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Double Dates

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Am going on a double date. The four of us are in the same group have been close friends for ages, so have been out just the four of us before, but never as anything like an official double date thing. (The other couple have only been together a short time, my fella and i have been mostly on but sometimes off for nearly three years) so theyre still in their mushy stage!

The four of us like our raves, thats our usual scene, me and the other girl dont like to dress up at all but are being forced, its not our thing. But the men have decided it will be nice to get dressed up (eek) go to a way too trendy bar in London, swanky restaurant then on to a club. (its an excuse for the other bloke to flash his cash to his gf i think!) Its going to be the four of us all night, dressed up and its really NOT my thing! Hopefully it will be fun we do have a laugh together but im a bit :nervous: is there any double date etiquette? Any survival tips?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You could always rebel :naughty:

    Couples in the mushy stage seem to have a minimum blast radius of at least a month, so my advice there is to try not to vomit if they start cooing to each other :yuck: Then again, I have been there so I really shouldn't complain!

    If you guys are good friends, then I'm sure that it will be a wicked night.

    Of course, if you know the other guy quite well, you may have lots of embarasing stories about him, stored up as live ammunition which you can start firing if the mush gets too deep. After all, embarasing your newly smitten mate is about as easy as shooting fish in a barrel with a shotgun.

    But really the best advice I can offer you is to relax and go with the flow.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hehe... im dreading the mushyness!! The other girl isnt into PDA but seeing my mate be all over her will be enough :p i think ill have to think up a few embarassing stories, or at least threaten him that they will be exposed if he starts making me hurl!!!
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