture. But we're no longer in the 19th century ........ and there is plenty of evidence that testing drugs on animals does not necessarily make them safe for human consumption.

    Presumably in a debate, one would weigh up the evidence on both sides of the argument. On thesite.org all one can expect is a bunch of reactionary kneejerk tossing, with statements like

    "It's okay to criticise animal research, albeit misguided", and desperate attempts to paint anyone who doesn't accept that line as a "terrorist", whilst decrying the use of a word like torture, because its emotive!

    That seems to be the level of the debate in the wider society, and as a result, some activists have turned to a very effective campaign of direct action, and are, whether you like it or not, having an effect on the debate.
    But rejecting the idea of animal rights out of hand is a mistake. A thoughtful debate badly needs to be opened up here, not closed down. The animal rights movement (most members of which are passionately opposed to violence) has serious things to say. It confronts us with an important critique on a range of human practices that involve the use of animals, raising genuinely difficult ethical concerns. And it challenges us, if we are open to it, to rethink our world view; to reassess how we see ourselves as humans in the bigger scheme of things

    Yet another extremist website

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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    Yes, I agree we aren't living in ages past. Hence, why we don't decree this as evil. It is the greater good. Can you, seriously now, propose an alternative? Experimenting on people? That would never be allowed, someone like the US or the Church would be up in arms. Computer Simulations? Well, probably less reliable than animals.

    You see, there really isn't a fesable alternative yet. So why not wait until there is, rather than halting medical progress? Do you want half the world to die of diseases than can be cured or treated again? I don't. Yes, Animal Research isn't perfect, but damn it, nothing is, we just make do until we can do better. Its the Human way.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    /me tries to steer the topic back on course

    two wrongs dont make a right, so assuming that the general consensus is that animal testing is right or wrong

    attacking someones home and harming them, scaring their famimly half to death, bricking their car windows in, burning their houses down, ad infinitum is wrong

    we have a certain concept in this country that many others around the world dont, its called due process
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    MrG wrote:
    /me tries to steer the topic back on course

    two wrongs dont make a right, so assuming that the general consensus is that animal testing is right or wrong

    attacking someones home and harming them, scaring their famimly half to death, bricking their car windows in, burning their houses down, ad infinitum is wrong

    we have a certain concept in this country that many others around the world dont, its called due process

    Yes indeed. Due process is about apprehending, charging and trying the suspect.

    What this thread is about is about avoiding due process and attempting to inflame public opinion ............... the laws already exist. The real issue here is the inability of the police to catch the offenders.

    Heres an example of the double standards employed in this debate:
    Rich Kid wrote:
    I think its time MI5 & the Police sorted out the so-called Animal Rights activists who are nothing more than terrorists purporting to want to "save" animals whilst terrorising humans!
    In my view they're scum who need to be brought to book. Personally I'd like to use them, instead of animals, for the testing of new drugs, particularly the more dangerous ones!
    Rich Kid wrote:
    I do not agree with abortion (the killing of the innocent unborn), but I do not agree with threatening to kill or injure those engaged in this unholy immoral practice. We should pray that they learn the error of their ways and turn away from this evil practice.

    Which is nice........ and inconsistent as per usual.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    rich kid = pawnd
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    MrG wrote:
    rich kid = pawnd

    Same as ever, read anything he posts in. :/
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    now if someone would do the same with klintock
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    Would Klintock notice though, thats the worrying thing.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    he probly will someday, then he will argue that thesite.org doesnt exist
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    Teh_GerbilTeh_Gerbil Posts: 13,332 Born on Earth, Raised by The Mix
    MrG wrote:
    he probly will someday, then he will argue that thesite.org doesnt exist
    :lol: That would be funny. I want to see that happen.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Teh_Gerbil wrote:
    Yes, I agree we aren't living in ages past. Hence, why we don't decree this as evil. It is the greater good. Can you, seriously now, propose an alternative? Experimenting on people? That would never be allowed, someone like the US or the Church would be up in arms. Computer Simulations? Well, probably less reliable than animals.

    You see, there really isn't a fesable alternative yet. So why not wait until there is, rather than halting medical progress? Do you want half the world to die of diseases than can be cured or treated again? I don't. Yes, Animal Research isn't perfect, but damn it, nothing is, we just make do until we can do better. Its the Human way.

