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College - the next step

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
edited March 27 in Work & Study
I bet every1's sick of me talking about what i wanna do wiv myself etc. but this is my last 1 i promise :D

rite the times coming up to decide where to go next - right now i have 2 choices of where to go after my gcses:

1) stay on at the school's 6th form , where i know the teachers, where there will be less people in classes (around 5-10 ppl) but the grades are lower than at the college.

2) Go to a 6th form college, its a bit further away than the school 6th form but that's not really an issue. The college has a much higher acceptance grade - and only accepts people who get B's at least at GCSE's, but the class sizes will be more like at school - with around 30 people. But then again, the grades are a lot higher than at the 6th form at school but i think it will be a lot more inpersonal - but there is a lot more oppurtunity to meet new people.

So this is my dilema - which of these to go to.... I was just wondering if people have been in similar situations as me - and which they picked, why they picked that and if they regretted it or not.

Thanks in advance :D
Post edited by JustV on


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Depends on a lot of things really, how outgoing you are, how easy you make new friends. Will you be able to resist bunking of lessons to go the pub?
    The safe bet is 6th Form, Collage is a lot more relaxed, its normally that 6th forms have the higher grades btw......

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I had the same dilemma but in the end I went for school because the grades the school get from the students are as high as I'm aiming anyway. Also, the school have known me for long enough to write a decent reference when it comes to UCAS. My friends all stayed at my school and I'm not very good at making new ones.

    So that was my reasoning. Obviously the average grades are important, but the class sizes at the college would worry me. I have about 15 in my largest class this year and I find that lesson really impersonal, I don't think I could go back to large classes because the course is pressured enough as it is.

    Dunno if that helps but that's my tuppence worth.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Bopperz
    Depends on a lot of things really, how outgoing you are, how easy you make new friends. Will you be able to resist bunking of lessons to go the pub?
    The safe bet is 6th Form, Collage is a lot more relaxed, its normally that 6th forms have the higher grades btw......

    our 6th form doesnt have as good grades as the college, not anywhere as near. I guess its not that they're bad grades: it is regarded as a good 6th form, but the college is 1 of them good ones which only accept intelligent people - people who are going to get good grades anyway is my reasoning.

    Erm....I guess i make new friends easily and I am outgoing but the college is in the middle of nowhere whereas the 6th form is near the pub
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I carried on at my school based 6th form & what a big mistake that was. I only lasted the first 4 months.

    The prospectus was a total bag of lies saying that you would be treated like adults & not like kids. The only advantage I would say was that cause you knew the teachers you knew how far you could joke with them until they went mad.

    My time at 6th form was just like starting 2/3 more years of compulsory education but with the added bonus that you could choose whether you stayed or went & I choose to leave which was the best choice I made after the bad choice of choosing to go in the 1st place.

    The main problem with 6th form was it was totally constant day-in-day out for weeks & weeks. There was no escape from the place whereas with collage you just come for you lessons then go back home. You have a lot more freedom & a sense of being your own person & managing your own life.

    I hope this helps to give you an insight into my life after GCSE's :)

    I'm now at collage doing a part-time course which only takes up 1 full day a week:hyper:

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yea crispy, that does help me loads, thanx :D

    Has anyone else got anything to say about all this please?:D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i went to a sixth form college and loved it.

    i didn't have an option though, cause my school was only 11-16. but even if there'd have been a sixth form at my school i still would have gone to the college.

    it's just a different way of life. it prepares you better for uni, i think. you're treated more like an adult, and it's all a lot more relaxed.

    plus the facilities at the college were a lot more specialised, and they offered a better range of subjects.

    it depends entirely on your particular school and college. have you been to have a look round the college? that's what i'd do... you'll probably know from the vibe if you'll like it there or not. and maybe speak to some of the students at the college?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    spoke to people at the college - got a mate or 2 there - but all i seem to get are mixed messages and grunts lol

    yea ive bin looking around the college about 3 times so far lol
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