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Weight..fat Fat Fat Fat

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
OK well basically i have gained a lot of weight since i got into a serious relationship about 4 yrs ago, i managed to gain 35kg within those 4 years which is about 78lbs, or about 4 stone so quite a bit of weight. However last year 2003 october i went on a diet well a few and manage to get rid of 5kg but it took forever, so i think ended up starving my self, i used to eat one day and then for 4 days not eat then eat one day and for 4 days not eat i did this for about 1 and a half months and managed to loose 20kg by the end of december tht year 2003. id like to say i was thin now and happy with my weight but im not, i desperately need to shed the extra 15kg within the next 3 months mximum because its really affecting my life, i have become so self concious that i dropped out of uni and have secluded my self to literally a couple of mates. I barely go out any more and my boyfriend of 4 yrs has temporarily broken up with me untill i do something about it, caus ehe said i turned into a depressed and complex person not like the one he met , and he is worried ill destroy my future based on my body. The thing is i dont know what to do , i have tried going back on to my starving my self for 4 days diet but i cant seem to manage a day, i dont know why. And i really want to give my life a boost and chnage the things whihc are causing it to be so shit. I know if i lost 15kg id have a much better life , socially and also university life. so please someone give me advice!!!

thanks !!!!!


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: Weight..fat Fat Fat Fat
    Originally posted by miss_kissable85
    OK well basically i have gained a lot of weight since i got into a serious relationship about 4 yrs ago, i managed to gain 35kg within those 4 years which is about 78lbs, or about 4 stone so quite a bit of weight. However last year 2003 october i went on a diet well a few and manage to get rid of 5kg but it took forever, so i think ended up starving my self, i used to eat one day and then for 4 days not eat then eat one day and for 4 days not eat i did this for about 1 and a half months and managed to loose 20kg by the end of december tht year 2003. id like to say i was thin now and happy with my weight but im not, i desperately need to shed the extra 15kg within the next 3 months mximum because its really affecting my life, i have become so self concious that i dropped out of uni and have secluded my self to literally a couple of mates. I barely go out any more and my boyfriend of 4 yrs has temporarily broken up with me untill i do something about it, caus ehe said i turned into a depressed and complex person not like the one he met , and he is worried ill destroy my future based on my body. The thing is i dont know what to do , i have tried going back on to my starving my self for 4 days diet but i cant seem to manage a day, i dont know why. And i really want to give my life a boost and chnage the things whihc are causing it to be so shit. I know if i lost 15kg id have a much better life , socially and also university life. so please someone give me advice!!!

    thanks !!!!!

    well, i think maybe you should start by changing your eating habits; eating one day and then not for a few days will not help one bit. doing that will only make you ill. i'd go and see your doctor, 'cause you really don't sound too happy and you're really not going about losing this weight in the right way. why should being in a serious relationship make you put on 4 stone; are you unhappy with your partner?

    edited to say: i really haven't a clue why this is in fashion. :confused:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: Re: Weight..fat Fat Fat Fat
    Originally posted by lucifer devil
    why should being in a serious relationship make you put on 4 stone; are you unhappy with your partner?
    most likely the opposite. you get content with your partner and life and end up putting on weight..

    errrm. do you exercise? because that will make you toned too unlike just starving yourself.
    do a search in health because there has been lots of advice about diets given out.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think you need to eat sensibly and do more excercise. Use the time you would have spent with the boyfriend to go to a gym or go swimming and running.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    you will lose weight quicker and less dangerously if you eat properly. eat loads of veggies, grill your meat and let the fat drain off, boil things, swap your vegetable/sunflower oil for extra virgin olive oil, eat 5 small meals a day instead of 3. drink lots of water, snack on fruit and a small amount of nuts...

    starving yourself will just make your body panic and retain calories. and it'll make you look awful.

    also for the record, 35kgs is more like 5.5 stones.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hey there!

    I'm trying to lose a stone which I've put on since September (some big time weight gain when you're only 5'3"). I've been tryig for two weeks and can already see some differences.

    I basically stopped all snacking between meals, I know that some people say it's best to eat little and often but I'd just scoff stuff all the time (and even fruit and stuff has calories). I usually have cereal with skimmed milk for breakfast, something like beans on toast/low fat soup/ ryvita with low fat cottage cheese and wafer thin ham/salad for lunch and something like pasta in a plain tomato sauce with a lil bit of parmesan cheese/baked potatoes with cottage cheese or tuna (no butter)/grilled meat with veg for dinner. I bought a non-stick frying pan so you never need to put oil in anything - works well with anything from eggs to mushrooms to turkey. Have either yoghurt (<2% fat) or fruit for desert and the occasional low fat (Go Ahead range) chocolate bar or cake bar - can't tell the difference!

    Read the packets of EVERYTHING - you'd be surprised how low fat some stuff is e.g. beans are 0.1% fat! Stuffing is a nice alternative in sandwiches with some wafer thin chicken and is under 1.5% fat (I never knew any of this before). Replace normal cheese with cottage cheese - you can buy a less than 1% fat version and it adds moisture so you can eat it with ryvita (like eating cardboard if you have it by itself) and baked potatoes (without using the butter because you have the moisture there). There are LOADS of low fat salad dressings and best of all ketchup is virtually fat free! Tuna is filling, add a lil vinigar to give it some moisture and use only the stuff in brine. Even stuff like fruit pastilles are fat free (have a couple when you need the sugar fix, but they're calorific). Even stuff like supernoodles come in a less than 1% fat range!

    I also bought a (very old and very cheesy) Rosemary Conley video for £6 from amazon.co.uk - it's cheesy but it's easy enough, you can do anything from 10 minutes to an hour since it's divided into 6 ten minute sessions and it's really not that hard. I usually do between 20-30 minutes a day.

    I honestly don't miss the chocolate etc at all. If my boyfriend is having something I'll have a tiny bit e.g. one teaspoon of his ice cream but I'm never really hungry (except just before meals) and after them I'm stuffed full of low fat healthy goodness!

    Lemme know how it goes and I'll keep you up to date with mine. I don't have any scales cos I'm at Uni but I'm going home in 2 weeks so that'll be 4 weeks since I started my new diet and in that time I'm hoping to have lost 4lb (start slow!).
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I know losing weight is hard, but it becomes soooo much more difficult if u think that simply being thinner will solve all your problems. it just ain't true! being happy with yourself is an internal thing.... being thin isn't a pancea to life's problems. You can't just say that when I get down to 10 stone or whatever, that then i'll be happy. 'Happiness' with yourself shouldn't be conditional like that. You have to like the person that you are, aswell, because that isn't going to change, no matter how much you weigh.

    Like everyone said, lot-fat n exercise is all good, but maybe look at losing weight as part of a total change in your life? think about what u want to be doing in year's time and focus on that as well. Think about the things in your life that make u unhappy and start to change those things too.

    sorry if this all sounds very negative, but I've been there and done that.... If i loose this last few pounds, then i'll do better, then I'll be pretty, then everything will be okay. It took me a long time and much unhappiness to realise that all I was doing was projecting all the negative things in my life onto my problems with my weight and it's a really hard mindset to get out of.

    I hope it all works out for you.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Green tea may well be good, but spam is bad
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