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Which is worse?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
.... loving someone who is never going to love you and who you're hardly ever going to see after next week


stopping loving someone who's been the focus of your life for the last year or so?
(that sounds a bit dramatic but you know what I mean)


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    both are terrible and neither is really worse, wild. they both suck.

    unrequited love is one of the worst feelings possible because all you want is for someone to love you back and see you for who you are. and while that seems so simple, it's the hardest thing in life.

    meanwhile, realizing that you don't feel the same about someone who loves you, especially when you've spent a significant amount of time together is also rough cause you feel bad for not feeling the same and you're gonna feel worse when you have to let that person down and can see how hurt they get.

    yuck. if you're facing either one or both of these, i sympathize with you.

    good luck and i hope it works out.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ok, that's quite a problem! sounds like a bit of a catch-22 - either way you end up getting hurt. i think all u can do is admit you're beaten on this one, and move on (easy 4 me 2 say, i guess).

    as regards the 1st choice, i know its a really harsh thing to say, but if you're never goin 2 see the person again, then your feelings will gradually fade over time. soon enough you'll get over it, it'll be a tough time, but then you can move on.

    as for the second choice, you can't just 'stop loving' someone at the drop of a hat. give things some time, give them some distance, and take in plenty of distraction <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/wink.gif"&gt; and then (as above) you stop feeling as strongly.

    sorry i can't offer anything more +ve, but i can say from experience that perpetuating unrequited love just makes you bitter, and at least by moving on you can have a little more fun along the way <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/smile.gif"&gt;

    sorry wildchild, you have my deepest sympathies. just believe that things will get better, and in the long run they will.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    LOL I must have started more threads in the Relationships board than anywhere else! I guess I'm just not good at analysing my feelings about this kind of thing.
    Originally posted by Calvin:
    all you want is for someone to love you back and see you for who you are. and while that seems so simple, it's the hardest thing in life

    Calvin that's a really astute comment <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/smile.gif"&gt; And I'd also like to thank you for always answering my posts promptly because you always give good advice and it makes me feel a lot less stupid for posting.
    Originally posted by dazed_dan:
    your feelings will gradually fade over time

    Unfortunately it seems to take me a very long time..... I still love a guy I've seen maybe three times in the past year (at gigs with his band rather than even to speak to). It sucks, but thanks for the advice anyway <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/smile.gif"&gt;
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by wildchild:
    stopping loving someone who's been the focus of your life for the last year or so?

    ...Would get my vote for worst, if you force that 'stopping' on yourself, rather than it happening as a natural process over time.
    I've done both, and they're both horrible, I agree. However, trying to force your feelings will either kill you or drive you mad (which, IMHO, is the same thing).


    [This message has been edited by MacKenZie (edited 25-05-2001).]
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by wildchild:

    Calvin that's a really astute comment <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/smile.gif"&gt; And I'd also like to thank you for always answering my posts promptly because you always give good advice and it makes me feel a lot less stupid for posting.

    awwww. <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/smile.gif"&gt; ur welcome wildchild.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by wildchild:
    .... loving someone who is never going to love you and who you're hardly ever going to see after next week


    stopping loving someone who's been the focus of your life for the last year or so?
    (that sounds a bit dramatic but you know what I mean)

    Is the second scenario one where u've *had* to stop loving some1 or u've just stopped loving them cos u feel different about them?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    "stopping loving someone who's been the focus of your life for the last year or so?"

    Do u mean that U've *had* 2 stop loving this person for some reason or another or u've just stopped loving them cos ur feelings 2wards them hav changed?

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    Girl-From-MarsGirl-From-Mars Posts: 2,822 Boards Guru
    no need to post twice heaven scent <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/smile.gif"&gt; if your reply hasnt appeared, just press refresh, it WILL be there <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/smile.gif"&gt;

    but as for the Q, well i cant answer that *waits for wildchild* <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/smile.gif"&gt;

    I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.
    ~ the late, great Douglas Adams
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by ~*Heaven Scent*~:
    Is the second scenario one where u've *had* to stop loving some1 or u've just stopped loving them cos u feel different about them?

    It could be either, I was thinking more along the lines of stopping loving them because you feel different, but not like you suddenly dislike them or anything, more like just suddenly realising you don't love them any more.....

    Oh what I've just written makes no sense, it wasn't meant to be an intensely personal post, I was just thinking randomly along those lines and wondered what you guys thought about it <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/smile.gif"&gt;

    *decides to leave it open to intepretation*
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    loving someone who is never going to love you and who you're hardly ever going to see after next week is definitely worse

    There's a girl in my mirror
    I wonder who she is
    Sometimes I think I know her
    Sometimes I really wish I did
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by wildchild:
    .... loving someone who is never going to love you and who you're hardly ever going to see after next week


    stopping loving someone who's been the focus of your life for the last year or so?
    (that sounds a bit dramatic but you know what I mean)

    .... loving someone who is never going to love you and who you're hardly ever going to see after next week coz the other doesn't apply to me!!!

