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seeing the lad 4 the first time after i pulled him

i pulled this lad bout a month ago, i had never spoke 2 him b4, but we went to the same school,
i really like him and im going back on monday 2 school, and will be face 2 face with him 4 the first time, we always speek over the net and get on really well, but i think when im face 2 face with him im going to buckle up and go really shy!

im not shy with my friends and not really with lads but this has happened before and i know i will go shy and have nothing to say!

i dont want him 2 think im all mouth, they way we have spoke on the net and then be really disapointed if we do speek at school!
has any 1 got any tips of things i can say if we run out of convosation or how 2 get my confidence up?!
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  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Just talk to him as you would your mates - look at him as one of them and you'll be fine. Seeing as you have been in contact on the net it makes it a bit easier than just seeing him for the first time since you pulled him.
    It will be fine - you'll see. He'll probably be just as shy as you...
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I met a girl once when i was to say the least a bit tipsy and i didnt remember but loads of us were staying at my mates house cos his parents had gone away and several bottles of vodka dissappeared in the course of the night...but i managed to get her number at 4 in the morning, and i started txting her, then i spent at least 10 hours on the phone to her in 11 days, then when i met her again on friday night i was just like er hi, how are u, and thats all i could say so i blagged 5 mins on a hug... but just say cos ur going to school, what have u got next, or something, like that or ask if he had a good holiday....but u can always let him talk to u first and then he has to start conversations, ex.
    Him; Hi, How are u?
    you; Fine thanks u?
    him; not to bad, so...
    gd luck

    Mr. X has been here! <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.data-techniques.net/cwm/cwm/alien/beammeup.gif"&gt;
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