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Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Heh have any of you ever been really embarresed? Well perhaps it's not that embarrising but you use that as an excuse not to tell people because you really were hurt but you don't want to show that.

Hmm I don't make a lot of sense. Events in chronological order:

a) met girl
b) got on really with girl
c) girl tells me she would go out with me if i asked her out
d) i ask her out
e) says no
f) im embarresed
g) she says only wants to be mates

ok. But at C I got really excited. Heh. And I told my friends (who I tell everything) that I was going to ask her out. That's all they know. Now I'm going to be kinda mopey at school and can't tell them why.

Hmmmm :chin:


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Are you still speaking to this girl?

    I would ask her why the sudden change of heart!

    Tell your mates the truth, this girls a prick tease and liked leading you on ;)

    Or tell them you asked her out and she said no. If they ask why just say I don't know, Ask her!

    This is one of the reason younger girls annoy me. Least with older women they've got the life experience to know what they want.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Harmless
    Are you still speaking to this girl?

    I would ask her why the sudden change of heart!

    I'm still speaking to her.. I asked her why and she said something along the lines of:

    "I just don't feel ready for a boyfriend. With my ex I was so shy that he only ever saw me eat one chip" or something to that effect. She also added "I really like you" so what do I do? It's not like I can just move on because well.. heh there's something wrong with my college in that a nice girl is a very very rare find. Hope the real world's not the same.

    And I'm too embarrased to tell my friends because I was all hyper and like 'yay' :hyper: so you can imagine.. I don't know lol. Anyway I'm afraid they'll laugh at me. Well Googles will but he's a retard. My other friend's probably won't but I'm still too embarrased to tell them.

    The girl isn't really a prick tease, because, well I beleive her, and what she says. It's just damned annoying. I don't meet many girls (well not in real life :p) so when I do meet one, and I think they're going to go out with me, I get all excited so that's why it feels 10x worse than if it was just another crush I can't go out with you know? :confused:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    she led you on...thats not very nice *hugs* dont feel too embarrased, cuz you weren't to know she'd say no. tell your mates the truth and you can all have a nice old bitchin session about girls. either that or say that you decided maybe to wait before going out with her, so she can get over her ex
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by hybrid
    she led you on...thats not very nice *hugs* dont feel too embarrased, cuz you weren't to know she'd say no. tell your mates the truth and you can all have a nice old bitchin session about girls. either that or say that you decided maybe to wait before going out with her, so she can get over her ex

    Thanks for the hugs :)

    I don't like bitching about people.. I know it's good for some people but I can't stand it because of my own moral codes of conduct I've made for myself. Having said that I was bitching about someone on thesite just yesterday in IRC. I'm such a hypocrite :p

    Erm yea anyway I don't know if it's the best option but she said I can still go round her house next tuesday and I said ok. I mean once again I'm not sure whether I should get over her or not.

    This always happens - I don't get a clean break, and I'm left hanging in there thinking "maybe she'll change her mind" etc. because in my experience girls tend to sugarcoat everything they say so they dont hurt your feelings more than they have to.

    Oh and her last ex was quite a while ago I think.. but she really is shy. But she said something to me last night that really made me think... "I can tell you things I've never been able to tell anyone before" - which is a good sign isn't it? Heh I don't know why I think I'm like the trustworthy confidant/best friend/can tell anything person rather than boyfriend material. I reckon it's because I have a severe lackage of balls (not in a physical sense :p)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by TheShyBoyInTheCorner
    Thanks for the hugs :)

    I don't like bitching about people.. I know it's good for some people but I can't stand it because of my own moral codes of conduct I've made for myself. Having said that I was bitching about someone on thesite just yesterday in IRC. I'm such a hypocrite :p

    Erm yea anyway I don't know if it's the best option but she said I can still go round her house next tuesday and I said ok. I mean once again I'm not sure whether I should get over her or not.

    This always happens - I don't get a clean break, and I'm left hanging in there thinking "maybe she'll change her mind" etc. because in my experience girls tend to sugarcoat everything they say so they dont hurt your feelings more than they have to.

    Oh and her last ex was quite a while ago I think.. but she really is shy. But she said something to me last night that really made me think... "I can tell you things I've never been able to tell anyone before" - which is a good sign isn't it? Heh I don't know why I think I'm like the trustworthy confidant/best friend/can tell anything person rather than boyfriend material. I reckon it's because I have a severe lackage of balls (not in a physical sense :p)

    hmmm it still sounds like she's leading you on, or maybe she's just generally naive about how she's treating you? maybe you should just ask her (be a man with balls :p ) if she wants to go out with you or if she just wants to be friends?

    that way you would get an answer, and at least your friendship could be salvaged (is that a word?) to me it sounds like she does like you, but she just doesn't see how her actions are confusing you.:chin: don't leave it too long, or any feelings that she might have for you may fizzle out
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by hybrid
    hmmm it still sounds like she's leading you on, or maybe she's just generally naive about how she's treating you? maybe you should just ask her (be a man with balls :p ) if she wants to go out with you or if she just wants to be friends?

    that way you would get an answer, and at least your friendship could be salvaged (is that a word?) to me it sounds like she does like you, but she just doesn't see how her actions are confusing you.:chin: don't leave it too long, or any feelings that she might have for you may fizzle out

    If she has feelings she'll have to cope with them. She told me she just wants to be mates. She told me she does really like me, like as in more than a mate. But I beleive her when she says she just doesn't want a boyfriend. Heh. Oh well :) onwards and upwards. Or something :confused:

    This time last year I was so mad about Laura that the mere mention of another girl would make me declare my undying love. One year on and I've not only had 2 different girlfriends/ish but I also have fallen for lots!

