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Diet or Die

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
ok people, i didn't watch the programme but i gots the general jist off a few mates. one lad in school said that "Did you see her? it was discusting" i was pretty hurt by that, i dont see what people, who sorry to say are mostly lads (in our school ne way,) have against overweight people. there's also some who are never satisfied with how a woman looks for instance, one male prat in my form was such an evil little swine when he critsized a friend of mine who's anorexic rite infront of me who's like her really good mate. he said that people have a choice to be this way. i dont see that you can wake up one morning and say u want to be anorexic or u want to be overweight. such an ignorent prat! altho, its not just lads i do know that, girls can be so bitchy about it too.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    anorexia is a mental thing.it's awful for people to take the piss.it's not their fault at all.
    overweight peple do have more of a choice but others seem to think that they can miraculously get thin all of a sudden, but it's something that has to be worked on.they may be trying their best to eat healthy diets and excercise etc so people taking the piss will lower their self-esteem.
    i don't understand why people can't just accept people how they are.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The thing about stuff like this that irritates me is the hypocrisy. You wouldn't tell an anorexic to 'shut up and eat' so why should you tell an obese person to 'get of your arse and eat less?' There are reasons behind each, and stupid fucking comments from ignorant little tosspots who have nothing better to do are unecessary.

    Girls who insult other girls on their figures are pathetic. We're all in the same boat, trying to feel good about ourselves - why put each other down? Perhaps some people should venture out into the real world where they may aquire a life of their own and not feel the need to comment on others'.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    my ladyfriend is anorexic...its hard for us but we're pullin through *blush and hopeful smile*

    i dont really have a problem with people taking the piss outta anorexics, obese and other eating disorder sufferers...just that if they do it near me, my lady or anyone i know ill cut their throats out with a large knife.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think anyone with an eating disorder can get through it with the right attitude and support. I am overweight and hate the way I look, my friends and family can see how much this affects me so my sister and best friend have joined slimming world with me, they are not overweight but could trim up so they were more than happy to join. I'm in my second week and my atitude to food has changed already, I lost 5lbs last week, and hopin to have a weightloss this monday too. So to anyone who is obese or anorexic etc and hate it get some help and support.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I agree get support from others if you don't have support from others you are likely to not get help or quit or feel worse about yourself.If you have others that will help you or will support you through this you could lose the weight with no problem.
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