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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
hey i need some help! the other day at a club me and loads of mates were out and my ex was there we went out for nearly a year and we r still really close like best mates now! she got really drunk and i was looking after her makin sure she didnt get taken advantage of! i had to leave early so i left her there with one of my best mates! but he took advantage and made her look like total shit by propping her up in the corner and taking advantage finering her and makin her look like a slut in front of everyone. then when he has finished he left her there trousers under swayin everywhere! i found out the next day and went mad had a total go at him and havent spoken to him since! (two weeks ago now) i need some advice on what to do? do i forgive him? or do i just not be freinds with him again in case he betrays me again?
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