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How weird?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
How come when someone hates me I cna't hate them back? :confused: We were good friends then one day she kinda snapped and was all like "you're not my friend" and kinda went psycho (nothing I did to my knowledge!). I apoligised incase I had inadvertedly upset her but she was having none of it - in the end I just walked away because I didn't want to argue with her. Since then she's gave me prank calls and all sorts.

The thing is.. because I have no idea what set her off on this 'rampage' I can't stop missing being her friend. I keep wondering if there's anything I can do to bridge the gap (which there isn't; she's completely unreasonable!) and keep wondering how she's getting on. A mutual friend said what might have happened is that she trusted me too much and then was angry because she never trusts anyone with anything but she trusted me with a few secrets (which I've never told anyone; not that they're particularly interesting anyway :confused:).

I miss being her friend though :( she was cool. I see her at school and she doesn't look angry or anything; she's normally smiling or laughing and I just can't get my head around it.

Maybe she just hates my guts heh? :confused:

Thanks for listening to me rant, one *thinking* ShyBoy :)


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    maybe its the fact you a have science website in your sig :p
    maybe you only ever see her once a month.....

    sounds really strange to me? can't a mutual friend ask about it?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    aww, poor you. sounds like ur to nice of a person to hate any1+thats areally good thing :) . to me, the fact that this person has cut you off, ended your friendship+is prank calling you suggests thats she's very immature.
    i think that if what your m8 suggested is true, then shes more angyr with herself than you, for letting herself trust somebody. maybe shes scared ul tell people her secrets??
    i doubt she could go from liking u to hating your guts, perhaps she just needs some time to herself.
    in the meanwhile, let some people who you and her are both mates with know how you feel. they may be able to help.
    sorry this hasn't been much help , but keep :) let us know how it goes :D:D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by spongebobsgirl
    aww, poor you. sounds like ur to nice of a person to hate any1+thats areally good thing :) . to me, the fact that this person has cut you off, ended your friendship+is prank calling you suggests thats she's very immature.
    i think that if what your m8 suggested is true, then shes more angyr with herself than you, for letting herself trust somebody. maybe shes scared ul tell people her secrets??
    i doubt she could go from liking u to hating your guts, perhaps she just needs some time to herself.
    in the meanwhile, let some people who you and her are both mates with know how you feel. they may be able to help.
    sorry this hasn't been much help , but keep :) let us know how it goes :D:D

    Well it's actually been a long time since I was properly friends with her but I've got no 'closure' so to speak :confused:. The other day she was linking arms with her mates down the corridor and she passed her arms over me if you know what I mean :confused: which means she's not so much avoiding me? I think she's not really that bothered :p heh. The mutual friend said she can be a right bitch but he's still her mate because he's accepted who she is etc.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I started talking to her again today over MSN I added her because I felt in a good mood, and it's going quite well. She's acting a bit awkward with a bit of a 'why are you being so nice' mentality, but its going well :)

    I'm happy :)
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