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Did I mess it up?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I'll try my best to give you the short version -


Ok.. met guy on my weekend course away. At pub had one to many and ended up kissing and cuddling that night.
Next day, I hardly seen him coz we were in separate groups.

From then we do talk but never confronted each other about the kiss. I just assumed he wasn't interested and the time we kissed was a drunken mistake to him so I never dwelled on it.


My friend who I just met on second weekend said she liked him so I pushed them together - They had their kiss and cuddle, etc and are now trying to start a long-distance relationship.

NOTE: He lives near me (Belfast) She lives up LondonDerry

I have just recently found out from another friend of mine that he told her that he wanted to go out with me but was too shy to ask and wasn't interested in the girl I tried to fix him up with although he is now.

I finally confronted him.. well over a text and he said he didn't think I was interested so thats why he backed off and coz of the position I put him in by making it clear that I do like him, He responded, saying 'I don't want anyone to get hurt'

I've never been good at relationships. Have never liked a guy this much since my last relatiomship which was 3 years ago.
What to do???

Ok, guys... Did I mess it up big style? Put me out of my misery.

I need advice!!

XoX Sam XoX


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by bacon
    So he likes you.

    And you like him.

    Problem is where?

    He's going out with her friend, with whom she set him up.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by lisa simpson's saxophone
    He's going out with her friend, with whom she set him up.
    BUT i think it's not really her friend, just someone she met on the course. so no loyalty or anything.

    this guy may say 'i dont want anyone to get hurt' but if he really liked you i would think he'd want to get with you reardless. why dont you call him and stay in touch and see how things go. don't play it so cool next time ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    if he doesnt really like the other girl then it wont last anyway. wait to see what happens :thumb: if he really likes you he'll end it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ooooh, I had this problem. Well, similar to - the bloke did actually like the said lass I set him up with.

    I'd say move on, and hit it off with some other chap.

    Does he stay closer to you or other lass?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I''ve been texting him, asking him if he wants to go out 2moro night with mates... wanting to bump into him with his mates while I'm with mine. Planning to knock few drinks in me to work up the courage to start over with him and see if he's for real.

    But he's been sending me texts, playing mind games...not telling me straight if he wants to meet up or not so I'm guessing he's trying to get out of it discreetly.

    He's made it clear he aint interested anymore by mentioning the other girls name on asking how to get her more interested in him - I blew it!

    Ah well - Thanx anyway guys -

    XoX Sam XoX
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Cruel2BKind
    But he's been sending me texts, playing mind games...not telling me straight if he wants to meet up or not so I'm guessing he's trying to get out of it discreetly.

    He's made it clear he aint interested anymore by mentioning the other girls name on asking how to get her more interested in him - I blew it!


    I really don't understand girls!
    Originally posted by Cruel2BKind

    My friend who I just met on second weekend said she liked him so I pushed them together - They had their kiss and cuddle, etc and are now trying to start a long-distance relationship.

    You pushed them together but you still liked him - apart from that being total madness (but i think you realise that so i'll leave it there ;):) ) doesn't that show you that just because he happens to be talking about this other girl doesn't mean he's not interested in you.

    To be honest if i got off with a girl and then she pushed me onto her mate the following week and then txt me telling me she really liked me i'd be pretty damn confused. Wouldn't you say that sounds like mind games? You didn't mean it like that but you gotta admit that does sound like a bit of a head fuck?

    I reckon he's just a bit wary of you because of that, you should come clean with him - tell him you like him but thought he wasn't interested and then found out he was. Say you didn't mean to mess him about but you do really like him.

    C'mon if u haven't liked someone this much for three years you HAVE to go for this oterwise you might spend another three years wondering what might have been.

    If you want something you have to take it, its not gonna fall into your lap you've got to put the effort in. You saw him first so fight for him.

    gd luck :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    shatter_proof - Yeah you do have a point about the whole playing mind games thing.

    I ended up telling him, I do like him and asked him why he didn't confront me and he said he was just shy and didn't think I was that interested.

    Just told him, that I'm going to this club that I know he goes to as well with my mates and if he wants I'd like to bump into him that night. Tonight infact - So wish me luck.

    I'm going to try my best to be straight with him -
    Just not use to be making all the moves coz he does seem to be genuinely shy - So Sweet :)

    XoX Sam XoX
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    good on ya

    Honestly when some of my female friends moan that the guy they like hasn't made a move on them it amazes me. As far as i'm concerned its a simple three stage process

    see something > want something > go for something

    And if you don't get it at least you tried.

    Good luck tonight, i'm sure it will go your way - just remember there's nothing sexier than a girl who knows what she wants!

    ...apart from nurses :naughty:;)

    ...maybe you could go to the club dressed as a nurse :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by shatter_proof
    ...apart from nurses :naughty:;)

    ...maybe you could go to the club dressed as a nurse :p

    If he plays his cards right, he'll be getting private sessions :p


    XoX Sam XoX
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