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I'm not sure if he did or not?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

Well my partner finished with me 4weeks before i was due my baby but i still moved in with him so he could help me out with my son. We still sleep together about twice a week. On thursday night he didn't come home and he didn't answer his phone til 8.05am. he said he went back to his mam's mortal and was sick so went to bed.

Anyways i was friends with a lass called sam (she used to be goin out with david when he was 16, he's 21 now) anyways we fell out a month ago and i know she still likes him. anyways found out she didn't get in til 8am that morning. a bit of a coinsedence. Anyways she admitted to her friend who is also my friend and she told me she said she did sleep with him that night but he totally denies it sayin why would he go back with her and then when i phoned her and asked she said she didnt. so why say to her friend yes and then totally deny it. he says she has prob cos she hates me and is movin to leeds next so doesnt care what she says and says to prove to me he didnt sleep with her he is going to pull about it infront of me.

Anyways i said we could give it another go living together to give us a chance but it's stil playin on my mind. either way if she is or not telling truth im gonna kill her cos she shouldnt be spreading shit about people especially when theres a kid involved

what you guys think???

thanks peaches x


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Don't use their real names. It isn't fair on them, and it identifies you.

    If he finished with you then he's free to do what he wants. You moved in with him for help, if you're daft enough to still sleep with him then that's your lookout.

    It depends who you believe more.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kermit

    If he finished with you then he's free to do what he wants. You moved in with him for help,

    My thoughts exatly. You're not together relationship-wise so treating him like you are is unfair on him.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    He probably did sleepwith her. Is he the dad of your baby, or just helping you with him? I couldnt tell because you only refeered to the baby as yours.
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