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CD burning making pc freeze!

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Basically we have burned a fair few cds for ourselves on my fellas pc and evrything has been fine, but ever since I went and bought some new cds the other week the pc has been playing up when burning.

When I bought the cds the man in the shop said they were exactly the same quality and all that and that they had just changed the design of the cd.

Anyway I bought them the first few burns were fine, but now sometimes when we are burnng cds the timer for how long it will take will count down but when it gets to zero the drive will not automatically eject and the whole pc freezes you cannot do anything, the only way of getting the cd out and the pc working again is by turning it off and back on again!

Its not doing this on every cd we burn but it is a fair few. Also when you try to play the cd in a cd player it doesnt burn the whole cd, usually just a few tracks.

We havent got a clue whats goin on, have we just boughta dodgy set of cds or summat?? but why would it cause everything to freeze??

Any help appreciated :confused:


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    How old is the cd drive?
    What are you trying to burn?
    Have you tried any different brand of cds since?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Mist
    How old is the cd drive?
    What are you trying to burn?
    Have you tried any different brand of cds since?

    We only bought the pc a few months back.

    We have been trying to burn music, some successful others not!

    and nope we havent tried any other brands as yet, we are gettin some the weekend thou, we just wondered if there was a problem anyone could recognise.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: CD burning making pc freeze!
    Originally posted by Brummy Bird
    We havent got a clue whats goin on, have we just boughta dodgy set of cds or summat?? but why would it cause everything to freeze??

    Very possible. Blank CD/DVD's are created enmasse and it's only natural that'll you get faulty discs. Unusual to have loads of faulty discs in a pack though. Could be a faulty batch.

    I would take them back to the shop and ask for a refund or replacement. Your well within your rights.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: Re: CD burning making pc freeze!
    Originally posted by NinjaMaster
    Very possible. Blank CD/DVD's are created enmasse and it's only natural that'll you get faulty discs. Unusual to have loads of faulty discs in a pack though. Could be a faulty batch.

    I would take them back to the shop and ask for a refund or replacement. Your well within your rights.

    unusual to have a load of faulty discs in a pack? and then you say could be a dodgy batch?

    you always get one or two that for the murphys law concerning electronics consumables dont work

    but you will find if there has been errors in the making of cds they will come in batches

    by the way your not using a packard bell machine with the program "RecordnowDX" to make the, or attempt to make the cds with, or are you?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hello all. Have a go at checking what other programs are running while the burning is taking place. You may not know that they're open in the first place. The culprit are the icons that appear by the clock. Some are good like MSN and anitivirus, but some are performance drains such as Real Player and Quicktime.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: Re: Re: CD burning making pc freeze!
    Originally posted by MrG

    by the way your not using a packard bell machine with the program "RecordnowDX" to make the, or attempt to make the cds with, or are you?

    Err yeah it is a packard bell machine and it is Record now but I dunno bout the DX bit, why???????
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    mine went through a spate of that happening for a couple of weeks and then cleared it up, i only thought of it cause it just happened earlier today, but has written another 4 cds no probs
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Basicly it could be one of three things.

    The computer may have a problem (hardware, such as the CD-RW drive, etc).

    There may be a software conflict.

    Your drive may not like the disks. This happens occasionally. You've said they're not exactly the same as last time. This isn't a fault of the disks, it's just that some drives just don't like some disks. Try your new disks in someone elses machine, and try a couple of different brand disks in your machine.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by MrG
    mine went through a spate of that happening for a couple of weeks and then cleared it up, i only thought of it cause it just happened earlier today, but has written another 4 cds no probs

    Yeah thats how it is with us, it'll do some cds then mess up, then it might be ok again!!

    To be fair the whole pc is a nightmare at the mo, the internet keeps cutting off, I mean I could be on a site doing something and itl just disappear, also the Windows media player wont play anything, message pops up saying sound device is being used by another program (which it isnt) or there is no sound device installed (there is!!) tried to install a new version and it kept failing!!!

    I dunno! I give up, but then il probably get home and the pc will be smashed up :lol:
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