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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Im just come out of a relationship becos the father of my boyfriend kept making passes at me and it got to a stage were he tried to kiss me and said in a sexual manner that i was a naughty girl for not comin into his room in the nite and not wakeing him up??!!!??? and my boyfiends mum started turning it round and saying that i deserved everything i got.

do you think i was right to get out of the relationship wen i did or shud i have just stuck it out? cos im in a bit of a dilema!!!!:confused::confused::confused::confused:


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Aw you poor thing.

    Umm what did your boyfriend think of it?!

    To be honest, if he still lives at home then having his dad around a lot was probably always going to be too much of a strain. Depends how serious your relationship was. I think I'd be scared off by someone's dad being like that though.

    Sorry, I'm not giving very useful advice I know! Maybe you could tell us more? I understand it's probably not too fun going into it though.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    thanks for replying

    my boyfriend is stil at home and if i want him it means ive got the family to deal with as well

    weve been together 4 months so i wouldnt say it was that serious but it still hurts

    i think the worse thing is his mum being really funny about it at has turned nasty about it and yesterday she screamed at her 5 year old twins for coming up to me in tesco!!!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What did your Bf/EX Bf say about the situation.

    Sounds like his father was a bit of a perv and i think you did good to get out while you can. unless you two get back together and he only comes round yours if its possible?

    anywayt sorry my advice wasnt good..

    Good luck.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I know it's really hard for you but it might make it easier for you to accept how his mum's behaving if you think about it for a minute; she's just found out her husband's been coming onto a teenager. If that isn't destructive for your sanity and your marriage, I don't know what is. So while it's nasty for you, try not to take it all to heart; she's probably just finding it really hard to deal with.

    And rude_boyz has a point - I think it was probably for the best, but you could always tell him you could stay together, as long as you don't go round to his house any more. Go to your house, and go out.

    And you haven't told us what your (ex)boyfriend thought of this? I'd have thought his feelings/thoughts would be quite important in your decision...
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