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She's too young

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Last night I was watching this Lifetime movie called "She's too young" It was about 14 yr old kids... yes, kids... who have sex and give head because it is the only way to be popular and to get dates. One girl went to the school nurse only to find that she had syphilis... she had also slept with/give head to 15-20 guys. They ended up finding over 25 some kids in the class who had contracted it. This just horribly discusted me. Not the movie, but the fact that kids really do this. It's far too common to see this going on now. One point in the movie one girl goes "if you don't give it to them, they will find somebody else who will." Now I may not be one to talk as I am not queen of virginity, but honestly, when you think about 14 yr olds doing such things its sad. My sister is 14 and I hope to god that she is not one of these active kids. It makes me mad how little respect people have for themselves. Opinions on young sex? If you were/are like one of these young sex craved children, why?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: She's too young
    Originally posted by my_name
    she had syphilis... she had also slept with/give head to 15-20 guys.

    that is wrong on so many levels :no:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My little sister is 14.. and It deeply hurt when she informed me she lost her virginity. I can't understand where all this came about from. when she explained to me her reasons for doing so, you think to yourself, "bugger.. has it really got that bad"

    I mean I wasn't that much better in my day, but nowadays it is more common for kids at school to give head!? :confused:

    Please tell me where they learn these things, because I am fully baffled!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I seriously reckon i lived a sheltered life! I didn't really start talking about sex with my mates til i was at least 15yrs old. I had no mates who had underage sex as far as i knew, and i lost my virginity at nearly 19. Things must have either changed a lot in a couple of years or me and my friends really were the unusual lot
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    This is like that channel 4 programme on recently!

    I am friends with a bunch of 14/15 year olds (it's not gross like you think, a bunch of guys and me played football together so I know kids who are like 8 year old, even guys in their 20's..anyway one of these guys is my mate Dan who lives round the corner - they're mates of his) and I know some of them give a lot of head and stuff. But I _try_ and keep them on the straight and narrow especially since I know how older guys are all over a chick who's easy or whatever you want to call it. Not nice at all.

    Anyway, it hurts me to think they do it because an older guy says she's fit, or because it'll make her popular.

    My little sister is 12 and I don't let her wear make up or dress in skirts and stuff. Now don't get me wrong, she does some days - but not if she's coming out with me. There are girls in her year who dress like some of the folks in my college year - it's weird. So I keep the young one on the straight and narrow as well as the friends outlined above.

    Of course folk don't mess around with my sisters - the last one who tried to assult my sister was thrown through the leanto :D

    My point - I don't have one I went on a tangent. But it's terrible to think what the world has come to. No pun intended.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If the girl is 14 then it's illegal but it's up to them, so what..just let them get on with their business, it's human nature to want to touch and feel another person if you fancy them, some are just experimenting at a younger age.

    Saying that they should at least use rubbers.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I lost my virginity at 14 but I was with my boyfriend for two years and I did it because I was in love, it felt natural and I was ready. I haven't regretted it since and know I would do the same again if I had to go back in time.

    Having sex and giving head for attention and popularity, however, is just completely wrong in my opinion, especially for girls that young. If they are sexually active for those reasons then it seems obvious that they aren't mature enough and are likely to regret it when they are older.

    I do think that different people are ready at different ages, and that in some circumstances it may be better to lose your virginity at a younger age than at an older age (eg. I would rather have lost my virginity at 14 when I was in a 2 year, loving relationship than at 16 in a drunken one night stand). However to me, those kind of actions clearly indicate that someone isn't mature enough, isn't doing it for the right reasons, and therefore isn't ready to be sexually active.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The problem is not the age really, it's the fact it's done to be popular or because you were forced into it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You don't find the young age to be a problem at all? 14... 9th grade. You're fourteen, you can't even drive yet. 2nd year of been a teenager. Its still a babys age. A child. Children having sex doesn't bother you at all?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It's interesting how the age of consent a person grows up with influences what they think is "too young".

    In a lot of Europe the age of consent is 14. I don't think it IS too young, what I think the problem is the attitude to sex that si found in the UK and the USA. Cause something to be a taboo, and everyone will do it to "rebel".

    In Holland sex is seen as something open, but something for loving people, so even though the age of consent is 14 most Dutch don't lose it until they are 18 or 19. Over here a lot fo people can't wait to do it as soon after their 16th birthday as possible, and those who don't are seen as weird.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I know kids like this. I am 16 but my mates sister is 14 and she's one of the girls who goes round giving people head and her mates...well...their going round shagging everything with a penis..really. and then they get all moody because I don't think it's right. :rolleyes: Little Girls.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by J
    And to think, they were like little angels when they were born.

    I know I've started moaning alot recently, but it is a worrying thing. At least I'm not the only one who can see it, the thing is what can be done about it for their sakes?

    Yea right. what can we do to stop them? We can tell them however much we want that they'll regret it in later life and that it's not doing them any good but ohhhhh noooooo....do they listen? not for shit.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by my_name
    You don't find the young age to be a problem at all? 14... 9th grade. You're fourteen, you can't even drive yet. 2nd year of been a teenager. Its still a babys age. A child. Children having sex doesn't bother you at all?

