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I feel so ill....

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Ive got a cold, and a very bad cough, it hurts my chest a lot when i cough and it hurts physicaly as well, my head is sore, i keep feeling dizzy, i can hardly walk, and i feel disorientated half the time :( I even took today off work, and i hardly ever take any time off work regardless of wether im ill or not, If i try to sleep i just start to shiver and shake but if i sit up i dont shiver and shake, im constantly freezing cold, even though i have tracky bottoms on, socks, fleece jumper, t-shirt on, doesnt help:( ....
Any one else got any of these symtoms or know of someone who has got/had them...I got the cold from a guy i work with but his wasnt this bad...:confused:

Any advice also as to what i could take that would help me sleep at night, i was told night nurse or nightol(if thats how its spelt??)
Anyway just wanted to say that..

P.S i really am in pain constantly, i said no to my mum calling the doctor out coz they are shite, and misdiagnose everything and give you random medication to help you :eek2:


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    sounds like you have the flu? so the chemists would sell things for that.

    i think you should go to the doctors.. it could lead to something worse like pneumonia. you may not want to go but its better to be safe isnt it. i know what you mean though.. i've never found the doctor to be helpful, they never know whats wrong and ive lotst faith in them. but i still go..just to make sure.

    feel better soon.x.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hey rich21
    unfortunately we can't diagnose what's wrong with you on these boards - you're gonna have to speak to a doctor for that.
    If you don't feel happy with your own doctor, call NHS Direct - it's a really good service and you'll speak to trained medics who can help to get to the bottom of it.

    NHS Direct
    Advice and information on all health-related issues.
    Telephone: 0845 46 47
    Website: www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk

    In the meantime, rest up and look after yourself.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by spanner
    hey rich21
    unfortunately we can't diagnose what's wrong with you on these boards - you're gonna have to speak to a doctor for that.
    If you don't feel happy with your own doctor, call NHS Direct - it's a really good service and you'll speak to trained medics who can help to get to the bottom of it.

    NHS Direct
    Advice and information on all health-related issues.
    Telephone: 0845 46 47
    Website: www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk

    In the meantime, rest up and look after yourself.

    Cheers :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    So tell me something.....Is it normal to "blackout" when you have the flu, because it just happened to me!!
    Just phoning up the doctors for advice cause that feeling is so bad...!
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