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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Help! I really like this girl but she sleeps around and i dont want 2 sleep with her unless i know for sure that she got no STI's! How can i put it in a way she wont find offensive?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    just use a condom.. if you do.. you should be fine..

    there's no real way to ask if they have any stds without being offensice.. unless u got a mate to ask her.. anyway she might denie it if she has anyway.. wouldn't want it public..
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ask a girlie mate to 'complain' about a nervous reaction she took to a brand of johnnies/contrceptive cap/pill etc. See how she reacts and then ask what she thinks is the best form of contraception for her. Girls sharing, innit. :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    just use a condom, but if you still feel unsure just ask her. if you explain that you're just being safe then she should be alright about it, although maybe a little offended at 1st.
    by the way, when you say she sleeps around, do u mean she'll sleep with any1 and every1, i.e. a slag, or that she's slept with a few previous b/f'. im only asking, bcos if she's the sort of person who sleeps around with any1, (im not saying this is what all people who've slept with a few partners do) then whats to say she wont do the same if you get with her??
    good luck
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    As faras I'm concerned if I was going to sleep with someone I'd want to be comfortable enough with them to be able to talk about something like that; if you're both mature enough it shouldn't be insulting. She might even be glad you've brought it up cos she cold be wondering the same about you.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Just use a johnny!

    But doesnt it put you off that she sleeps around?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by curiouslad

    But doesnt it put you off that she sleeps around?

    You would think that, but not all the time, i mean ive fallen for a rite player atm, shit innit.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Butterflykisses
    As faras I'm concerned if I was going to sleep with someone I'd want to be comfortable enough with them to be able to talk about something like that; if you're both mature enough it shouldn't be insulting. She might even be glad you've brought it up cos she cold be wondering the same about you.

    yes, exactly.

    i hope you're all aware that condoms are only 97% effective, which goes for STIs as well as pregnancy. and that's when they're used properly. a lot of people don't use them properly, and that's when accidents happen.

    a better solution would be for you to say something like - 'i want us to be totally safe, and i want to know if i have anything so i don't give you it. why don't we go for our tests together?'

    that way you're not pointing the finger at her, and you're being all mature about it. she'll br more likely to go if you do it together.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by kaffrin
    yes, exactly.

    i hope you're all aware that condoms are only 97% effective, which goes for STIs as well as pregnancy. and that's when they're used properly. a lot of people don't use them properly, and that's when accidents happen.

    a better solution would be for you to say something like - 'i want us to be totally safe, and i want to know if i have anything so i don't give you it. why don't we go for our tests together?'

    that way you're not pointing the finger at her, and you're being all mature about it. she'll br more likely to go if you do it together.

    but if she sleeps around she might be reluctent, i know some girls who are like. No no im fine i got nothing and refuse to be tested. this tends to be the girls who have sleep around.

    but thats just what i've heard/seen
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Rude_boyz
    but if she sleeps around she might be reluctent

    That's kinda stupid. :confused: If you sleep around and haven't used anything or what not you're more likely to wanna know you're safe so you don't prance around infecting other people. Unless you're a twisted little bugger. :p

    I've got to be tested soon. :( Not that I sleep around or anything...:eek2:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Rude_boyz
    i know some girls who are like. No no im fine i got nothing and refuse to be tested. this tends to be the girls who have sleep around.

    Not the girls who, say for example, have never had sex?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by DaisyChainThing
    That's kinda stupid. :confused: If you sleep around and haven't used anything or what not you're more likely to wanna know you're safe so you don't prance around infecting other people. Unless you're a twisted little bugger. :p

    I've got to be tested soon. :( Not that I sleep around or anything...:eek2:

    no.. i'm saying if it gets out she had a STI/STD test then i dunno about other places but at our school it would ruin there chance of a guy fucking them. there be to scared there catch summit. peoples impressions at our school (alot of people anyway) if they ever get one there allways have one..
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Capacity
    Not the girls who, say for example, have never had sex?

    I see where you're coming from but STD's can be transmitted through oral sex or even by hand-genital contact. Virgins can be infected too - don't forget that
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I see where you're coming from but STD's can be transmitted through oral sex or even by hand-genital contact. Virgins can be infected too - don't forget that

    You obviously don't see where I am coming from. My post was aimed at rudebwoys' comment which was that, girls who refused to be tested were usually the ones who slept around, which I didn't agree with.
    no.. i'm saying if it gets out she had a STI/STD test then i dunno about other places but at our school it would ruin there chance of a guy fucking them. there be to scared there catch summit. peoples impressions at our school (alot of people anyway) if they ever get one there allways have one..

    I liked the way that you put that, "it would ruin their chance of a guy fucking them". The problem with people in your school is that they are age ranged between 11 and 15/16? This means they know nothing, or very little if you're planning to pick me up on that statement. And if I was a girl who went for a test, I'd consider getting my 'chance' ruined a bonus. Kind of gives me the impression that the boys in your school know shitloads about the reasons behind getting tested.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Rude_boyz
    no.. i'm saying if it gets out she had a STI/STD test then i dunno about other places but at our school it would ruin there chance of a guy fucking them. there be to scared there catch summit. peoples impressions at our school (alot of people anyway) if they ever get one there allways have one..

    Yeah, cos I'm sure the thing they worry about is that someone won't fuck them rather than the fear of having an STI. :yeees:

    And if that is wht they worry about then they're fucking stupid. Even people in my school who were shagging around since they were 12 weren't quite that retarded. :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Rude_boyz
    but if she sleeps around she might be reluctent, i know some girls who are like. No no im fine i got nothing and refuse to be tested. this tends to be the girls who have sleep around.

    then let me give you a tip for the future: do not sleep with these girls.

    if you are not mature enough to have a few tests to make sure you're healthy and your partner(s) are safe you are NOT mature enough to be having sex.

    and from the sound of it, no one in your school is mature enough to be having sex either.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by kaffrin
    then let me give you a tip for the future: do not sleep with these girls.

    if you are not mature enough to have a few tests to make sure you're healthy and your partner(s) are safe you are NOT mature enough to be having sex.

    and from the sound of it, no one in your school is mature enough to be having sex either.

    I wouldn't dream of fucking one of those munter.. i would only sleep with someone i felt combtable with..:)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ok, most of this has already been said, but just to clarify. It only takes one wrong encounter with one persop for an STI to be transmitted. If a person has had a higher number of sexual partners, they may have put themselves at risk more often, but it doesn't mean you should be more worried about having sex with them. You should apply this caution to every sexual relationship you have - unless you have both been tested together you never really know for sure and should therefore always use a condom to minimise the risks of STIs. You can organise tests for STIs through your GP or your local GUM clinic.
    In the meantime, maybe you should think about getting to know this girl well enough for the conversation to arise naturally before embarking on a sexual relationship with her?

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by spanner
    Ok, most of this has already been said, but just to clarify. It only takes one wrong encounter with one persop for an STI to be transmitted. If a person has had a higher number of sexual partners, they may have put themselves at risk more often, but it doesn't mean you should be more worried about having sex with them. You should apply this caution to every sexual relationship you have - unless you have both been tested together you never really know for sure and should therefore always use a condom to minimise the risks of STIs. You can organise tests for STIs through your GP or your local GUM clinic.
    In the meantime, maybe you should think about getting to know this girl well enough for the conversation to arise naturally before embarking on a sexual relationship with her?


    Working on the weekend. don't u guys ever stop..:) you work to hard :D
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