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my bf,his best mate and bulimia

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

right well.im stuck!
i dunnow wot im gonna write,but im confused.

im in love wiv my ex bf best mate.
we are getting it on,which is the best thing eva,but im stil confused.

i dont like my ex anymore,not in that way anyway.i jus feel tight on him.and it must be awkward for my bf to,coz well its the whole best mate thingy!oh i dunno.

the truth is that i liked my bf for ages,even when i was going out wiv my ex,but we were good mates,and i thought that if i told him,i would ruin things,and that was the last thing i wanted.but we are together now,and im woundering if its to soon.i love him to pieces,and i dont eva wamnna be wivout him,i just dont wanna ruin things between him and his best mate,my ex!

u confused yet?i am!

another thing.i have a really ghud friendship wiv my current bf, and i was wounderin if i shud tell him i am bulimic.
or would it put him off?

yeah any way,i dunno wot to say.please help!

cheers guys and gals.

love me,
scardy cat as usual!


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    im sorry if that is boring,but i need ur help on this one!
    please guys?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    you should be able to tell him anything and if ur sure he really likes you then yeah tell him, he'd be hurt if he found out another way and that u'd kept it from him
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    how do i tell him?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    is it best to tell it to his face?or can i do it through txt????

    i jus dont know if he would understand,he says he likes my body,he cnt c ne problems,i dont want him to think im stupid for not liking myself for what i am.

    am i making sence???
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    tell him face to face so as u can explain how u feel and u can both talk about it and so that you can answer any questions he has! doing it through a text message isnt a good way to do it cos u wont be able to see his reaction and u wont be able to explain urself fully. if this guy feels strongly about you he will stick by u, and if he doesnt then he isnt the one for you. u never know, maybe he can help you and be there for you whenever u need support and someone to talk to. good luck <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/smile.gif"&gt;
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hello scaredycat.

    issue #1 - the bestmate/ex-bf thing. as i've said before, there is no way to really win this one because someone is going to get hurt eventually. all you can do is love your new boyfriend and try to be as civil as you can to the ex. i don't recommend doing anything with the ex, cause that's gonna cause hard feelings.

    as for them being mates, all you can do is let them go out and have their time together. if they really are mates, then they'll both understand the situation and be happy for each other. if they can't handle it, then they won't be mates anymore. it's not fair, i know, but all you can do is let them work it out. just be prepared for some hard feelings between the two. and don't let the ex interfere with your relationship.

    issue #2 - as for the bulemia -- u just got be honest. don't even try to hide it or soften the blow. just sit him down, tell him u have something serious to discuss with him and that u r suffering from this disorder. if he loves you, all he will want to do is help you get better. but if you hide it from him, it will only make it harder to tell him and he will take it harder.

    good luck scaredy.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    cheers for the help guys i really appreciate it.
    im just scared of loosing him.the last person i told decided i was a freak,and that everyone should know about it.

    i was devastated.and the worst thing is that most people played follow the leader.one person says im a freak,so it must be true.

    but at least it showed me who my true friends were,but now i dont know who to trust.

    oh i dunno!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    has anyone else had a bad experience like this??

    telling a b/f or g/f or mate something personal,and them telling everyone?
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    Girl-From-MarsGirl-From-Mars Posts: 2,822 Boards Guru
    yes i told my close friend something that me and my then boyfriend did together, and she managed to tell all our other friends, and they all found it disgusting. god it was only oral sex ffs...

    she has a slight prob with keeping her mouth shut about some things. silly me though, didnt learn and told her something else about sex a while after that (a long while after that!) and she told everyone about that too <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/rolleyes.gif"&gt; *sigh*

    I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.
    ~ the late, great Douglas Adams
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    its really pathetic.why are people so sad!
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