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Low self image-anyone else?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
I've not had a b/f in soooo long. I really don't know whats up with me;part of me just can't be bothered with it all but then i really would like someone to have a lugh with other than my usual crowd (ok obviously there is a few ppl in mind at this point) but i don't just dont want this to sound like a 'just for the sake of it' thing.
Does anyone else have this problem? About this time last year i'd pull so many fellas and hava laugh but that was when i wasn't after a relationaship but just a laugh but now it's different and even when i see someone i fancy i won't do anyhting about it. Anyone got any ideas on how i can get over this?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You say you have a low self image of yourself, but you are obviously attractive or have somethnig going for you or you wouldnt have pulled all those blokes last year.
    It is the same old story though, when you aren't looking for a relationship loads turn up at once (if you're lucky) but when you are looking for one every member of the opposite sex seems to know and runs a mile.
    I think what you should do is try and get back into the scene again, if you really want a bf ask your friends to help you find one, or if they know someone you would like. I know it sounds tacky but i think meeting someone through a friend is one of the best ways to do it, because your friend will be able to tell you if you have anything to worry about!
    I wish you every luck in finding someone, and if it gets worse come down to Nottingham, there are loads of desperate blokes round here I can think of lol.
    Good luck Kat <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/smile.gif"&gt;

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Meeting through blind dates with friends is a bit dodgy IMHO, but thats just from my own experience - theres too much pressure, without any true basis to build a relationship.

    But WW's right - you've obviously got a lot going for you, and everyone goes through relationship 'droughts' - BELIEVE ME. Take it easy - make sure your going out with your friends to pubs, or the movies, or whatever your into and you'll meet someone in no time, probably when you least expect it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hi Kat,

    I'm not sure how old you are or how long you've been in Singlesville for now but everyone has a dry patch at some time. And the best relationships often occur just when you least expect it ... guys can smell "desperation" so just relax, be yourself and I'm sure you'll be swept off your feet in no time!

    Good luck! *hugs*
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kat:
    part of me just can't be bothered with it all but then i really would like someone to have a lugh with other than my usual crowd

    I don't know how many people feel like that, but I certainly do at the moment. I used to really want a boyfriend but now it's like I've just gone off the whole idea. I don't even see anyone I fancy any more, so the fact that you do shows you're more interested than not and that it's not a 'just for the sake of it' thing.

    Although I've never had a boyfriend (and I'm nearly 17) I've always tried to make a move on anyone I do fancy because I'd hate to regret never asking and not knowing. Sure it hurts when they say no, but at least if you know, you can start to get over them.

    You say there are people you fancy now, well you've pulled guys before and you should give it a go again now, you may not be successful every time but it's better than letting the chance of a relationship slip by. Don't let low self-esteem put you off, you are the person you are and that's a great person to be, don't let anyone ever make you think otherwise.

    If you want to, tell us some more about yourself like J@ke says. Maybe this reply was just completely irrelevant but if not, I'd be happy give you any more advice I can.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Whowhere:
    You say you have a low self image of yourself, but you are obviously attractive or have somethnig going for you or you wouldnt have pulled all those blokes last year.
    It is the same old story though, when you aren't looking for a relationship loads turn up at once (if you're lucky) but when you are looking for one every member of the opposite sex seems to know and runs a mile.
    I think what you should do is try and get back into the scene again, if you really want a bf ask your friends to help you find one, or if they know someone you would like. I know it sounds tacky but i think meeting someone through a friend is one of the best ways to do it, because your friend will be able to tell you if you have anything to worry about!
    I wish you every luck in finding someone, and if it gets worse come down to Nottingham, there are loads of desperate blokes round here I can think of lol.
    Good luck Kat <IMG alt="image" SRC="http://www.thesite.org/ubb/smile.gif"&gt;

    Thanks sweetie......cheers everyone.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ok details about myself.
    I'm 17 at college majorly trying to get good grades for uni....
    Umm what else can i tell you... it kinda got around that i liked a friend of my male mate and he always asks me about my feelings for him so i never know whether he's interested or not....anyway i'm not going there coz he's my friends ex (thats how we became good mates) even though she says it's fine, it's not with me....
    if that makes sense.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I completely agree with you Kat, i've got this (ex) mate who went out with my best friends ex of a week. He said that he didn't mind, but y'know - it was obvious that he did. Anyway, the way I see it there are plenty of fish in the sea (to abuse another over used quote) so why go out with your mates ex. That just sucks.

    sorry to rant at you. I had to get it off my chest though - its been bothering me for a while :-)
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