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Why do people offer things they cannot give?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
Dear All,

Please enlighten me, as I am having a difficult day/week/year!! Why do people offer things that they cannot/will not give?

Where has common courtesy gone? Or was it never common to begin with? When a friend agrees to go out, and then dashes off to another city, is it that difficult to send a text and let the other person know? Why arrange a meeting if you don't plan on showing up?

Why do people offer to help you out with things and then leave you to fend for yourself? Surely it's cruel to raise people's hopes?

Thoughts people?


  • Porky_StalkerPorky_Stalker Posts: 108 The Mix Convert
    Bbviously they arent thinking much on how their actions affect other people

    it takes like 30 seconds to send a txt msg! why cant they do that? its not like they 'dont have the time'

    It is cruel to raise peoples hopes..
    If i was to arrange to do something with my friends and didnt turn up or even tell them then i would expect my friends to be really annoyed with me!

    People should think about the other people that they may be affecting with their actions (or lack of)
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