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student hall experiences



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yes everyone will be in the same boat and it really is luck of the draw on who you end up living nextdoor to. I was lucky at uni and my flat in the student village consisted of people I mostly adored, but there were exceptions and other friends in other halls/ flats who didn't fare as well.

    You may instantly click with some people or instantly hate them, and then in your second year become the best of mates. I'd just say be open minded to everyone and if you find you aren't really getting on with the people you live with meet in halls there will always be people on your course/ in societies/ that you meet out randomly/ or that you meet through jobs or volunteering. So it's not the end of the world. That and if you are having a really tough time with hall/ flat mates talk to your accomodation office to see if it might be possible to move.

    Good Luck all,

    Susie :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    This year I ended up in a Uni house/flat thing in the student village with 5 housemates. 1 german, 1 sweedish, 1 chinese, 1 postgraduate aged 24 and a hippy fresher...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kath2003
    This year I ended up in a Uni house/flat thing in the student village with 5 housemates. 1 german, 1 sweedish, 1 chinese, 1 postgraduate aged 24 and a hippy fresher...

    Thats a sitcom waiting to happen!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Renzokuken
    Thats a sitcom waiting to happen!

    Funny from the outside maybe.
    Actually all of them were nice, with the exception of the chinese girl who I would be quite happy to never encounter again. It's just we never did anything as a group cos we were so varied.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aw ~*STRESSED*~ don't be worried, as people have already said, the majority of people will be in the same boat...and everyone is on their nicest behaviour for the first few weeks at least! You'll all be relying on each other to go to Welcome meetings/meals/the pub/shopping together, so you'll probably form fast bonds. Whether they last is a topic for discussion in the second term :lol:

    Personally I had a lot of issues with the nazis I lived with...marking lines on their milk cartons, colour-coding their Tesco Value ham slices in the fridge, and padlocking their kitchen cupboard before the rest of us had even had a chance to prove ourselves untrustworthy! However we did get on like a house on fire in the first few weeks. One other gripe I had was the girl who set her alarm for 6am every morning...fair enough if she was an early-rising, ray of sunshine but she was the grumpiest person ever in the morning! Plus she used to snooze it about six times every morning and still end up late for lectures...the point was...?

    The food on our meal plans was, as has already been said, carb-packed stodge. Was nice on ocassion...and we did get our money's worth as you could choose a "packed lunch" option...I usually just used to get 5 pints of milk. If you avoid the temptation to get a takeaway post-pub, you can budget your food quite easily I found. I didn't used to do big shops, just buy a few bits when I needed em. Don't know why I'm talking past-tense here, will still need food next year when I'm in a house.

    Anyway, don't want to scare anyone...you will have a fab time, whether it's added to by your flatmates remains to be seen. But even if you don't end up bein best mates, usually you can muddle on...and by the third week you'll have chosen other people to hang around with...from your course, from neighbouring flats and from any societies and clubs you might choose to join. Be friendly, say hello to everyone you can, don't be shy and you'll have a fab time.

    PS. Be warned about fire alarms though. Ours could be set off by hairspray, air fresher and even glancing at it the wrong way...made for a lot of staggering down the stairs at 4am through the early strains of hangover hell. Not fun. But all part of the experience...isn't it???
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Uni rocks.

    'Nuff said.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I trust mine. And no we don't have locks on our cupboards. I'm sure you'll have great roommates. *hugs*
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I trust most of my flatmates, but it just takes one untrustworthy one to mess things up. In my flat last year there was the unwritten rule that no body went in anyone elses cupboard, though the fridge and freezer were another matter and i have had stuff go missing from both.

    We couldn't put locks on our cupboards at my uni, so my advice is if you have anything nice leave it in your room or it may get eaten, the same goes for washing up.
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