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Feeling Low.....

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Hi, Does anyone just feel so low sometimes. Right now I am at that point, Im starting uni which I hoped would be a fresh start but there worries there with making new friends and the whole independence thing. Ive got to go to court about a car crash a couple of months back where apparently they found a witness to go with them and against me even though I did nothing wrong. I dont even get on with my parents at all and are always arguing and it got to the point they wernt going to contribute at all to uni, fortunately now they are a little. All the friends from sixth form have either already gone off to different unis or are just busy with other things and the worse thing was splitting with my gf 2 months back as apparently she didnt want a relationship even though I know she is getting close to other people. I was with her for nearly a year and felt so much for her and never saw the end coming and although I was ok at first I keep thinking about her more like whats shes doing and who shes with. She said she wantd to be friends but never seems to want to talk or anything so that was just another lie on top of all the ones about hoping we lasted for ages and loving me and everything. I dont really know why Im writing this, it isnt just for sympathy or anything....just somewhere to write it down I guess and in a way I know other people have similar problems...its just like sometimes I feel I cant move on from things and am always thinking about when things were good and I was happy with stuff to now when things are just such a mess


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hey DCR, im going through a diff. period at the moment too - not uni or anything, but have u told ur best mates (from school if not uni) how u are feeling at the moment? I'm sure they'd be able to help you through!
    Splitting up with some1 u have loads of fellings for is the worst thing eva, and i know it's not what you probably wanna hear but time does heal.
    You sound like a really strong person, and becasue of that i don't think you should give up on your parents, ex or other ppl from your 6th form who seem too busy. If u've just started uni then that probably explains y they're busy, cos you feel low u'll be reading more into the situation than is probably there. I know how you're feeling, and i know how awful it is to not be able to cheer up, so if u eva need a m8 or just someone to talk to, u no where i am.
    Hope i've helped
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i have low periods all the time its just part of life soon something (or someone Know wat im sayin) will come along to pick u up thats part of life 2
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i'm always feelin low n i have no self confidence and i'm always puttin myself down. I can't help it. I really can't seem to find anything good about myself. I can't even think of ne1 ever saying anythin nice about me which dusn't help n all i do remember is the bad things people have said.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i dont know what to say other than that i dont feel a lot better than you right now either
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I used to feel very much like this, but I'm out of it now. I broadened my mind to the type of people i wanted to be friends with and made lots of really great mates.

    Just try to think positively, be yourselves and things will get better.

    Wanna grow, grow up to be, be a debaser!
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