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I've totally screwed it all up

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
Well ive been going out with a girl for a month, never had a serious girlfriend before, i have very little confidence. i know tonight she wanted a proper kiss but stupid me bottled it cos of fear. ive never kissed a girl before and im just f*****g hopeless. i know i will have let her down know and i feel like such and arsehole. sorry about this message but i just needed to get this off my chest


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well Txt your gf now and tell her, say you couldn't kiss her because you didn't wanna mess it up

    rite now she maybe wondering why you didn't kiss her and thinking you gone off her

    if i was you i would stop worrying about kissing, just relax you may as well be honest about not kissing a girl before with your gf, it may make your life simpler

    take things slow and txt you gf if you can!!

    and no your not hopeless, its just something you have to learn

    not like most other blokes ain't gone through it as well, just give it time
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Harmless:
    <STRONG>rite now she maybe wondering why you didn't kiss her and thinking you gone off her</STRONG>

    Yup, I can totally sympathise with this. I was one of my ex's first gf's & he'd never kissed anyone before but didn't tell me this & so when I tried to kiss him he'd pull away. I got really upset about it (my first post on here I think!) & thought he didn't like me anymore.

    One day though he took me by surprise & just kissed me. It wasn't until after that he told me he'd never kissed anyone before & was really worried etc.

    I think u should tell her your fears. It will probably stop her worrying & will get a weight off your mind.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I totally agree.

    You feel bad not kissing her but how would you feel one day if you did try to kiss her and she didn't?

    You should call or txt her or something and explain, or just say you were a bit nervous and you hope you can make it up to her, see what reaction you get.

    Hope you get it sorted,

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