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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
edited January 2023 in General Chat
Hey all,

I am from Serbia, and was just interested if you would ever want to visit it, and what your views about it are. If you'd like me to tell you something about it, i'll be more than glad to do so ;)
Post edited by JustV on


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: Serbia
    Originally posted by nmrmak
    Hey all,

    I am from Serbia, and was just interested if you would ever want to visit it, and what your views about it are. If you'd like me to tell you something about it, i'll be more than glad to do so ;)


    Thanks for making the thread,

    I certainly like to learn about other countries, etc.

    If anyone was wondering I suggested Nmrmak make this thread so we might all learn a little something.

    I guess I'd like to know more about the school system there, do most kid leave at 16 or 18 or go onto Unievrsity?

    What do you guys do for fun? Are there the same facilities we might see in western Europe?

    Are therelots ofpeople of different races living in Serbia?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't trust Serbia to be safe, and I don't trust Serbians to treat me safely, especially given the supposed hatred towards the UK/US alliance after the 1998 bombings.

    I also don't trust a people who saw Arkan as a good guy.

    Though, having said that, I have heard wonderful things about the former Yugoslavia, and if the Balkans were more stable I'd probably visit.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Okay, for the school system:

    We have something that's similar to an elementary school, that kids attend from the age of 7, and it lasts for 8 years, to the age of 14-15.

    Then, you go to a high school, that you leave with 19 years.

    After that, you have something like an uni, and where you choose your future proffesion. I will probably go to the Electro Technic uni (that's what we call it). It usually last about 4-6 years, and after that, you are free to go! :)

    There are lots of things to see in Belgrade, including the "night life". Yep, we are having lots of fun, but i can't quite recall all the things we do. Some of the things would be: Going out with friends, partying and stuff.

    As for the Kermit's statement:

    I'd really like to change your opinion. Serbia is safer than other countries in the Balkans, like Bulgaria, Romania and FYR states. It is also very stable right now. There is still some organised crime, but it's fading away, since the assasination of our prime minister. The hatred towards UK/US was a part of Milosevic's propaganda during the bombings, and it faded soon after he faded from the political scene. It was a mean of mass control, raising morale and patriotism. Right now, there are visitors from the UK/US, and they don't have problems here at all. The only problem could be communicating, but if you speak slowly, 80-90% will understand you.

    I remember only Arkan's death, because i was quite young and couldn't understand it all. From what i've heard, he was both a criminal, and a patriot. I am neutral on him, because i do not know much about him, but i could do some research on that. If you ever decide to visit Serbia, get in touch with me, i could help you around :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by nmrmak
    I'd really like to change your opinion. Serbia is safer than other countries in the Balkans, like Bulgaria, Romania and FYR states. It is also very stable right now. There is still some organised crime, but it's fading away, since the assasination of our prime minister. The hatred towards UK/US was a part of Milosevic's propaganda during the bombings, and it faded soon after he faded from the political scene. It was a mean of mass control, raising morale and patriotism. Right now, there are visitors from the UK/US, and they don't have problems here at all. The only problem could be communicating, but if you speak slowly, 80-90% will understand you.

    That really pleases me. It really does.

    The Balkans are somewhere I would want to go, but with the history since the fall of Communism I had grave fears about safety. A stable Balkans is good for Europe, and I really hope the peace stays.

    If I'm ever in belgrade I might say hi;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'd certainly like to visit Eastern Europe ... I'm sure one of my friends wants to go abroad to find a wife soon as well, he tends to like Eastern European women.

    Do you have like bowling alleys, hamburger joints, etc?

    How old do you have to be to drink? What about currency what would a typical hotel and meal cost there?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You seem to spend an awful long time in school at what age are you finished with all your schooling? Is it similar to the Italian system?

    Do you live in belgrade?

    Do you remember the war?

    Does serbia have a coastline - as promised in woodrow wilsons 14 points?

    What do you think of Franz Ferdinand?

