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Mr. Perfect

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
I've liked this guy now since February... he's good-looking, sweet, an all-around nice guy. And we have a lot in common, especially religion and music (he is an awesome saxophonist and singer, i play flute and piano and i sing). I met him through a band that we are in together. I am just starting to really get to know him and next year I'll be attending the same school as him. I really would like to ask him out, but I am afraid of getting hurt.. I really think we could have something but I don't know how he feels about me. The one thing I really don't want to do is act too soon and ruin any chances I may have. I just got over my first really serious relationship which ended 9 months ago. Until now, I have been having a lot of trouble opening up to the idea that there may be someone else out there for me. And this new guy is everything I'm looking for and more, what should I do?


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by CheerBaby:
    <STRONG>I've liked this guy now since February... he's good-looking, sweet, an all-around nice guy. And we have a lot in common, especially religion and music (he is an awesome saxophonist and singer, i play flute and piano and i sing). I met him through a band that we are in together. I am just starting to really get to know him and next year I'll be attending the same school as him. I really would like to ask him out, but I am afraid of getting hurt.. I really think we could have something but I don't know how he feels about me. The one thing I really don't want to do is act too soon and ruin any chances I may have. I just got over my first really serious relationship which ended 9 months ago. Until now, I have been having a lot of trouble opening up to the idea that there may be someone else out there for me. And this new guy is everything I'm looking for and more, what should I do?</STRONG>

    if you dont buy the ticket, you wont win the prize. go for it. theres nothing worse than not knowing, or leaving to too late. life is short. make it worth it!
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    There are 3 options:
    1)you dont ask him and just leave things as they are-another girl finds this "perfect" guy and uve lost ur chance
    2)you ask him and he says he has feelings for you. You start a realationship, everything is perfect, you live happily ever after!
    3)you ask him and he says he can't see you like that, would rather keep you as a friend etc. But at least u wud have asked him-after getting out of a long relationship with someone it is always hard to find someone else you like and ask them out. The first time is always the hardest-if he says no then is his loss-and least uve got the first time out the way-the next time it will be easier-i promise!And u can still remain friends with his guy-uve got nothing to lose!

    My view is GO FOR IT! G <IMG SRC="smile.gif" border="0" ALT="icon"> <IMG SRC="smile.gif" border="0" ALT="icon"> D LUCK and keep us posted! xXx
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    do it before someone else does!
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If you really like him then what are you waiting for, what is the worst that can happen? He will say no - but then at least you can get over that and carry on your relationship as friends.

    As for being hurt again - no ones knows what will happen in a relationship, sometimes you get hurt and sometimes you don't.

    Good Luck!

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