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I need help - please...quick!

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
OK...this is a really complicated story - but I'll try and explain it as simply as I can.

It started back in August, I met this guy in a chat room one day and we get really friendly. After a while of chatting we found out loads about each other and decided to give each other our mobile numbers. He called me soon after our chat and he seemed like a really genuine guy. So we continued to talk - a LOT on the phone but also on webcam, email etc.

After a while, and getting more friendlier - we thought about meeting up. He suggested I go down to see him (but he is from the South and I'm from Scotland) Naturally I was pretty worried about meeting someone off the internet so he said that he would come up to see me - so I would be closer to home.

Then, this is the part that annoys me the most, my mum thought something was wrong with me and went through my whold bedroom and looked at my emails on the computer and found out that this meeting was being planned for the next weekend. My mum went mad at me and basically made me promise that I would stop all contact. But I couldn't as my feelings for him had grown even stronger.

He understood my problems with my mum and he never came up that weekend. A couple of weeks passed and the subject came up again, should we meet. I thought about going down there and I booked some cheap flights...I was excited and nervous. And, yet again, my mum went through my room to find my bank statememt with airline tickets on it - she knew it was to see him, and went mad again.

I could have gone down, but I didn't - because I didn't want to have to come back to all the akward questions from them. More money wasted on flights. Anyway, last weekend we planned for him to come up and see me. I met him at the airport on the Friday and he was everything I dreamed of, and more - all my worries had gone and I was, at last, happy. We had an AMAZING weekend together and seeing him go back home on the Sunday broke my heart (and his).

And now its this - we both want to be with each other all the time now. Eventually we want to live together. To sort things out I have booked tickets for next weekend to spend more time with him. I'm not worried about it at all. But my mum still thinks that I have no contact with him, she doesn't know about meeting him last weekend.

So...I'm gonna have to come up with an excuse for going away from Thursday to Monday next week. I am definately going - she cannot physically stop me (I'm 18 for God sake) I don't like lying, but I think I will need to for this weekend. Eventually I will have to tell the truth - when I go to live with him, but I just need as much advice as possible to allow me to go and enjoy my time with him.

Thanks for your time - I look forward to hearing your advice.

Take Care, Iain.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ok read ur story and the best think 2 do wud be to tell ur mum about this and tell her that u know u are not in danger u know him and u will be carefull u cud take him to meet her and she can make up her own mind!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    right u look like ur in a bit of a bad situation.love is the greatest thing of all and nothing can stop love unless its pairents on the rampage,so what u do tell ur mum your going to stay with mates for the week or tell her your going away for the week.if she questions this tell her you will give her your mobile number so she can ring u at anytime because you have nothing to hide.then if it all goes well you take you man to go and meet your mum as a new boyfriend you met while u were away then keep seing him and eventually you will get round to telling your mum the whole truth.so really your not lying to your mum but just delaying the truth to see if this relationship will really work

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    if hes as nice as u say he is ure mum should have no problem accepting him as ure b/f after all mums r usualy real suckers 4 nice well brought up young men and women.

    take him 2 meet her as soon as possible lies hurt more after longer periods of time.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    HELLO? WAKE-UP. The guy might be great, even the second coming of Jesus, but come on! After meeting this guy for one weekend in the real world, you have decided that you are going to live together? You are obviously not in full control of your senses and require full-time medical attention in a hospital of some kind. You still don't really know him, all you've seen is what he wants you to see. He probably is a really nice guy and you are probably safe, but, FFS give it longer than two weekends outside of a chatroom before you have his children. Christ! It's no wonder your mother is worried about you, she is only trying to protect your ungrateful ass. You've got infatuated, first boyfriend is it? This is not the behaviour of an adult, try and take your time. Stuff like this, "the internet fairytale", is bound to end in tears.

    Good luck to you, you obviously need it.

    "Excellent!" <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/Gif/burns.gif"&gt;
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    I totally agree with Mr. Burns, but wouldn't be as blunt.. here's a little story of my own for you... all true

    Two years ago, this month actually, I met a guy in a chat room. We discovered we lived in nearby cities and began to e-mail each other. This went on for a couple of weeks and we decided to meet up. We did this and things were great. Got on really well, had a brilliant weekend together and this went on like so for 2 months. Then he ceased contact. Then I discovered I was pregnant. I didn't tell him but I contacted him and asked him to meet me re something important that didn't concern him blanking me.. he agreed but never showed up. I had the baby.. a gorgeous boy who is now 13 months old. I decided to make contact with Mr. Net and tracked him down three months ago. He has owned up to the responsibilty but now that I've gotton to know him outside of the whole "being carried away with web romance shite" I've discovered he is nothing but a player and I guess the moral of the story is I was blinded too at the start.

    Go with the flow but be very careful...you are young and there are plenty fish in the sea.. Get as much information as you can about his family, where he lives etc. and instead of you going to where he lives get him to come to you again.. this will test whether he is really interested or not.

    As for your mother.. she is only for your good (i know that sounds so cliche) but you hear so many horror stories so try to see things from her side.. if he comes to see you, introduce him to her to put her mind at rest.

    Best of Luck Girl..
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    And let us know how you get on!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Just be careful if you do go, Id say staying at his house so soon after meeting is a little dangerous. But net romances can work, and theres nothing bad about meeting someone on the net- I did, and Im so happy I did <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/smile.gif"&gt;

    It matters not who won or lost, but how you place the blame.
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