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i need advice... girl problems

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
hey every1 - i used 2 be a member here and posted about 30 posts b4 i lost my password and what i was meant to be called...u may remeba i did a thread about my slapper mate...

anyway i need help again now!!!

basically, me and my girlfrined have been going out on the internet for about 6 months. we're hopefully going to meet this summer, but there are a LOT of things standing in the way...

the distence - she lives in scotland and i live in bucks!

also - and dont start on me plz ppl, but im also a gal, and im kinda stuck cos of what to do, seeing as i cant understand why it is taking her such a long time to admit that she is lez...i suppose i should understand really, seeing as my mates have been a bit wierd about this.

shouldnt really blame her tho, her mates, by all accounts, are real little shitbags.

we took a break for a while (well it wasnt exactly a break, we didnt talk to each other)and while this was happening, she cheated on me one night and gave a man a blo job. as far as i know, it was just one night, and we werent talking to each other, but even still it hurt me.

but i think i 4gave her too readily, and gave her the impression that it would be alright for her to do it again, even tho she said that she wouldn't. it only took about 5 text msgs b4 i was saying all the stuff like "i still luv u and will have sex with u some day blah blah blah"

it was late at night ok and what she'd done hadnt sunk in properly.

i think i forgave her too readily, i've been too shy 2 spk 2 her incase of her reaction.

she said she was sorry tho, and had the guts to tell it to me (albeit in txt)

im totally confused as to what i should do!


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What's the point of exerting your energy into an online 'relationship'? It's obviously going no where fast, and your time continues to be wasted. You're fourteen; hardly old enough to be engaging in a sexual relationship...especially with someone you barely know. This will only lead to trouble. Maybe you should take some time off and get straightened out (no pun intended).
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I agree with pretty hate machine. 14 is too young for a sexual relationship and look at the distance! My gosh the distance! Tell this girl you're sorry but you aren't ready for such a heavy relationship at your age. She'll understand.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    u sound very mature but 14 is a bit young for all this. I live in Bucks 2 at da moment by da way 2 attend college and well scotland dats a trek and half!!!IF she is as keen on u as u r on her then she would not give sum man da pleasure of suck!!
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ohhhh online relationships she lives far away scotland and you in bucks is that worth the effort well I live in bucks and I didnt wanna be with a guy in scotland online yeah and its like I found someone new and he dont live that far away which is perfect but do you trust her and is she worth the effort think about it
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i dont know, we are always talking about meeting, but never get around to doing it... i want 2 meet at pride or something this summer, but im not sure that she'll be able to make it, we are into completely different kinds of music, etc, and tho i like the idea of danceing around with a whole lot of mad drugged up homos, she probably wont...

    i really do care about her, i think. I am just not sure what i should do, seeing as I know that even when i was single, i still had feelings for her.

    i hate bein in luv...
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i kno wat youre all saying about the sex, but i have never had sex before in my life, and i feel ready for it, i think about it all the time, and i really dont want to end up losing it to some1 who doesnt care about my feelings just to get it out of the way when i'm older...
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Firstly, you can't be in love with someone you have never met.

    Secondly, this girl might think this whole relationship thing is a joke, and only be having an online relationship with you for a laugh. If she hasn't told anyone she is a lesban, maybe she isn't. At 14 a lot of people are confused about their sexuality and perhaps she is just experimenting, but without having to go through with anything real (ie. meeting or having a physical side to the relationship)

    Perhaps she isn't even a 'she' at all, could be a spotty 12 year old kid pretending to be a girl for a sick joke. When I was younger (about your age actually) my friend pretended to be a bloke online (even set up an email address) and struck up a friendship with me, only to reveal 6 months later that it was her (and no, we aren't mates anymore)
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