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I think I've got a problem. I'm always tired. Even if I dont do much I get really tired. I fall asleep at work quite alot. I seem to have lost my sex drive. I mean....I still want sex but I just dont have the energy to do so. I'm not going to bed late, I'm getting up at reasonavle times. I dont know whats wrong with me.
I'm eating balenced meals more then normal and I used to have loads of energy from eating very very little during the day.
I dont know what to do. I dont like caffinee to much cos its not real energy, I dont eat lots of sugery foods, I eat healthy food.
What the hells wrong with me!?!?!
I'm starting college on monday and I'm scared I wont be able to concentrate cos I'll be falling asleep:(
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    same here. im pretty much the same, eat a pretty balanced diet, exercise, yet im always tired too.felt like this for quite a while now so i just kinda got used to it
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: Tired

    Tiredness can be the result of many things really - the first things that spring to mind are things like anaemia, being over or underweight, being under stress etc.

    You say you get a decent enough amount of sleep, but that can often be deceptive. Someone could get twelve hours poor quality sleep a night, and someone else getting only 7 hours better quality sleep will be much more energetic and awake during the following day. If your sleep is often broken, it means your body isn't able to utilise the time as well as it could...of course sleep is when the body does the majority of its self-repair and cell renewal, so if it's unable to do its job properly you're going to feel run down. More obviously, the time you spend sleeping is the time your body (and mind) rest, and if it's not the best quality rest you can provide yourself with, you're going to feel more tired during the day. Things that often affect sleep are things like caffeine (although you mentioned in your post that you're not a caffeine addict anyway :) ), stressful situations (as I mentioned already) and having serious things on your mind as you go to bed are often a factor. I know from your other post that you're a smoker...and speaking as a fellow smoker it's a good idea not to smoke too close to bedtime, same goes for alcohol (although that's unavoidable of course when you have a night out and then collapse in bed soon as you get it!) Sleeping in the day has an effect on the quality of sleep you get at night, and unless it's unavoidable (for instance if you're a shift worker etc) it's best to avoid napping in the daytime.

    If you're sufficiently worried and want to seek help from your GP (which is probably for the best for tiredness that has no obvious cause and is a long-running thing) then do it! It's a valid worry and if there's no point in worrying when it could be easily explained away or resolved. Your GP could possibly diagnose anxiety or depression, or even a sleep disorder like insomnia. Possibly anaemia too, as I said before.

    Things that do seem to help are simple things like going to bed at around the same time everyday (same for getting up) as then the body has a basic routine and knows when to expect rest, sleeping in a dark, well ventilated room in a comfortable but supportive bed will help, as may eating earlier in the evening, as no one can sleep particularly well on a full stomach (or at least not me!).

    Anyway, hope some of this helps, just wrote down anything I could possibly think of really. And once again, if you're very concerned and it does start affecting college life etc, then see your doctor..that's what they're there for :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I find that if the weather is hot & humid then I feel knackered.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Have you just done something major, like last weekend after months of planning we finally had our Boat Party and up until that day I had loads of energy, then for the next 2 days after I did nothing but sleep and lay in bed with zero energy.

    Sometimes stuff just happens and your need to recharge yourself!
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    ClaireBearClaireBear Deactivated Posts: 467 Listening Ear
    Hiya Zella,
    There's a Q&A about this that may help. But, probably most importantly, the answers to this thread have already demonstrated that there can be loads of causes for excessive tiredness, so please get yourself checked out by your GP.

    Hope you're feeling OK,
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