    Personally apart from visiting yugoslavia during the 80's I've never really been anywhere in Eastern Europe but I really want to go - why should I put serbia on my list of places to visit?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Don't know much about your country. Ain't it cold? I like cold weather tho.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Wyetry
    Does serbia have a coastline - as promised in woodrow wilsons 14 points?
    Good one. I want to know that too. Having said that the 14 points were surely just a major piece of propaganda.

    What do you think of Franz Ferdinand?
    And what about that Gavril Princip fella?

    How many people holiday in your country at the moment? Do they have any trouble there?

    I would love to visit your country as I took various courses to do with Eastern Europe when I was at Uni.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    How old do you have to be to drink? What about currency what would a typical hotel and meal cost there?
    Legally, you should be 18, but it doesn't quite matter, and noone asks you for age when you go buying drinks. Same applies to caffes. You might have trouble getting drinks in restaurants, if you are under 18. Our currency is Dinar, and 75 dinars = 1 euro.
    I am not sure about hotel prices, but for meals, you can get one for 10 euros.
    Do you have like bowling alleys, hamburger joints, etc?
    Sure we do. However, bowling isn't quite popular here, but there are bowling alleys anyway :) You can buy fast food on many places, and it's fairly cheap.

    What do you think of Franz Ferdinand?
    Through history, things got solved on different ways. The organisation that he belonged to was called "Young Bosnia", and it fought against Austrian occupation of Bosnia. It was consisted of Serbs, Muslims and Croatians. The assasination was political, and was used as an excuse, and not the reason to start WWI.
    Does serbia have a coastline - as promised in woodrow wilsons 14 points?
    Serbia does not have a coastline for itself. The coastline towards the Adriatic sea is situated in Montenegro, with which Serbia is in federation with. Now our two states are called Serbia & Montenegro.
    Do you remember the war?
    No, I was too young to remember.
    Do you live in belgrade?
    Yes, I've lived here all my life.
    You seem to spend an awful long time in school at what age are you finished with all your schooling? Is it similar to the Italian system?
    I'm not familiar with the italian system, but how old you are when you finish school depends on what you want to be. You can be done with it at 19 if you want to be a repairman, or you can be done with it at 28, if you want to be a specialised doctor. It's all up to you :)
    How many people holiday in your country at the moment? Do they have any trouble there?
    Um, that's statistics, i'm not quite familiar with that, but there are a lot tourists, i might check that fact, but people here have no problems.
    And what about that Gavril Princip fella?
    Gavril Princip pulled the trigger on Franz Ferdinand.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Do you have any online photos of the town you live in?

    I love seeing pics of where people live
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by nmrmak

    Serbia does not have a coastline for itself. The coastline towards the Adriatic sea is situated in Montenegro, with which Serbia is in federation with. Now our two states are called Serbia & Montenegro.

    I'm not familiar with the italian system, but how old you are when you finish school depends on what you want to be. You can be done with it at 19 if you want to be a repairman, or you can be done with it at 28, if you want to be a specialised doctor. It's all up to you :)

    Ohh thats quite late to be leaving school though in the UK you can leave at 16 or the easter before you take your GCSE's which ever comes first.

    Glad to here there is some sort of access to the sea clearly a good aliance for serbia and montenegro alike.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Here is a link for you. I'm not sure if there are pics, but you should try under "Discover Belgrade". Just have a click around if you are interested. I'll try to find some pics on the net, and i'll post you some links.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Wyetry
    Ohh thats quite late to be leaving school though in the UK you can leave at 16 or the easter before you take your GCSE's which ever comes first.

    Glad to here there is some sort of access to the sea clearly a good aliance for serbia and montenegro alike.

    Well, actually you can leave school here at 15 i think, but that way you have virtually no way to get employed. In other words, if you don't own a company, you don't get a job :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What's the main religion?

    What language do people normally speak?

    Do they have a rock scene?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I can answer those:
    Serbian (esentially the same language as they speak in Bosnia and Croatia)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yup, it's orthodox christianity here...

    The rock scene exists and is quite good actually. You can find a lot of tribute bands, but also original ones.
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