    Lots of people are dying of AIDS.
    The development of live-saving protease inhibitors was delayed for four years by the pharmaceutical company Merck because the drugs killed laboratory dogs and rats, according to the Washington Post Magazine, (1-May-1997). During those four years, tens of thousands of people with AIDS who would have benefited from protease inhibitors died needlessly. Many would now be alive if Merck had not engaged in animal research and made the false assumption that data gathered from other species can be applied to humans. This scandal is further evidence that animal experimentation is hindering the fight agains AIDS.


    See also Shortcomings of AIDS-related Animal Research for an in depth medical critique of the use of animal experimentation vis-a-vis AIDS........

    The 3 R's (Refinement - Replacement - Reduction) are the ideals identified in 1959 by Burch and Russell, which are " widely accepted today as the basic principles of good laboratory animal practice."


    At present they are ideals which are subverted in a similar way that "democracy and freedom" were used to camoflauge nefarious activities.

    It is time that more than lip service was paid to them - and there are already in existence a number of alternatives which should be more widely used. See Altweb for examples.

    Until the 3 Rs become a genuinely intrinsic part of animal research, direct action will continue to be employed against the corrupt corporates ...........
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Anyways, back to Rich Kid for a moment:
    Rich Kid wrote:
    (the bold lettering in quote has been made by me)

    Lets be precise here with the language my friend.
    We are talking about breaking the law, committing violent acts of criminal damage, making threats to peoples lives and property.
    Things you condone?

    If it was the BNP doing the same to ethnic minorities how would you feel?
    Heres an example of the double standards employed in this debate:

    Originally Posted by Rich Kid
    I think its time MI5 & the Police sorted out the so-called Animal Rights activists who are nothing more than terrorists purporting to want to "save" animals whilst terrorising humans!
    In my view they're scum who need to be brought to book. Personally I'd like to use them, instead of animals, for the testing of new drugs, particularly the more dangerous ones!

    Originally Posted by Rich Kid
    I do not agree with abortion (the killing of the innocent unborn), but I do not agree with threatening to kill or injure those engaged in this unholy immoral practice. We should pray that they learn the error of their ways and turn away from this evil practice.

    Which is nice........ and inconsistent as per usual.

    Now, as it goes I see a big difference in someone being targetted because they are not white (a biological fact of birth that cannot be changed) and someone being targetted because they play a supporting role in an industry (a choice that can be changed - and in many cases has been....)

    Heres what I said about anti-abortion avtivists back in February:
    Hmmm we seem to have strayed well away from the topic of the thread.

    Protest is a part of this so-called democracy we live in.

    There will be protests we agree with, and protests that we disagree with.

    And methods of protest that we disagree with.

    Pro-lifers adopting campaigns of harrassment against those involved in abortions is where we started.

    Is it not the case that they should be allowed to express their strongly held beliefs. Isn't that what protest is about?

    If they break the law, then hopefully the law will deal with them.

    If people don't like what they do, they can protest about them.

    ETA: And, rather handily wheresmyplacebo has started a version of the violence/non-violence debate here

    The same goes for the BNP ..........

    It's Rich Kid that seems unable to take a consistent line on anything.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No inconsistencies with me ftp. Let me quote my previous posting again

    Lets be precise here with the language my friend.
    We are talking about breaking the law, committing violent acts of criminal damage, making threats to peoples lives and property.
    Things you condone?

    To my mind, I don't care who it is, Animal Rights Terrorists, BNP, Womens Institute, Gay Pride, etc etc, if they break the law, as described above, then they should be arrested and punished.

    I do not agree with drawing lines as you seem to do, quote (ftp):

    Now, as it goes I see a big difference in someone being targetted because they are not white (a biological fact of birth that cannot be changed) and someone being targetted because they play a supporting role in an industry (a choice that can be changed - and in many cases has been....)

    A crime, is a crime is a crime - we should all be equal before the law.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Rich Kid wrote:
    No inconsistencies with me ftp. Let me quote my previous posting again

    Lets be precise here with the language my friend.
    We are talking about breaking the law, committing violent acts of criminal damage, making threats to peoples lives and property.
    Things you condone?

    To my mind, I don't care who it is, Animal Rights Terrorists, BNP, Womens Institute, Gay Pride, etc etc, if they break the law, as described above, then they should be arrested and punished.

    I do not agree with drawing lines as you seem to do, quote (ftp):

    Now, as it goes I see a big difference in someone being targetted because they are not white (a biological fact of birth that cannot be changed) and someone being targetted because they play a supporting role in an industry (a choice that can be changed - and in many cases has been....)

