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continued sketchyness

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
TO SUMMARISE: can introducing stress/GB make you 24/7 sketchy?


i've been a light, regular E user for about 3.5 years. Say, 2-3 sessions a month, up to 2 pills per session. occasionally done other stuff (ket coke poppers base) but not in any great quantity.

during the past couple of years i haven't noticed anything major about my head during the week. I had a job where i knew most ppl, and fairly regularly came in off my face on a monday morning, most ppl knew, no one cared, by monday evening i was fine.

5 months ago i got a new job, which has been great but LOTS of stress adjusting to it and learning new stuff. Since the new job i've been a fairly good boy. Early in december during a session i had a bit too much GB than was good for me, and it took my thinking head out for a good few days.

Since the new year 2005 i've noticed myself being majorly sketchy, moreso than usual. and i've done no more than 1 pill in jan.

Question: does anyone know if a relatively large few gulps of GB can increase sketchyness? i've noticed my short term memory during jan has been pretty bad - and i've touched less than 1 pill!

the alarming thing is, i've noticed it this month....for most of 2004 i seemed to be ok. whats changed in the past 4 months is a new job with a lot of thinking/learning/stress and i wondered if that would cause it...plus the silly amount of GB i necked in december...



  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Threepio wrote:
    TO SUMMARISE: can introducing stress/GB make you 24/7 sketchy?


    i've been a light, regular E user for about 3.5 years. Say, 2-3 sessions a month, up to 2 pills per session. occasionally done other stuff (ket coke poppers base) but not in any great quantity.

    during the past couple of years i haven't noticed anything major about my head during the week. I had a job where i knew most ppl, and fairly regularly came in off my face on a monday morning, most ppl knew, no one cared, by monday evening i was fine.

    5 months ago i got a new job, which has been great but LOTS of stress adjusting to it and learning new stuff. Since the new job i've been a fairly good boy. Early in december during a session i had a bit too much GB than was good for me, and it took my thinking head out for a good few days.

    Since the new year 2005 i've noticed myself being majorly sketchy, moreso than usual. and i've done no more than 1 pill in jan.

    Question: does anyone know if a relatively large few gulps of GB can increase sketchyness? i've noticed my short term memory during jan has been pretty bad - and i've touched less than 1 pill!

    the alarming thing is, i've noticed it this month....for most of 2004 i seemed to be ok. whats changed in the past 4 months is a new job with a lot of thinking/learning/stress and i wondered if that would cause it...plus the silly amount of GB i necked in december...


    MDMA fucks your memory up...and the drugs probably are hampering your ability to cope with more mental activity, stress etc.

    I know exactly what you mean by sketchyness...just finished a period of pill taking, and the sketchyness and general kind of vague feeling is pretty noticable.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I presume by GB you mean GHB?

    GHB is very light on the body, it will have no lasting effects unless taken virtually all day every day.

    I presume when you did too much you just passed out and woke up a bit later, well thats what it was developed for, its an anthesetic.

    I would suggest that your problems originate from your job, if that is causing you a lot of stress then that will effect your ability to cope with your drug use.

    Oh, out of interest what did your GHB taste like?
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    like semen, apparently, lol

    pretty minging, tangy salty water. maybe just salty water -- i don't drink salty water that much :)

    i'd done a little but a couple of weeks previously and it was really nice....but this day my mate had an inch in a bottle, and his gf was just like "get it down you" - rather than sip bits...which is what i should have done.

    it was lush, but the bad bit was it gave me a ROTTEN bad stomach for a few hours, may have been cocktailing with the, er, snacks i had the night before.

    i'd do the stuff again, but not that much.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Never EVER just swig GHB from a bottle, you dont know the concetration, it can be very very strong, 1ml can hold up to 1g.

    As for the taste, yep, thats classic GHB taste, though if you can you might want to check the PH, if its giving you a bad stomach, the maker may have made it too alcaline.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru

    the bottle was from a very good mate of mine and it was the remains of the bottle that he hadn't had, i was in his living room at the time

    it was all rather messy :shocking: :blush:
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If you are taking liquid you need to make sure to shake the bottle a lot before use, GHB is heavy and sinks to the bottom.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The reason your always feeling sketchy could be the pills...my memory was f'ed until a little while ago and thats because 1. I havent had a pill sesh for about 4 months and 2. I take one flax seed pill a day which contains omega 3 oil which is proven to aid concentration.
    Seriously man, you will notice it comes to a stage when you realise that pills do actually have effects on the brain

    GBH - i would never swig froma bottle mate...sometimes a few little drops is all you need, plus the reason you get stomach aches is because the PH is practically opposite that of acid
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