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Unrequited love hurts so much, i bin there 2 many times. Whoeva said "It is better 2 hav loved and lost than neva hav loved @ all" must hav neva lost. But i happy now and it a shame u not, <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/frown.gif"&gt; i sorry....

    Who's name does God use in vain?
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    Girl-From-MarsGirl-From-Mars Posts: 2,822 Boards Guru
    unrequited love is surely one of the worst feelings known to man, second only to the loss associated with death. or maybe just general loss. but its pretty bad.

    I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.
    ~ the late, great Douglas Adams
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    man ok u guys are just depressing the shit out of me ok anyway if i had to pick i would choose to stop loving someone (even tho that does sound hard) i agree with Damn right and GFM unrequited love worst feeling of all well its high up there

    I know I'm not perfect but I can smile
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Girl-From-Mars:
    unrequited love is surely one of the worst feelings known to man, second only to the loss associated with death. or maybe just general loss. but its pretty bad.

    especially if you cling to hope and refuse to believe that it will never happen. then each day and each encounter with that person is just soooooooo painful <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/frown.gif"&gt;

    and sorry for depressing you kitty. but u know the feeling, so share in the misery. <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/smile.gif"&gt;

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Jeez, some choice.

    If you stop loving someone then it's better to walk away because you'll only hurt that person and that's unfair.

    As for not seeing someone again, surely this is the purest love. Nothing can change those feelings, no arguing, no drifting apart just the everlasting affection. The kind you keep for you first true love.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Damn Right:
    Unrequited love hurts so much

    Remember u sayin that to me on one ocassion 6-7months ago. I thought about it and thought and thought and thought. Realised u were right got my head sorted out and did wot i had to do.... then i realised it wasn't unrequented at all. 6 months 1 week later and we've never looked back <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/biggrin.gif"&gt; <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/biggrin.gif"&gt; <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/biggrin.gif"&gt; <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/biggrin.gif"&gt;

    (Sorry for this little outburst of story/history but i got a bit carried away)

    To answer the question they both suck but loving someone who doesn't feel the same is really the worse thing that can happan - in the short term cos there will always be someone who feels the same way bout you...

    Hurry up and wait
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Damn Right:
    Whoeva said "It is better 2 hav loved and lost than neva hav loved @ all" must hav neva lost.

    'Twas Tennyson, and he wrote it in memorial to his best friend - so, yes, he had lost. In Memoriam A.H.H. is one of humanity's better pieces of poetry.
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    Girl-From-MarsGirl-From-Mars Posts: 2,822 Boards Guru
    Originally posted by Calvin:
    especially if you cling to hope and refuse to believe that it will never happen. then each day and each encounter with that person is just soooooooo painful <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/frown.gif"&gt;

    oh dont i know it. but when there clearly is hope there, how can a person give up? okay it will be less painful for them if they can learn to let go.... but what if it turns out not to be unrequited in the future, preferably not too far in the future? say "sorry, i got over you m8" or rediscover the old feelings you tried to bury?

    ack. gaaaaaaah. blah blah.

    I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.
    ~ the late, great Douglas Adams
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    Girl-From-MarsGirl-From-Mars Posts: 2,822 Boards Guru
    Originally posted by Damn Right:
    Whoeva said "It is better 2 hav loved and lost than neva hav loved @ all" must hav neva lost.

    i agree with that quote, however much it can hurt, it is better to experience love than not at all. its like living your life and it always being grey. it gets boring. if you live mainly in grey, you can have patches of black and white sometimes which can be amazingly good or devastatingly bad. hopefully someone knows what i mean! lol.. and im sober before you suggest otherwise turtle <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/tongue.gif"&gt;

    I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.
    ~ the late, great Douglas Adams
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Girl-From-Mars:
    but when there clearly is hope there, how can a person give up?

    At least you have hope - it's when there is no hope and you still can't give up that it's bad, and like Calvin says it's painful to be with the person.... but then again like you said here (in a sober sounding way IMO):
    however much it can hurt, it is better to experience love than not at all. its like living your life and it always being grey.....you can have patches of black and white sometimes which can be amazingly good or devastatingly bad.

    And sometimes it's amazingly rewarding just to be with that person, even without hope (although of course it can be devastatingly bad as well).
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by wildchild:
    .... loving someone who is never going to love you and who you're hardly ever going to see after next week


    stopping loving someone who's been the focus of your life for the last year or so?
    (that sounds a bit dramatic but you know what I mean)

    i think there both as bad as each other but i hate likeing smeone and they don't like you back!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by wildchild:
    .... loving someone who is never going to love you and who you're hardly ever going to see after next week


    stopping loving someone who's been the focus of your life for the last year or so?
    (that sounds a bit dramatic but you know what I mean)

    WILDCHILD, listen i've been in BOTH situations. Just a few days ago I found out that the guy i have loved since 7th grade (i am in 10th grade now) is gay. do you understand how much that sux to me? he is so cool in everyway, i knew he was awhile ago but i couldent come to grips with it - but i will still love him no matter what. and as for the first one. this guy kevin, who flirts with me all the time is leaving for this private school. i know he'll forget me as soon as he leaves and frankly i want him so bad. but its only lust not love

    so personally i think #2 is worse

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