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YOUR FIRST DATE. Did you survive?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
C'mon guys, spill the beans, cos I want to hear it.

Your first dates.

Were they good?

Did you do anything u shouldn't (not pay your half, go all the way) or were they utter, utter disasters?

I am going to pick one of you lucky dudes to interview about first dates. How it went, complimensts and chat up lines and if you got any tips for the rest of us (me included)

So if you're 11-19 and have been on a date in the last year please PM me and tell me how it went with all the juicy details included.


I want a full in box of responses when I get back from hols on Thursday 15th September.


Mariam xxx


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I must be weird or something cuz i dont think ive ever really been on a proper, bonefide date. I mean, out of all the girls ive been with/gone out with/interacted with on some level, ive always met them either through college or being out and about on the town. Does it class as a date if you've arranged to bump into each other in a club that you both regularly go to with your friends anyway? lol.
    I think the closest ive come to an actual date was with my current girlfriend. We'd been meeting by accident/on purpose at a local rock club we both used to go every week, and this was the first time we'd seen each other outside of the place really. It was your basic cinema date...Sex Lives Of The Potato Men if memory serves, not what you'd think of as a conventional date film but turns out we're not so conventional so its ok. lol. I think the weirdest part of the date was the lack of distractions, as like i said, we'd only met in this club before, so if things got a little awkward we had the excuse to duck away "oh my mate wants me" "oh this is a good song lets go dance" and so on, and the end of it. We didnt know how to end it, as basically, we were usually rather merry whenever we left each other at the end of the night so this was pretty much the first sober goodbye. lol. But it was good, we managed to spend 3 hours in each others company, not spend it in complete silence, and even pluck up the courage for a goodnight kiss by the end of it. lol. We're now about to celebrate our 6 month anniversary....

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Never had a first date :(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Me neither... I'd like that to change soon :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My first date with this one guy was quite impressive for bad dates. Met him at a concert. We went to hang out afterwards with eachother so that was our "first date" went to eat, went back to his place, got really trashed. Did him. Threw up alot. Layed down. Threw up again. He drove me home. At a stop sign I opened the door and leaned out to puke some more. My head must have been heavier than usual cuz I lost my balance and kind of tumbled out the door, did not get any puke on me though. Got back in, got to my place, he helped me in and voila, end of date number one. Surprisingly he called me a couple days later and we hung out again. Ended up getting engaged... a couple times actually. Hate him now. Really do.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My first date with this one guy was quite impressive for bad dates. Met him at a concert. We went to hang out afterwards with eachother so that was our "first date" went to eat, went back to his place, got really trashed. Did him. Threw up alot. Layed down. Threw up again. He drove me home. At a stop sign I opened the door and leaned out to puke some more. My head must have been heavier than usual cuz I lost my balance and kind of tumbled out the door, did not get any puke on me though. Got back in, got to my place, he helped me in and voila, end of date number one. Surprisingly he called me a couple days later and we hung out again. Ended up getting engaged... a couple times actually. Hate him now. Really do.

    Posts like this really make me happy being dateless. :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    All the first dates I've been on have been surprisingly good actually. I've ended up in a relationship after every date so can't be a bad thing! Usually it's just been going for drinks or dinner or to the cinema.
    I guess I'm lucky cos I never really run out of things to chat about, so don't get the whole awkward silence thing!
    I think if you have a few topics up your sleeve just in case the conversation goes a bit dry it should be ok..
    Nor have I ever paid for a first date, I think the guy should definitely pay the first time if it's dinner/cinema or whatever. Maybe not with drinks though, that's more of an equal thing. A little bit more casual.
    I've never gone all the way on a first date, just maybe had a kiss/ gone back to their place for coffee or something, but never ended up sleeping with them. I can see how it could easily be done though, especially if you've been drinking for the evening.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I was sure I replied to a similar post to this :confused:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kate1
    I was sure I replied to a similar post to this :confused:

    Twas what I was thinking too.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Pink Soda

    Nor have I ever paid for a first date, I think the guy should definitely pay the first time if it's dinner/cinema or whatever.


    Why? Serious question, why should it be the bloke who pays on a first date?

    There's a word for women who don't so much as offer to contribute on a date, especially at the getting to know each other stage.

    Anyway, I've never been on a date really. I've got to know most of my exes by going for long walks, holding hands and stuff.

    I think dates are old-fashioned, to be honest :yes:
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