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wheat free

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
decided to try being wheat free to loose those extra pounds (...that extra stone...) its gonna b v hard as i live off bread,but i figured i'd be better on this than carb free,because then i can't eat potatoes and then i'd be really stuck! does anyone know where i can get a list of what-not-to-eat? tried google,but its not overly helpful. cheers mucho :) xxx


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    patatoes arnt wheat for one. If you want to loose that extra stone then i advice replacing the bread for vegies. Instead of a bowel of cearel have a bowel of mix vege or my personal fave spinich:yum:. Instead of toast have crunchy carrots.
    Oh and running helps burn off excess fat.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    oh sorry I read that wrong. Ok if you dont want wheat you cant eat bread, certain cearals (your ok with start), pasta, urm....I really should know alot more than I do since my sister is on a wheat free dietm but then she cant have gulten, monisodiam gultimate, dairy or aspartame. Just make sure you cheak the ingridiants on everything you pick up.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    it's not usually a great idea to cut a dietary staple such as wheat out of your diet completely without seeing a doctor or nutritionist.

    i was put on a wheat (and gluten) free diet a while back, not out of choice, i might add, and my body hated it. i put on half a stone, and normally i find it quite hard to put on weight. did not agree at all. i also discovered that gluten is the secret ingredient that makes food nice.

    maybe try just cutting down, and replacing processed wheat products like pasta and white bread with wholewheat pasta and granary bread. it's something to do with complex carbohydrates, which are slow burning energy, and will keep you feeling full for longer, lessening the chances of you snacking.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Zella

    What is this stuff? I saw someone on here with the name, just thought it was a weird name, not actually something in food. :confused:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    sorry to dissapoint chaos ;)

    my mate's wheat free + he let me have a look at this book he has to tell him what not to eat. decided not to go wheat free,because i will die for lack of anything to eat. i'll just live off salad + apples + bran flakes (yum). except on sunday,when i'll allow myself sunday dinners :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It can be good to cut down on wheat, especially at certain times of the day (it can make you really lethargic in the afternoon if you've had a wheat heavy lunch for example), but I'd agree with Kaffrin that cutting out whole food groupd isn't a good idea. If you're planning to lose weight by doing it then I'm guessing that once you've lost the weight you plan to start eating it again - which would probably lead to you gaining some of that weight again. What I'd do is think more about how you can make your diet more healthy generally - cut down on wheat but don't deny yourself it altogether - there's nothing wrong with pasta etc in moderation.

    Here are some articles that might help you:

    A balanced diet


    5 a day

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    cheers spanner :)

    see,decided to eat salad (which i HATE btw) instead of my usual cheese roll at school for lunch because its healthy + if im at school,i just won't take in money with me so i'll have no choice but to eat it! i'm a genius! ;) i've been meaning to get healthy for a while. i'll still eat wheat,but granary bread + pasta instead of english muffins + peanut butter toast (yummy yum yum). anyways,within a month i'll have lost the stone + be slim :) w00p
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