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Why Didn't He Call Me?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Okay, lads, the last few days've been a real torture for me and I want some explanations. Hope you can unweil a few secrets of your mentality.
The question is as old as this planet: Why Didn't He Call Me? Could anyone tell me please why after we went off together last Friday and everything seemed to go so wonderfully well, he disappeared and I haven't heard from him for the last 4 days?
I'm often told that I'm attractive and I usually get a lot of attention from men. We had a great time together talking for ages so I reckon he didn't think I was stupid. And he was clearly enjoying our conversation. There've been loads of romantic talking like "the stars", "your eyes" etc. and he practically swept my feet away with his compliments. What's more important I was really impressed and liked him a lot. He walked me home, took my number and said he'd give me a ring. Well, now when I've been having these huge expectations, the bastard just disappeared! There are no excuses such as "being busy" for him not to phone me, 'cos a simple phone call just takes 2 minutes! (And if he lost my number it's dead easy to trace me)
What on earth can be wrong with me? I am not a tart and if he was only after sex, well, hmm, he didn't get it on the first night! :-) But I certainly made sure that the hope remained :-))
Oh, God, I'm so confused! Please explain why would a mature man (he's 29) play such cheap tricks on girls?? What's wrong with me?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by j9j9:
    More to the point, didn't you get his number?


    I can't phone him myself, 'cos he lives and works at the SBA

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Some guys (even so called 'mature' 29 yr olds) seem to think they need to play hard to get. They like to be chased and feel that it will give them the upper hand in the relationship.
    Just don't chase the ass hole. Play it cool. If you still don't get what you expect, kick him to the curb, there are plenty more fish in the sea.
    Also, it is easier for girls to pull guys than vice versa so he will probably still be playing mind games with other girls when you meet the guy of your dreams.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Just a word of warning. There are a few men out there who give the rest of us a bad name. Yes, I know a little bit of romance is always welcome, but you really have to watch out for the ones who try to totally sweep you off your feet. The ones who are 'charming' in that way are often messing with your head, and like to play power games with your feelings. Watch out, it can be dangerous. You might be better off with someone a bit more straightforward.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Good for you RedEd. Shame there aren't more honest guys like you around. My hubby is one of the good ones. He was never into childish mind games which suits me just fine.

    However, some girls love the 'bastard factor'. I know girls that won't go out with guys just because they are too 'nice'. What's that all about? Challenge I suppose.

    Well not me. I like to be loved by someone that I love the same way.

    If that's what you expect in a relationship you should not deal with someone who plays so hard to get.

    It goes both ways too, sometimes the girl plays mind games while the guy sits at home wondering 'When is she going to call?'

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by j9j9:

    'scuse my ignorance, what's the SBA?


    SBA is a Sovereign Base Area. The bastard is a serving soldier and the only way I can phone him is to the HQ and get him into a right trouble :-))

    BTW, I might know the reason why he still didn't call me. I saw his mate the other night and I think he's after me. I suspect that the lad of my dreams backed off to give way to his mate. :-( This really makes me sick...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    More fool him then, Anele.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It could be he has just got cold feet and is not man enough to let you know!

    Or maybe he is on Active Service in the Army!?

    Good luck

    Alan London
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by j9j9:
    OMG, why do men do that?


    I reckon it's because of their own insecuruties :-)
    Anyway I've been abroad for 5 days, soon gonna see if anything changed for better :-)

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    To be honest.......
    Cos we're all bastards.
    Sometimes a man just can't be bothered, we get numbers all the time... just for the little black book... nothing else... I f you want a woman, we give out numbers n phone them if not we'll just lead em on then hope we never meet again cos we'll get moaned at.
    Give him 1 week max...
    Also I don't know bout other guys but I get really pissed off when girls expect u to phone them all the time... phone bills get ridiculus... Might b he's just waitng till he got some free time n then gonna phone u but more likely that he's told all his mates he fucked ya... had a laugh bout it and done the same thing the next night...
    Also explains y his mate is after ya... If he think that ya fucked on the first night most of the men he knows will be after ya, no giving way in the girl game... who gets her first gets the call on what happens.

    It's the truth!!!

    [This message has been edited by Daze (edited 16-08-2000).]
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