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too jealous?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I have this really annoying thing, where basically, I get really jealous bout stuff concerning mates/ boyfriends.

For example, I'm 17 and quite a few of my close friends r 18, and if they go to a really strict club, I can't go. I sit at home, and I feel really left out, bitter, and really jealous. And I tend to feel jealous when my friends go out without me, if I can't make it, cos I just feel like they're all gonna have fun and I'm left alone.

It's really annoying, cos I know it's stupid of me, and I can't stop them having fun, and I do try to be happy for them, but there's always this overriding feeling of bitterness and jealousy, which I can't get rid of no matter how hard I try!!

Does anyone else ever feel the same, or am I being a jealous bitch?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I dont tend to get jealous because i know that my friends dont leave me out on purpose its just at times they want to go to that kind of place but they go to less strict places so i can get in too. I mean its hardly likely that every time you go somewhere everyone can make it or get in and they will at somepoint be in the same boat as you. Why dont you try organising something so you know you will be going out with friends.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    That sounds really unfair to me. Your friends should appreciate the fact that you are underage and the doormen are strict and opt to go elsewhere. When we were underage, even though some of my friends looked WAY older, we had this thing which was basically "if one person doesnt get in, noone goes in"

    Fair play if they want to go to this club i guess, but they shouldnt leave you out. Have you talked to them about it? Do they invite you anyway, or not bother and just assume you wont get in? If its the latter, thats lame and you should get some new mates imo :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well yeah I always thought it was a bit unfair, but then I thought maybe I was being harsh. It's not like they go all the time...but every time they do go somewhere clubbing, its always to this place thats strict. I mean, they sed i cud try borrow someone else's ID n try and get in, but to be honest I'd feel bad if I didn't get past the bouncers and everyone had to go because of me.

    My ex, he broke up with me three weeks ago, he's friends with my mates, n it used2upset me a bit when he went out with them n i cudnt go, especially cos he was my bf, u kno?

    I have kinda talked to them bout it, but then I guess maybe if I was 18 I'd be going 2 stricter places too, cos I cud get in.

    Arg it's so silly, I've still gotta wait, like, 5 months till im 18!!! bloody july birthdays.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I say you get a fake ID. :D

    Get pissed, and then blame peer pressure if you're nicked :yes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I know how you feel. My birthday's in August and it was pretty nasty not being able to go out with my friends when I was still underage - people forget how unpleasant it is, and those in your year at school with September birthdays never experience it!

    I'm trying to remember - I think when we were that age (I sound like an old woman lol, it was only last year but seems like so long ago!) we'd all try to get in somewhere and if the 1 or 2 underage people didn't get in, we'd move on to somewhere else. There were times when people went clubbing and I couldn't go, which did make me feel left out, but my friends definitely made more of an effort than yours seem to.

    Try asking them if you can go to a less strict club sometimes - because at the end of the day, this is your social life too and although it's nobody's fault you're not 18 yet, it's their fault they've decided to go to a club you can't join them at.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yeah I think i'm gonna have to search around/ask around some people to see where less strict clubs are, so I can ask my mates if we can go there instead!! Cos its mean.

    And I do wanna get fake ID, just i have no idea where from! And I reckon i'm too lazy...on one hand im like 'arg a whole 5 months to go till im 18' but then when i think bout getting fake ID im like 'ah well i mite as well just wait out the 5 months...'

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Re: too jealous?
    Originally posted by ryoko_rock

    For example, I'm 17 and quite a few of my close friends r 18, and if they go to a really strict club, I can't go. I sit at home, and I feel really left out, bitter, and really jealous. And I tend to feel jealous when my friends go out without me, if I can't make it, cos I just feel like they're all gonna have fun and I'm left alone.

    yeah i have the same problem, my bf and his mates are 18 and im still 16, 17 next month, but my bf doesnt go out very often anyway, but when he does he normally takes me unless he goes in the week because my dad wont let me go which is fair enough, and we say that if one of us doesnt get in, we go elsewhere, theres no reason why they should cut you out completely, theres no harm in going to the less stricter clubs.
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