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6 months later and it's still hard to cope with grandad's death

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
When my grandad died i was in a new relationship with my current boyfriend, the thought of seeing andy put my mind off the greif of losing gramps and the initial shock of losing him didnt hit me until about may or june (2/3 months after he passed away)

I keep dreaming about him recently and i keep thinking i see him walking down the street or in the aisles of asda. It tears me in two when i know i will never see him again.

I miss his silly jokes, his big fat squeezy hugs, his stupid dances in the kitchen door way whilst he waited for the kettle to boil. But most of all i miss his words, his voice, his sound. A few weeks ago i thought me and my boyfriend were gonna split up and i know 4 a fact my grandad would have turned to me and said

"dont worry stace, you still have me" But this time i dont. Its so hard for me, me and gramps were inseperable so this is why im finding it very hard.

I have to laugh tho one of his wishes after he died was tht we could stick him on rollerskates and skate him down the road. He was by far the funniest person i will ever know.
Does anyone have any advice or stories themselves because i feel tht if we share our grief we can make each other feel better.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Your Granddad sounds like such a lovely guy! He sounds like a right laugh, I'm glad that you have happy memories of him :)

    I haven't really had many people close to me die, I'm sorry I can't share any experiences.

    I'm really sorry for your loss.

    Rachael x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm sure your granda was very proud of you and everytime you thnk of him just think of how proud you have made him, it'll make you think of him in a positive not mournful outlook.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It Gets Easier.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by ~*STRESSED*~
    Its just really hard though.

    of course its really hard.

    Ive never got over the death of someone close to me, but Ive learned to cope with it.
    even now many years later someone can say something and I just lose the plot and everything comes back again.
    I remember the good times even though he wasnt with us for long.

    Talking about the person you lost does help a lot. I know my hubby didnt talk and still doesent talk about it which is why I think I coped with it better.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by ~*STRESSED*~
    Thats easier said than done but yeah, it does get a bit easier after time. Its just really hard though.

    Christ girl, where has anyone said it was easy?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    One of mine was hit by a motorbike and died before I was born, the other lived on the other side of the world and never really knew him.

    My father's mother died before I was born and my mother's mum stayed with us until she died but she didn't speak English so never really knew her either .. count yourself lucky you had what time you did .. because some of us never got the chance in the first place.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thanks Dimondgeezer, that has to be a prime example of an unhelpful post.

    Hey, you're parents have just died, but it's ok, because there are people out there who's father never knew about them and mother died in childbirth! You're fucking lucky.

    This guy has got something genuinly hard to deal with. It's fucking obvious that other people havn't had or got the same. Doesn't make it any easier.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Fiend_85
    Thanks Dimondgeezer, that has to be a prime example of an unhelpful post.

    Hey, you're parents have just died, but it's ok, because there are people out there who's father never knew about them and mother died in childbirth! You're fucking lucky.

    This guy has got something genuinly hard to deal with. It's fucking obvious that other people havn't had or got the same. Doesn't make it any easier.

    Well at least I put more effort into my reply then yours - "It's get Easier" .. don't think you could have put a more useless reply yourself.

    And it's a Girl that posted NOT a guy.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    aww sounds like my grandad, he died just before i went of to uni last year, july 21st i think, not sure of exact date, but he was a good laugh and serious when it needed to be, he had lung cancer and needed a heart op, so nothing could be done, and he went into hospital for suspected heart attack, it was angina, anyway next day i was hanging out at hospital with him laughing away, and then that night he died in his sleep, so cant be that bad :)

    i just use my memories of him as inspiration as he done loads in his life and well id like to do lots too

    make his memory proud :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It was five years ago on Saturday that my Granny died.

    I absolutely adored my Granny. I think sometimes some of us have a relative that we really just love in a really special way, that was my Granny.

    It was hard because she was ill towards the end. I was the only person in the family she'd talk to because her head was all messed up with the medication she was on. Granny died a few weeks before her body stopped working, the person who wouldn't speak to my Mam or anybody wasn't Granny.

    I still miss her. Not constantly, sometimes I feel I should miss her more. I even forgot about her anniversary at the weekend and I only remembered at work on Saturday night. Phoned home in absolute floods of tears, my Mam told me that Granny would smack my backside if she saw me getting in a state like this over her :lol:

    You'll always miss your grandad. Things will get better, I promise. Five years on, I'm really, really glad I was as close to my Granny as I was. I still cry when I think about her sometimes, but I can smile too.

    Hang in there.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by DiamondGeezer
    Well at least I put more effort into my reply then yours - "It's get Easier" .. don't think you could have put a more useless reply yourself.

    And it's a Girl that posted NOT a guy.

    the use of guy is unisex. And at least my post was constructive. Speaking from my experience. What else do you need to know, other than, give it time, it get's better.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Its been a good few months since my nana died. She was very ill and in the end she refused to eat so she could die. I was there when she died and even tho i was glad to be there in a way i wish i wasnt. She looked like she was in so much pain and when she did die it was like i could actualy see her spirt leave her.
    it was weird.
    I wish it wasnt her that died. I wish it could have been my grandad. I hate him. He's only good for money.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Look all of u arguing really doesnt help , ur advice is helpful but ur bickering is plain silly im on hear asking for help not feuds!!!

    I have many piccies of my gramps, i look at them when i wake up and when i go 2 bed, i usually get upset at night as im laying down to sleep because thts when i do all my thinking. Memories tht i never knew i had come back to me and i love thinking about them. I got quite angry the other day when i saw my gramps's bro and two sisters together talking i felt tht gramps should have been there too and he wasnt even the eldest!

    But it isnt their fault he's gone i just wish so hard that he was back here.

    I know someone said earlier tht they never knew their grandparents well i only ever knew my mum's parents and i am sooo soooo grateful for tht but it hurts more when u know someone and u lose them so please understand tht this thread is about losing close loved ones who have really made an impact on our lives. I am sorry 2 hear about ur tragedies but there really is no need to start ww3 on a thread with a sensitive subject

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I miss mine too

    It has been nearly 7 years since my grandad passed away to due cancer.

    He was always there for me, was always proud of what I achieved and always encouraged me to be a better person.

    I miss his voice, his smile, holding his hand and his presence.

    It takes a lot to admit you miss someone still after so many years, and people are quick to judge you when you say you miss a grandparent, as they are not classed as immediate family.

    I never had a grandmother, but my grandad has been my sole grandparent until he sadly passed in 2004.

    I am an Airman in the Royal Air Force, and have been engaged on operations worldwide, and have many times looked into the night sky and wondered if he is looking down upon me, in my uniform looking at him.

    It makes me smile to know that one day, I will be with him again, holding his hand and able to tell him... 'I love you'. *hug*
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Even though its a 6 year old thread, I still think stuff like this is quite relevant, one of my grandparents died before I was born in 85, then the rest of them went in 94, 96 and 98. I never really got to know them suepr well and Im sad that most of my memories were from when I was younger, and have started to fade.

    However the pain fades too, and Ive got like an adopted Gran who I go and visit and check up on from time to time (mother of a family friend), and to be honest grand parents are like the best thing since sliced bread.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    eurgh my response was so shit. sorry op whereever you may be
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    eurgh my response was so shit. sorry op whereever you may be
    I'm sure your response helped them.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi there,

    This is still obviously a very relevant subject that effects people every day. Losing someone close is very hard to deal with and the threads are always here to help. This thread will however be closed - as you mentioned it is 6 years old!
    Please feel free to open a new one if advice is needed.

    Thank you x
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