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advice please.....

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
hi again everyone. i've been away for a while trying to sort things out with the girl who was abused... but now i have yet another problem and i need some advice!!!

ok, first a quick background on the problem for those who dont know me, i met a girl a while ago who had been sexually abused, her ex b/f also tried to rape her and then she went through a period of self harming.

ive been here for her and she knows she can talk to me whenever she wants (day or night). but recently shes started getting really depressed and has started ignoring me. these spells of depression have lasted weeks before she starts talking to me again and then almost straight away she starts ignoring me again!

the other problem is something she said the other day... she was really depressed and started taunting me. the then said "sorry, i thought that taunting you would cheer me up but it just hurt me more, looks like i do have feelings 4u."

Then she logged off MSN and she hasnt spoken to me since.

Sorry this has been a long post, but can you give me some advice please?

Thanks so much everyone <IMG SRC="smile.gif" border="0" ALT="icon">



  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Has anyone made a suggestion to her that some form of counselling could help her feel more rational about her life and relationship with you? No doubt she really likes you but she's obviously findng it hard to cope, maybe testing your 'staying ability?' You're very brave for taking on someone with such emotional trauma and she's very lucky to have you.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    aww you seem a sweetheart being there for her and she knows you care just depression is an illness so I'm told and the way shes acting now by ignoring you maybe like she thinks her problems aren't worth bothering you over really she needs to see someone she has been through so many bad things she doesan't know who she can trust and things she has feelings for you but maybe shes scared of something really its hard for her going through life she thinks it will never end and that she will always feel in a dark whole where no one cares depression has a strong effect on a person its taking over her life who can blame her really as she has been sexually abused and raped and things really you need to make her see she is a person she is a great gal just things have happened to her the poor thing <IMG SRC="frown.gif" border="0" ALT="icon"> but I would look up about depression and things like that online so you can learn abit more of how she feels your a strong support for her its ashame she is ignoring you now and maybe a time she needs you most but is pushinh you away she dont mean to really shes confussed but email her or write to her givin her numbers she can call for help and things good luck hun dont worry I'm sure she see sense soon ok hun hope I have helped let me know ok how it all goes ok <IMG SRC="smile.gif" border="0" ALT="icon"> xx
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My god Jodie! Haven't you ever heard of a thing called a full-stop?? That was impossible to read.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by jodiehuny:
    <STRONG>aww you seem a sweetheart being there for her and she knows you care just depression is an illness so I'm told and the way shes acting now by ignoring you maybe like she thinks her problems aren't worth bothering you over really she needs to see someone she has been through so many bad things she doesan't know who she can trust and things she has feelings for you but maybe shes scared of something really its hard for her going through life she thinks it will never end and that she will always feel in a dark whole where no one cares depression has a strong effect on a person its taking over her life who can blame her really as she has been sexually abused and raped and things really you need to make her see she is a person she is a great gal just things have happened to her the poor thing <IMG SRC="frown.gif" border="0" ALT="icon"> but I would look up about depression and things like that online so you can learn abit more of how she feels your a strong support for her its ashame she is ignoring you now and maybe a time she needs you most but is pushinh you away she dont mean to really shes confussed but email her or write to her givin her numbers she can call for help and things good luck hun dont worry I'm sure she see sense soon ok hun hope I have helped let me know ok how it all goes ok <IMG SRC="smile.gif" border="0" ALT="icon"> xx</STRONG>

    What the smeg was all that?
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    We've been trying to work it out in 'you gotta see this' in anything goes. lol
    we haven't had much success.
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