    I was referring to giving head and jerking guys off. 14 is a bit young, as in 15. But it depends how 14 and how 15 you are. Losing your virginity one week into being 14 is bad, whereas losing it a week before you're 15 isn't as bad.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    funny i should see this topic, as on the week after new years eve i met up with this stunner of a girl at a mates house party ( it turned out it was my mates sister) and one thing led to another, and we ended up in bed upstairs having a "fumble in the dark" as someone said.....she gave me head, so i repayed the favour, or was it the other way round, i cant remember.....as i was drunk. Neways, that was the first time id done anything like that.....yer kissed a girl before had a fumble but nothing more and im 16. This girl however (currently my girlfriend....unfortunatly, if u wanna kno why its unfortunate read my topic in the relationships forum) gave really really good head, although id never had it before, it was blaintently obvious shed done it before.....and it turned out later on she was only 14, to be 15 in august.....although she did look 17 or 18 (nobody told me it was my mates younger sister!!!)

    Anyways one think led to another and altough we were drunk, we stopped and i said do you want to have sex, or not i dont want to pressurise you into it.....and she said no, as she didnt know me hardly......so fair enough we left it at that.

    Now i can now see you all having a go, but mistakes happen for a reason and i enjoyed myself, at the time, and so did she, and im not going to look back on it with bad memories, just thought i should share my experience with you all.......

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I suppose the bottom line is that if you have younger family you don't like the idea because it could be them, thus it's a "no way" zone.

    But then what I forget is at that age, I was probably as horny as they are now.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by **grunge gurl**
    Yea right. what can we do to stop them? We can tell them however much we want that they'll regret it in later life and that it's not doing them any good but ohhhhh noooooo....do they listen? not for shit.

    Maybe if the media weren't using sex to sell anything from tyres to spanners, from dishwashers to bath scourers, from pens to paper, then maybe we wouldn't be in this mess.

    Maybe if every magazine wasn't all about "how to please your man", "100 ways to suck him off!", "take it from behindn and he'll love you forever!" and such like, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess.

    Advertising works by making people desire a product by feeling they are missing out on something. Use sex as that marketing tool and suddenly we have 12-year-old getting pregnant, 8-year-old wearing skimpy lace thongs, 14-year-old being used as bikes, because they think that they are missing out on something. The peer pressure is as bad on boys as it is on girls, so the boys pressure girls just to say they've done it. The girls do it because they think it's the only way to be liked, because that's what the media tells them.

    There is plenty we can do about it, but no-one wants to for the simple fact that too many people make too much money from all these poor schmucks going around fucking each other aged 13. That is what this all boils down to- corporate greed.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by girlinthecurl
    sooner or later we are gonna hear about people having sex at 11 and 12.

    Sooner or later? It wasn't so long ago that two 12-year-olds in Rotherham got pregnant within weeks of each other.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kermit
    Sooner or later? It wasn't so long ago that two 12-year-olds in Rotherham got pregnant within weeks of each other.

    i remember reading about a 12 year old getting pregnant in something like j-17 and that must have been about three years ago now....i was fifteen at the time and it made me feel sick...she was pregnant to an 18 year old...i was like wtf?!?!

    oh and i agree about the companies and stuff...its insane really
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    losing my virginity at 13 was stupid! proper stupid! I think about it now and im like :yuck: but when your that age, you do it to sound "cool" type thing. I mean in school now (im 15 btw) we'll be talking about bf's and stuff and its always like "oh have you shagged him yet", its although its an expected thing now days.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well the only thing that i can possibly say on this topic is that it is just plain WRONG!:eek: My bro is 15 now and if he lost his virginity i would be pretty shocked and disappointed in him. I lost my virginity at 17 so i was'nt impatient like the 'youth' of today. I don't know why they do it to be honest do they do it cos it makes them feel more mature or what?!?!?! I just think it is really slutty and dirty for kids to do it at that age it's just nasty!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    just came back from dropping my 11 year old sister at her disco thing and she was dressed like a slag...she wore one of those bandana things as a top i was like "Dana!!!!" and a teeeeeenie mini skirt. she was telling me that one of her mates has made out with all these boys shes gone out with and she fucking 10...then i get to the place and see a kid around my sisters age with a belly piercing and clinging on to some boy of about 15 and snogging him in public i was like :eek: :eek: :eek: i hope my sister doesnt turn into a slag when she goes to high school
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by The Icy Aphrodite
    she was telling me that one of her mates has made out with all these boys shes gone out with and she fucking 10...then i get to the place and see a kid around my sisters age with a belly piercing and clinging on to some boy of about 15 and snogging him in public i was like :eek: :eek: :eek: i hope my sister doesnt turn into a slag when she goes to high school

    That is terrible! What has happened to society today!

    Anyway, hearing all your stories my school sounds ok. Sex isnt really a thing you do to be cool. I have never heard anyone being pressurised into sex or doing it ot be like thier mates. At our school its either you are going out with someone so you do it,cos your honry etc or its the drink. Although one of my best mates is the biggest slut ever he lost his virginity when he was 12 and last friday slept with girl no.21!:crazyeyes
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