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Supposibly she likes me, but what do I do.

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Ok I know this post is sorta long but pelase read and help me. THX!

Ok so here we go. It all started back in october I had met this girl. I had a gf at the time but a week after I met her, she broke up wit me so I started taking interest in this girl. Well we went to the movies and we hit it off. The following week I told her I wanted to be with her and she did too so we got together. So for like a week we saw each other at school until winter break and we went to the movies two times to see each other. Well about the day before we came back, she told me that she wanted to tell me something at school tommarow on the phone. I could tell it wasn't good and she broke up wit me. She said the reason was because her parents are giving her hell I guess so she dosen't want to be wit me, which dosen't make sence to me, but i was like ok.... So then she tells me that she still wants to go out later and she still likes me but just not now. At first, I didn't want that, but this chick is just like everything I want in a girl, I mean great body, great personality(not bitchy, justa fun girl) smart, and a nice face. So even thought that it was fucked up she did that, I was like, I will wait.

So its been a month and a whole lot of shit has sorta been thrown at me which I will get to later. We went to the movies(like we usually do. We still hang out and talk and everythng nothing wierd between us) and I asked her wats up with us and she tells me the same thing. I mean, its not like her parents are in our way. We do everything we did before we got together except me showin her some love. Its not like I am reminding her of her parents or giving her hell. She told me the same thing that she still wants to be with me. And I told her if you don't like me, just tell me. I won't be fucked up and not be your friend no more or nuttin. And she said she couldn't cause she still likes me. So I don't know what to do anymore. I mean I have a life, I want to go out with other chicks, but I am making myself availible to her and I don't know if I should wait.

Now, shes done some things that are questionable. Like during januray, some guy came back and started talkin to her again when we broke up. Well this guy was flirtin with her and she was flirtin back and I was like wtf. I mean, the guy was getting a little tooo close. I told her how I felt, and she said they were only friends. But like a week later, she said if Iwanted to hang out at the movies but she wanted to bring this fu. I told her no and she got pissed off wit me and didn't go. So I talked to her and she said it was because that this guy asked her out and she said no, but I guess he watned to go to movies and diddn't feel comfortabel going by herself with him. So I was like ok. That wasn't too bad of a thing she was doing. But then, this last friday when I asked her out again, we had saw soem peeps of mine there so we went there talkin and then she saw some of her friends( and most of her friends are guyz) so she went over there to talk to them. Then she me and my friends, that she will be back and starts walkin off with this guy behind a building and around the movies( the sidewalk like goes behind some shops and then goes back ot the fornt of the movies). I was so pissed but kept quiet.

She came back and asked me if I was mad( and it didn't look like it too me. I was just keepin quiet) And I told her ya. She told me nuttin happend that they were just talkin. I just felt dissed cause she just ditched me there( I was with friends bu still).

So thats the story. We are still cool and everything and I wouldn't want to lose our friendship but I am not sure if I should wait to be with her. Any comments would be grateful.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Honestly, to me it sounds like she is stringing you along. If her parents are giving her hell but everything is still the same with you 2 except your not TOGETHER...hhmm....thats a little weird. Maybe she wanted to break up so she could date lots of guys and might not be telling you that. (sorry im jus thinking of the possible reasons why this is happening)

    i dont wanna say forget about things with her cuz if you really like this girl then wait for her. But if you "wait for her" who knows how long that will be...? Dont ditch out on your friends alot to hang out with her if she isnt gonna ditch her friends for you. What im trying to say is, dont make a HUGE effort to hang out with her cuz if she really does want to be with you, that will make her realize it when you are backing off a bit.

    Just stay "friends" and if she decides that she wants to be with you, awesome! but if she never does come out and say she wants to be together again, thats fine because you already were moving on a bit. Date other girls too but keep her in mind. Whats meant to be will be.

    Good luck!! (p.s lemme know what you decide to do and how it goes. you can pm me)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well I know what you mean. I was thinking that maybe she was seeing someone else. But I don't see her with anyone at school and i have even asked her if she wants to be with anyone else and she tells me no. She calls me, she asks me to the movies sometimes, and she Knows I want to be with her. I have told her more then twice after we broke up. The only thing that did concern me about other guyz was that some guy told one of my friends(Why he was talkin behind my back I have no idea) that she broke up wit me to go out with somone else at another school. I told her and she was said it wasn't true. But I didn't hear shit after I told her about it. But like I siad, theres really no signs pointing to it. And this guy had tried starting shit between her and some other chick so he is known to spread rumors and shit.

    But I do sorta make a little effort ot be with her. I am always askin her out, and most of the tme she'll go. My friends say I am sprung on her but I just really do care about her. Shes a one of a kind chick.

    See, andi don't wanna date no one else cause if I do, I don't want to be in the position of her being ready to go out, and then I can't because I am with somone else. Ya know? The only thing is is she is my second girlfriend so I am sorta anxious to date, but its like i already found a girl and thats her.

    But thx. I will backoff a little bit more. I sorta have been. I havn't been hangin aroudn her as much, I didn't get her nuttin for valentines(which I feel so frickin bad about cause that one guy did), and havn't called her as much. Well thx. Any other suggestions are welcome!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by unknown9
    Ya know? The only thing is is she is my second girlfriend so I am sorta anxious to date, but its like i already found a girl and thats her.

    You might like her alot, and btw, how old are you?? Im assuming teens...(correct me if Im wrong) but I really think your going to find more and more girls that you'll connect with like you do with her. Yes she might be perfect but if your young and stay with one person your whole life, your limiting urself to fun teen years where you learn what you like in girls and what you dont like. Thus...learning more about yourself. So if you limit urself to one girl...get what I mean??

    Do what your heart tells you to. :heart:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    wow that obvious? 14:D . Ya thats true, I am limiting my self But really, I know plenty of girls. And none just seem to shape up of what I like. I mean, some of them smoke, some of them act stupid, some of them I am just not attracted to. And if I do like that girl, already taken :rolleyes: I dunno I guess I am picky. I won't go out and screw any girl, even though my friends try and hook me up. I dunno. I like being around her but, ya. Dunno wat to do. Maybe I will figure it out in time.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You could always see other people too, just for a bit of fun. If she complains you can be all "but you did it to me, and you aren't my girlfriend" and if she doesn't - you know what she's been doing :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well I wouldn't do that. I mean I would go out with girls just as friends but not as a date. I am not messed up like that. I dunno. I am just hoping she dosen't just want me as a friend. I am trying not to be put in the catagorey by her.
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