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god this is ridiculous; any ideas????

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
ok, so i've had this 'fever' for just over three months now.

it currently includes Synusitus (sp?), which has been causing me real problems. I cant bend down, or stand up very quickly without losing my balance, and I have a constant headache which is very severe.

so i went back to see the doctor again the other day. The problem is I have a low white blood count, so my immune system is really poor, which isnt helping me get better.

anyway, he's given me yet another bottle of anti-biotics (that arent working) and he's given me steroids. Steroids - whats with that?!!

i've tried facial steaming, vix vapour rub and synex, sudaphed - the whole lot.

and even worse than the fact i have to shove steroids up my nose and 1500mg of antibiotics down my throat a day, he says I need to take time off for exhaustion!!!

Im a god damn mother for god's sake, I cant take time off. Im so pissed off. I had a big fat ugly argument with my dad yesterday evening at five to five, when I was supposed to start work at 5, so I turned up there in floods of tears and they sent me home saying I couldnt handle the responsibilities that I have to in the state that I was in. so thats a days wages out the window.

plus that and I was supposed to be at college auditioning for something, and I didnt go in because I was too tired and felt too shit.

to the point;

anyone have any good remedies for exhaustion, other than taking time off? because I cant afford to do that right now.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    a stubborn sinius infection, exhaustion, low white blood count........... YOU need time off to let your body rest now! esp with all the cold and nasty flu going around at the moment. Its better to have a few days/week off now than the risk of making ur self chronically ill.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Cranky
    a stubborn sinius infection, exhaustion, low white blood count........... YOU need time off to let your body rest now! esp with all the cold and nasty flu going around at the moment. Its better to have a few days/week off now than the risk of making ur self chronically ill.

    i agree. i got washed out with problems with my diabetes and depression and my work taking the piss with the shifts they were making us work and i ended off work for two months. it was like burnout. when i went back i only went back part time. sometimes you just have to take time out.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    sleep, when i had exaustion all i did was sleep and i felt so much better.. this is probs no use to you though, i dont know :confused:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i dont think sleep will help me to be honest tink, its not that im not getting enough sleep; its that im doing too much. i've tried excessive sleep before, but i find it makes me feel very useless.

    thanks for all your answers and suggestions x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    it could be that you've burnt yourself out but i'd recommend you go back to your doctor or even ask for a second opinion. i would want to have a blood test if i was you to test for things.. i don't want to worry you but low white blood cell count could mean something more serious.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Some people can get all sorts of post viral problems that last for ages. Post viral fatigue is actually a recognised syndrome. Have you asked your doctor about it?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've always had low white blood cells, since i was in high school. I used to have blood tests every other week to monitor it, and underwent tests for leukemia and other such things related to the symptoms. They came to the conclusion that i had something similar to ME, but mild ME.

    So we monitored it and it started to get a little better, but the fact that I work so much and go to college full time also just maintains my fatigue, but i can deal with that.

    its just since i've had this fever that i've had, i've had it for three months now, and its really gotten to me.

    my doctor just told me to take a few weeks off from everything. he just said i was exhausted, and the fact that i was ill wasnt helping anything.

    and that was it. im nearly to the end of the antibiotics now, but i've still got to carry on the steroids until i run out of those i think.

    is there anything they can do for post viral symptoms abbie?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by badabing
    I've always had low white blood cells, since i was in high school. I used to have blood tests every other week to monitor it, and underwent tests for leukemia and other such things related to the symptoms.

    thats what i was getting at but i'm glad to hear that you've already been tested for that :)
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