    I guess it's the initial days after the letdown it seems like it'll never be the same again, but I know now from experience things get better, so that's consoling at least. I reckon it's kinda suicide trying to dice with girls at my age anyway :p they're all insane! I had one girl telling me she wanted to go out with me, but she had a boyfriend. The boyfriend dumped her and then she changed her mind saying she didn't want to go out with me. Oh so many strange things :confused:

    can't say a lot for lads either though :p but since I'm more interested in girls it's just natural that they are the most confusing thing on the planet to me isn't it? :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by TheShyBoyInTheCorner
    If she has feelings she'll have to cope with them. She told me she just wants to be mates. She told me she does really like me, like as in more than a mate. But I beleive her when she says she just doesn't want a boyfriend. Heh. Oh well :) onwards and upwards. Or something :confused:

    This time last year I was so mad about Laura that the mere mention of another girl would make me declare my undying love. One year on and I've not only had 2 different girlfriends/ish but I also have fallen for lots!

    I guess it's the initial days after the letdown it seems like it'll never be the same again, but I know now from experience things get better, so that's consoling at least. I reckon it's kinda suicide trying to dice with girls at my age anyway :p they're all insane! I had one girl telling me she wanted to go out with me, but she had a boyfriend. The boyfriend dumped her and then she changed her mind saying she didn't want to go out with me. Oh so many strange things :confused:

    can't say a lot for lads either though :p but since I'm more interested in girls it's just natural that they are the most confusing thing on the planet to me isn't it? :p

    we girls are such confusing cruel creatures aren't we? :p but it makes you want us more! ;) oooh and im the same age as ur (checked ur profile, dnt worry im not a stalker) but im not insane! just be mates with the girl, maybe over time lurve will blossom, if not then oh well. just next time-dont go telling ur mates! im hoping ur not still embarrassed :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by hybrid
    we girls are such confusing cruel creatures aren't we? :p but it makes you want us more! ;) oooh and im the same age as ur (checked ur profile, dnt worry im not a stalker) but im not insane! just be mates with the girl, maybe over time lurve will blossom, if not then oh well. just next time-dont go telling ur mates! im hoping ur not still embarrassed :)

    nah not really. She confuses me :) lol. I'm going round her house on tues to watch a film (she said she wanted me to come, so you kno lol) and she says can I hug her when she's watchin the film cos she likes that. :confused:


    oh also she said she does fancy me. but gets nervous. ok. :confused:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by TheShyBoyInTheCorner
    nah not really. She confuses me :) lol. I'm going round her house on tues to watch a film (she said she wanted me to come, so you kno lol) and she says can I hug her when she's watchin the film cos she likes that. :confused:


    oh also she said she does fancy me. but gets nervous. ok. :confused:

    does she have a girly mate who u can ask whats going on? shes sending waaaaaaaay too many mixed messages. i think she does like you, or just likes the attention from a male :confused:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    shes toying with you, at least thats what i think, either that or shes schitzo :D

    dont fall right into her hands, sure you will probably get her if you follow her like velcro but then she will walk all over you, play it a little hard to get, and you dont just show her that your 'not botherd' if she goes out with you or not, you have to truley believe your not botherd, that way, if she doesnt, you wont care! :D and if she does, its just an added bonus :)

    rock on fella, shes all yours
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by hybrid
    does she have a girly mate who u can ask whats going on? shes sending waaaaaaaay too many mixed messages. i think she does like you, or just likes the attention from a male :confused:

    Now this is where it gets even funnier. Her mate said "you know I think Sarah's crazy for not going out with you, you're well sweet" and like. :confused: Lol. Hmmm either way I dunno what's going to happen; I don't think she's playing games I reckon she really is shy! Because well ;) I'm in the year above her, and she's really shy anyway, and I'm kinda well known at school and I think she's intimidated by me a wee bit.

    I was walking home past the secondary school the other day and this yr. 9 girl shouted "that's richard *****" and they were all staring ooer.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    stud :E
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Bennie
    stud :E

    I wish :p

    furthest ive been with a girl is well erm :blush: not very far :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    its not all its cracked up to be m8, you will soon realise wanking is the way forward:yes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Bennie
    its not all its cracked up to be m8, you will soon realise wanking is the way forward:yes:

    LOL :lol:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by TheShyBoyInTheCorner
    Now this is where it gets even funnier. Her mate said "you know I think Sarah's crazy for not going out with you, you're well sweet" and like. :confused: Lol. Hmmm either way I dunno what's going to happen; I don't think she's playing games I reckon she really is shy! Because well ;) I'm in the year above her, and she's really shy anyway, and I'm kinda well known at school and I think she's intimidated by me a wee bit.

