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dodgy problem

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
i have a bit of a weird problem thats basically annoying me immensely and creating a lot of upset for me right now, just wondered if anyone has any words of advice really!

all started october 02, i met this brilliant girl at a gig, we swapped numbers etc and have spoken for hours each day since. we started meeting up quite often and after a few weeks she told me she fancied me. i wasnt sure i felt the same way abouther but knew i really liked her so carried on seeing her and eventually by about january 03 i decided i felt the same about her. we met up loads and it was great, we both fell in love with each other. anyways by august 03 we went to vfestival together and had the best time of our lives, 4 nights in a row together and we obviously were deeply in love. however after this for some reason my feelings for her started to go and by about sept 03 they had just about gone. so i told her this and told her that i thought we would be better off as mates. she cried lots and told me she didnt see herself with anyone but me etc and i basically said she has to get over me. anyway about a month later in early november i realised i was being stupid and still really loved her. it was at this point she told me she had just met this new lad and was now really confused as to whether she should give me another go or try it with this new bloke. anyway we met up a few times and things went well so i thought but she eventually decided we would be better off as "best friends" BUT then the day she told me that we ended up having sex. so that was a bit weird too. anyway since then we have seen each other loads as "mates" but i still am in love with her, and for the first few months of being mates she said she still had feelings for me come and go too but i think they have gone now. anyway she is now going out with this other lad officially and its breaking my heart, we are still so close and probably get on better than ever, we go out all the time and have such fun but knowing she is with this other bloke is upsetting me so much and she told me yesterday they discussed sex for the first time the other day and this is the one thing thats really upsetting me becuase we were each others only sexual partner so this is going to be like breaking a bond and she says they think they will be doing it soon.
i just want her back and i regret finishing with her so much as even she admits we would probably still be together if i hadnt of done that because she wouldnt of tried to get over me. now ive just ruined it all. i really do love her and its pretty bad having to put up with this every day.

any thoughts on this situation? sorry its so long!


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Paragraphs would help. A lot.

    Be honest- tell ehr you fucked up and that you like her a lot. be tactful, in case she likes this new bloke a lot, but if she likes you enough things may happen. Just be honest, and stop pissing around with each other- you might not get ehr back, but at least put the friendship on a sensible level.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    yeah she knows how i feel totally, we are totally best mates and we have both been honest all along with each other, a little too honest im now thinking.

    sorry about lack of paragraphs punctuation etc i was just typing it fairly quick as ive got a ton of work to do haha.

    but yeah she knows exactly how i feel, its kinda why it took her a while to decide that she wanted to give this other guy a go because when i first told her how i feel again she did spent several weeks deciding between us both really. its just that i think this proibably is the end, for now of anything romantic between us but its extremely hard when basically we have spoken for hours everyday since we met. and still to this day, there's not been a single day we've had without some sort of contact since we met. it's going to be extremely hard letting go if that is what im going to have to do.
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