    A crime, is a crime is a crime - we should all be equal before the law.

    Oh, you think they should be arrested and punished. Any room for a fair trial in there?

    So, you don't think that anti-abortion activists should be prayed for, whilst animal rights activists should be used for guinea pigs, particularly the nasty drugs?

    Cos I could have sworn that I C+Ped those ideas from your posts. And even more to the point, I could have sworn that you started a thread called "animal rights terrorists" and singled them out as being different.

    Suddenly you've done a swift about turn and agree that they should be treated the same as everyone else.

    I know how a supplier of an animal reserach centre can stop the hassle.

    Remind me how a black person can stop racist attacks.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    direct action will continue to be employed against the corrupt corporates ...........

    PS Where are you getting this stuff from, freethepups?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    duvdevan wrote:

    PS Where are you getting this stuff from, freethepups?

    I'm really not interested in having a debate with you, because you're an extremely dishonest and unpleasant person, who can only deal with the world in dichotomies - who has a touchingly naive faith that men in white coats are only ever doing humane things, and because I am bored with your cyberstalking.

    If you aren't cyberstalking me, then stop directing 75% of your posts at me, leave me alone and go and talk to other posters.

    Geddit - I want nothing more to do with you.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Oh, you think they should be arrested and punished. Any room for a fair trial in there?
    Come on ftp, stop the gross exaggeration. By arresting them and punishing them, (if found guilty), is of course predicated by the notion of a fair trail - what else?
    So, you don't think that anti-abortion activists should be prayed for, whilst animal rights activists should be used for guinea pigs, particularly the nasty drugs?
    I would advocate praying for ALL wrong-doers, there are none without sin.
    I would pray for those violent militant anti-abortionists, who if they break the law, should be arrested and put on trial. Likewise with the fanatical animal rights terrorists, but if they really want to make their point why don't they volunteer as "human guinea pigs" - the IRA hunger strikers died for their beliefs, why not ALF terrorists? Why don't they show solidarity with the laboratory animals and volunteer to act as "human guinea pigs"? If the IRA can do it surely its not beyond ALF?
    Cos I could have sworn that I C+Ped those ideas from your posts. And even more to the point, I could have sworn that you started a thread called "animal rights terrorists" and singled them out as being different.
    Suddenly you've done a swift about turn and agree that they should be treated the same as everyone else.
    No swift about turn my friend, they're no different to any other terrorist group breaking the law.
    I know how a supplier of an animal reserach centre can stop the hassle.
    Yes of course you do, we all do - by giving in to blackmail by the ALF terrorists with their criminal threats and deeds! We must fight these fascist terrorists, root them out, and put them away for a long long time.
    Remind me how a black person can stop racist attacks.
    Anyone involved in a racist attack should of course be arrested and dealt with by the courts in the normal way.

    In my view anyone or group that uses "terror tactics" to achieve their aims are scum and should be harshly dealt with.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Rich Kid wrote:
    but if they really want to make their point why don't they volunteer as "human guinea pigs" - the IRA hunger strikers died for their beliefs, why not ALF terrorists? Why don't they show solidarity with the laboratory animals and volunteer to act as "human guinea pigs"? If the IRA can do it surely its not beyond ALF?

    Hee hee - clearly if you oppose animal research you should volunteer to have it done on you?

    That doesn't make sense........

    Now, more to the point, why don't those who support animal research volunteer themselves as human guinea pigs? That makes moresense as an analogy.....


    As to your inconsistent approach to anti-animal research activists and anti-abortion activists, its out there for all to see......
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hee hee - clearly if you oppose animal research you should volunteer to have it done on you?
    Thats what we've got animals for dodo.
    Now, more to the point, why don't those who support animal research volunteer themselves as human guinea pigs? That makes moresense as an analogy.....
    As above. Beginning to geddit?
    As to your inconsistent approach to anti-animal research activists and anti-abortion activists, its out there for all to see......
    I merely restate what I've already said, ALL law-breakers, particularly those who use terror to achieve their goals, should be caught, tried, and if found guilty given a very long prison sentence. Terrorists deserve at least 20 years in a harsh regime prison.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I am allowed to direct my comments to anyone I want, ftp. This isn't your board and I do not need your permission to post.

    Since you spread the most lies and propaganda on this board, time and time again, our paths will naturally cross.

    I want nothing more to do with you, either. Thats just the way it goes.

    Get over yourself.

    So, direct action is NVDA or...?

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