    I was walking home past the secondary school the other day and this yr. 9 girl shouted "that's richard *****" and they were all staring ooer.

    someone's got an ego :p maybe she is intimidated, but u'll just have to ask her straight if she likes you. otherwise she'll keep playing mind games! plus it kinda sounds like her mate likes u.... ;)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by hybrid
    someone's got an ego :p maybe she is intimidated, but u'll just have to ask her straight if she likes you. otherwise she'll keep playing mind games! plus it kinda sounds like her mate likes u.... ;)

    I don't have an ego. I just tell it like it is :p heh. The thing with me is girls are all like "wow its him" but are never interested after that. I reckon I'm good on paper but people lose interest once they get to know me.

    Anyway erm, yeh she does like me. But she doesn't want to go out with me! :p lol And her mate, yeh I was thinkin along those lines too. I'm chattin to her on msn and sent her a pic and she called me cute :eek:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by TheShyBoyInTheCorner
    I reckon I'm good on paper but people lose interest once they get to know me.

    let's see your CV then ;)
    Originally posted by TheShyBoyInTheCorner
    I don't have an ego. I just tell it like it is :p heh. The thing with me is girls are all like "wow its him" but are never interested after that. I reckon I'm good on paper but people lose interest once they get to know me.

    Anyway erm, yeh she does like me. But she doesn't want to go out with me! :p lol And her mate, yeh I was thinkin along those lines too. I'm chattin to her on msn and sent her a pic and she called me cute :eek:

    sounds like girls are constantly after u. which might mean that the particular girl ur liking is just after the attention and 'fame' she'll get from being with ya? or maybe because of the fan club you have, she's worried about being involved in case she gets hurt?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by hybrid
    sounds like girls are constantly after u. which might mean that the particular girl ur liking is just after the attention and 'fame' she'll get from being with ya? or maybe because of the fan club you have, she's worried about being involved in case she gets hurt?

    not really. I mean; I liked her first so :confused: and I don't always have girls after me, just get a lot of 'oh i know so and so fancies you' etc. ok they could be taking the piss :p but when i split up with my long time ex 2 of her friends told me they fancied me. can u beleive that? :eek:

    I'm not a stud, in fact I haven't had many girlfriends at all. I've been dumped almost every time as well. Oh well.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by TheShyBoyInTheCorner
    not really. I mean; I liked her first so :confused: and I don't always have girls after me, just get a lot of 'oh i know so and so fancies you' etc. ok they could be taking the piss :p but when i split up with my long time ex 2 of her friends told me they fancied me. can u beleive that? :eek:

    I'm not a stud, in fact I haven't had many girlfriends at all. I've been dumped almost every time as well. Oh well.

    :eek2: her mates told uthat they fancied you? what bad friends! being dumped doesn't not make you a stud.maybe their intimidated by you:yes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by hybrid
    :eek2: her mates told uthat they fancied you? what bad friends! being dumped doesn't not make you a stud.maybe their intimidated by you:yes:

    well they didnt want to tell me. but it kinda came out because one of them told me, and then the other thought she was gonna miss her shot so jumped on the boat :p

    srangely enough the ex took me back. but after that it wasnt the same and i didnt like her anymore :( well tbh she wasn't the greatest gf. nothign against her as a person, just like, she made time for me once a fortnight, and we live about 5 minutes walk away from each other.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by TheShyBoyInTheCorner
    srangely enough the ex took me back. but after that it wasnt the same and i didnt like her anymore :( well tbh she wasn't the greatest gf. nothign against her as a person, just like, she made time for me once a fortnight, and we live about 5 minutes walk away from each other.

    thats sucky, kinda like me and my bf. we had a long chat about how to improve our relationship cuz we didn't feel like anything was happening. we're trying to improve but i dunno :confused: we barely see eachother and we live 30 mins away....but theres always a good reason why we haven't not cuz we're just avoiding eachother lol.

    but back to you, does she have a boy mate you could ask? like one that doesnt fancy her and won't beat you up? or an older sister who she tells stuff to?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by hybrid
    but back to you, does she have a boy mate you could ask? like one that doesnt fancy her and won't beat you up? or an older sister who she tells stuff to?

    I don't have anything left to ask her really :p lol. I'm looking forward to going to her house on tuesday. I'm thinking (if things go right) we will become mates for the next couple of months. She said she could tell me things she could never tell anyone before because she trusts me; which is fantastic! Once she is a little less intimidated by me everything should fall into place.

    p.s she said i make her horny :p

    hmmm I'll see how it pans out :confused:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by TheShyBoyInTheCorner
    p.s she said i make her horny :p

    :lol: she definately likes you! gud luck with it all :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    this girls mate asked me if i wanted to go to a club thing with her tonight. i said no because a) i cant cos family's coming round and b) ive never been to a cluby thing and would die.

    anyway. what a weird world eh?
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