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Wat Should I Do?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
I mentioned this a little while ago....How I went out with a guy and then dumped him 4 his best mate.Then I regretted the whole thing, wished I hadn't dumped him etc.Anyway I bumped into the original guy recently.Him and his mates were daring my mate and I to pull.So 4 a laugh we did.My mate made a deal that my ex also had to pull me in exchange and that this other guy had to pull her.I really enjoyed pulling my ex, cos I have missed him so much and really want to get back with him.However it seems to have made the situation a whole lot worse.I have probably made him think that I'm playing with his feelings again.I don't want to hurt him again.I know he hasn't forgiven me 4 going out with his mate.I really don't know what to do.Every time I see him I just melt.


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    well same sorta thing appened to me a year ago. i went out wiv a girl....she left me for my best m8....then i got bak wiv her after they had finished. She was playin wiv me an my m8's feelings. Me an my m8 ended up avin an argument bout it...which led to a fight...which ended up gettin me suspended for puttin him in hospital.
    to cut a long story short. its not right to cum between two m8's, although u could say their relationship wasnt that strong,id say sexual temptation at our adolescent age causes irrational behaviour. So stop playin wiv them as u'll end up hurtin them an u'll get away wiv it.

    by the way i'm new.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I know I was a complete bitch.But believe me I never wanted to split up 2 mates.I don't wanna hurt either of them again.
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