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I ate pink chicked

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Well.....i eas abit of a twat and my friends mum didnt cook me and my mates dinner well....i ate it thinking it wa ham inside...then i discover its all chicken! and its raw! id ate the whole breast before i realised...it was crumbed chicken by the wya....i was fine though....i ate it on friday but didnt stary feeling ill till monday night....im getting stomach cramps and have no energy! and well....u can imagain the other problems im having.....is it possible for the symptoms not too come on for a few days? or could it be somin else...ive had a headache for 3days and im getting hot and cold flushes...whats up with me?


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    Girl-From-MarsGirl-From-Mars Posts: 2,822 Boards Guru
    if i hadnt damn well lost the info book thing when i took my food hygeine course thing before i started my current job, then i could h ave looked it up for you and everything. the dangers of eating raw chicken are that it could contain salmonella, which is normally killed off when its heated at a high temperature during cooking. it sounds like you might have food poisoning, you should most probably see your doctor about this. or you could ring NHS direct, which is staffed by nurses and is open 24/7 to see whether they think its something serious or not... 08457 4647 <IMG alt="image" alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/smile.gif"&gt;

    "That which does not kill us makes us stronger."
    ~ Nietzsche
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by chrishot4u:
    Well.....i eas abit of a twat and my friends mum didnt cook me and my mates dinner well....i ate it thinking it wa ham inside...then i discover its all chicken! and its raw! id ate the whole breast before i realised...it was crumbed chicken by the wya....i was fine though....i ate it on friday but didnt stary feeling ill till monday night....im getting stomach cramps and have no energy! and well....u can imagain the other problems im having.....is it possible for the symptoms not too come on for a few days? or could it be somin else...ive had a headache for 3days and im getting hot and cold flushes...whats up with me?

    go to your doctor. he/she'll take a sample and send it off to the lab.

    if it's salmonella you probably wouldn't even be able to sit at your computer.

    my sister had salmonella once & she spent six weeks literally doubled up in pain. she caught it from cattle at a farm. we had to have the public health people round who told us to make sure that we disinfected the toilet seat before and after using it, disinfected taps after washing hands, used separate towels, dishes, cutlery, cups & glasses, and left the washing up to drip dry after rinsing in very hot water.

    there is, what is called, an incubation period between ingesting the bacteria and it taking effect. the bacteria have to take time to multiply and produce the toxins that cause the rise in temperature and the sickness etc.

    this can be anything from 2 hours upwards, depending on the bacteria.

    it could be the effects of the heat at the moment, or sunstroke. whatever, make sure that you drink plenty of water and to be on the safe side (until you've been to your gp) stay off dairy products, they tend to feed the bacteria.

    be happy
    <IMG alt="image" alt="image" SRC="http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/new/bettylou.gif"&gt;
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